My exterior (stock) mirrors fade and stain really bad. I have tried a couple different waxes. Any one else have this problem or know a solution, or is repainting the only answer
Try this:
It's Meguires PlastX. Always worked good for me on my stock mirrors. Also good for other plastic parts like taillights/headlights.
Paint them, thats what I did.
wax it when you wash the car. shines up real nice. or paint them like he said. i painted mines also, rattlecan teal from dupla color
another thing you could do is clear them if you want to keep them black so that they still shine.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
meguiress tech wax shines them nicely for a couple weeks before u got to wax them again. if blacks ur color then rattle can them cost u like 8 bucks. or buff them
mine had some UV damage when I bought the car, turtle wax and about half an hour shined them up better than stock.
yep, this is one of the most widely unknown tricks in the book. a ton of ppl think 'ohh their faded, no chance in getting them to look good again'
ive found that you can use just about ANY kind of wax under the freakn sun and get them to look better then they did brand spranking new. its not rocket science. wax them every other car wash you do and they will be just fine forever.
All i did was take a buffer and some nice Mcguires and got them all spiffy again.
2001 Chevy Cavalier (Sandrift Metallic) 8 OHV of raw fury!