did anyone else order the w-type lip off of ebay(tunersoutlet) and receive it folded in half, packed into a box that it barely fit into? because that is what i received. and if you did how did you straiten it out?
ebay fails.

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Well that really helped him.
You need to get it warm so that you can fold it back into shape. Use a blow dryer or a heat gun if you have one. Just make sure you don't melt the thing. Once it is hot enough, you will be able to unfold it. You will need to find a way to keep it in the unfolded shape while it cools.
David Alameda (Zspeedcav) wrote:Well that really helped him.
You need to get it warm so that you can fold it back into shape. Use a blow dryer or a heat gun if you have one. Just make sure you don't melt the thing. Once it is hot enough, you will be able to unfold it. You will need to find a way to keep it in the unfolded shape while it cools.
or you could contact the seller / file a shipping claim
thanks for the quick responses. i talked to quik2k2z24 awhile ago about his and he said that is where he got his from. zspeed cav thanks for the help.
steven c. wrote:David Alameda (Zspeedcav) wrote:Well that really helped him.
You need to get it warm so that you can fold it back into shape. Use a blow dryer or a heat gun if you have one. Just make sure you don't melt the thing. Once it is hot enough, you will be able to unfold it. You will need to find a way to keep it in the unfolded shape while it cools.
or you could contact the seller / file a shipping claim
did this also, hopefully this will be resolved pain free
When i bought mine from someone on here thats how they sent it to me, and thats also how the place he bought it from sent it to him, and thats how I sent it out. If you leave it out in the sun on a warm day it should be enough to get it to go straight.
mine was the same and i bought from a very reputable seller on jbo; front and rears folded like a letter in an envelope. i left it out in the sun for a long time on a really hot day and all was cured

. the reason they do it is to barely get it by on ups instead of having to ship thru a freight carrier.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
thanks for all the help. looks like the heat gun is my best bet. hot days are till months away.
does rk sport happen to do the same thing, because i am most likely ordering the front and rear pieces soon
if i got a lip in the mail and it was folded id be making some phone calls....lol
and get shot down.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -