My car sat for a month, I just washed it and I cant get the water spots out. These are stains from sitting and not just washing and drying. What do you recommend.
Is it on the paint, glass, where exactly?
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Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! ![](/global/images/emoticons/cb.gif)
Paint, - the roof and hood
i was told to use meguiars #4 heavy cut cleaner, i've got them on my windows, i've bought the cleaner, just waiting for weather to break so i can do this, idk if it is ok on paint, i'll find out. But you can find it at Napa or carquest only usualy. i had a hard time finding it, about 10 bux a bottle.
If you're going to use the #4 Meguiars, then you'll need the #7 polish to finish it off.
WIth the #4, you'll be hitting up the paint pretty good, removing any oxidation, water spots, and other junk from the paint.
The #7 will then polish out what you've done and add nutrients back to the paint for that nice lustrous look we all desire.
I've been using this combination for years and after 10 years, the paint on the Cavy is like new or better.
I'd also try some Meguiars ColorX first to see if you really need such a cleaner as the #4.
I've used it also and is an excellent cleaner wax for spots too.
Good luck with it and you'll be surprised what the Meguiars products do for paint.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! ![](/global/images/emoticons/cb.gif)
Have you tried just washing it really good, and claying it?
Worst case scenerio, you'll have to do what was mentioned already. You'll have to wash, clay and buff it out really good with a wool pad and some good compound (like mentioned), then polish it and wax it,.