Don't mind the dirtiness, they will be cleaned.. IF I can still use that one.
I looked at them yesterday and the one was fine, went today(after I bought them) and some a-hole tore that one off.
Could a body shop mount it somehow?
I got them along with some black interior trim for $15.
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- putting the pieces back together -
Dont know if it makes a difference, but the inner tabs are all there and not broken, most still have the plastic bolt thing in them.
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- putting the pieces back together -
what are they for / from?
They are from a Sunfire, I'm planning on using them on my Cavalier.
The Sunfire was a 97' Coupe, my Cavalier is a 98' Coupe.
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- putting the pieces back together -
awww...i miss you too buddy
Agreed, the tabs are still there and can be used to mount the skirts without too much fanfare.
Just use some metal straps to mount them up to the vehicle as nobody is going to see them under the car.
It should'nt be too hard to do.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! ![](/global/images/emoticons/cb.gif)
You could always use Epoxy to place "new" tabs on there, too. There's actually a lot of easy ways to fix this problem; you'll be alright.