Sorry if this is a repost but have any of you seen this new Turtle Wax Ice Liquid Clay bar?
How the hell is liquid clay bar supposed to work? You would think that a regular clay bar has to work better and it costs less.
Anyone ever use this stuff?
I have tried it .. it sucks..
Nothing more then a bad paint cleaner.. Doesnt take swirls out.. or remove anything else for that matter..
Don't bother with it, get Mothers or Meguiars
^^^^ I already have an unused Meguiars one.... plus some of there wax (in the tin) and touch up spray..... all un used (I'm planning on detailing it in a day or 2....
I just saw this stuff on the shelf while I was at fleet farm and it threw me.
It looks like this... I actually laughed when I saw it and the clerks where looking at me funny LOL
Get meguiars it is the best @!#$ you can get imo / J-Bodies of Kentucky
Yeah its total BS for sure. No substitute for the real deal.
IT's kind of funny actually, I remember going into the parts store as a little kid with my dad and the choices for wax consisted of Kit Carnuba wax or Turtle Wax hardshell finish. They definitely didn't apply or come off as easy as todays waxes either, or do as good of a job.