Last year when I got my car, it had no rust so far as I could tell, and before I knew exactly how %#$@ed my car would be during the winter, I became lazy with washing it.
Now I've got rust... In various spots.
The good news is it all seems to be smaller than dime sized, although I do have a few areas under the paint which I don't like very much.
With it being August already, I'm wondering what you guys would do in my situation. Should I just sit out the winter, and take as good care of my car as possible, and get it rust scraped and repainted next spring, or should I get it taken care of now, and actually not be a jackass this winter.
I want to get my car painted a new color anyway, so I figured I'd get the rust and that stupid $#!@ing dent taken care of at the same time as I get it painted, to minimize costs and time in the body shop.
Thanks for your opinions/help guys.
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take care of it now!! the rust will just get worse whether it sits or drives!
Sand it off and prime it with a rust inhibitor, then spray touch up and clear now. It takes barely any time and the materials are cheap I can't imagine why you wouldn't do it. Your car doesn't need to go to the body shop for this so it's not going to make a difference to you 'minimizing' time and cost in the shop.
<<<<<2003 Sunfire Sedan>>>>>
Well the reason I haven't taken care of it yet is because I'm worried that I'll start sanding and find out that it's worse than I originally thought, and not know how to take care of it from there, so I figured I'd just pay to have it taken care of and have it be the end of it. I've never done any type of work like this, and feel like I'd screw something up.
But I guess you're right, better to sand it off and maybe be done with it than let it sit and gather.
Also, I'm repainting the car soon anyway, so I'll just sand it and rust inhibitor it.
Fusion 9 Design // For all your web design needs!
If you dont do it now it is going to be worse when you finally get to it.
I'm getting pretty handy with a rattle can myself, since my car has decided rust is in style. It's actually pretty good odds you'll find solid metal underneath if the rust has only shown itself in the last season. Unless it's already falling off in chunks, you're at least likely to buy time by sanding, prepping, priming, painting, and clearcoating.
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