For the older third gens that use the 9005/9006 high/low headlights, are the low beams supposed to correspond to the outer reflector portion of the housing?
Mine do, and I found old photos that show they always have. This would settle it, except my co-worker drivers the same car and his are reversed. I also spotted a different third-gen cavy that was driving with the inners lit.
Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Inners are high beams...DRLs use the high beams at 50% voltage. So while driving, the inners will be lit.. Unless you turn on your low beams then just the outters will be lit. Then if you hit High beams the inners will be lit but at full voltage.
Alright, that might explain it. My DRLs have never worked, and I always drive with my low beams turned on manually. This would be why other cars headlights would look reversed to me.
Shop Manuals, Brochures:
and just a secret for ya. if you use a 9005 bulb in your low beams also youll have an extra 10 watts output. really helped me when driving around town at night. all you have to do is cut the little tongues out of where the plug plugs in to the bulb.