I want to build a custom set of 95 cavalier headlights but i have a few questions wiring, fiberglass, and construction.
Will fiberglass stick to the headlight housing? or will i need to make the backing custom and use sealer to hold it on the back?
If i go with one bulb how do i use both headlight settings? highs and lows
and last but not least how do you get the light housing seperated from the glass?
"HONDA" tech wana-be
Well I can help you a bit I think. If you wanna use one bulb then you can splice the harness to a 00+ They used a single bulb head light. I know that there have been some threads on here on how to get the clear light seperated from the housing. Good luck. I have no clue on what to do for the fiberglass and light. Maybe make a mold and just glue the thing to the back of the light. Who knows. Good luck.
thanks for the help i didnt even think of that. the plan is to build a one bulb 95-99 headlights has anyone done this yet? or did everyone go the easy way and do a 2K swap.
also i know i could break the front of the lights off but they already have clear lenses so im trying to keep away from that
"HONDA" tech wana-be
to seperate the glass from the housing just heat your oven to about 200 degrees and let them set in there for 5 mins and then take them out and take a screwdriver and pry slowly depending on the glue might have to set in longer thats how i did mine came apart easily
thanks man, was that for 95-99 or with the 2Ks?
PS: your car is hot it looks so mean in your sig with those halos, whats next for it?
"HONDA" tech wana-be
it is the same for both headlights. I use to have the 95-99 style and the came off just as easy of the 00-02.
Thanks for the comment and for whats next will hopefully be shown in the next couple weeks when everything comes in. I just dont want to say anything until I have it all on. The only person who knows is Josh at Izn Trbl inc
the headlight housing, i want the 95-99 lights to look stock but have one bulb instead of 2 ill do a photoshop when i get home if you need to see what i mean.
"HONDA" tech wana-be
yeah do that so I can get an idea for you
hope this helps....im not the best at mouse painting
i know i could just swap to the 2Ks but those are to big for my taste. i like the look of the 95 front and i want to keep that look. just with 1 bulb headlights
"HONDA" tech wana-be
Swap the 2k and add lower eyelids to them to return to the 99 look.
My Car Domain
have you thought about taking the 2000 headlights and dremel out the mounting for the light? Could be an easy fix to reduce from two bulb mounts to one. I don't personally know much about fabbing, but could you take the foam that i see so many people use, and make an internal mold, then remove the center divider and remold it. Then to get the colors right get some of that chrome paint? Not sure if it would give the right inner reflective nature. Also not sure about the mounting issue once these would be crafted. Again you were looking for some help, I am sure these concepts are possible, however i don't know enough to actually tell you how to do them. Wish you the best of luck and will keep an eye on this post,
LMFAO I looked in my email and said what the hell is this. I don't even remember this post.
I love when people carry on a year old conversation.....