Hey. new to the forum. Figured I would start with an easy question.
I took off the moldings on my doors and quarter panels because on one side the paint was chipping and looked horrible. Not all of the tape holding it on came off. Is there an easy way to remove this stuff w/o damaging the paint. Also a power washer was used to remove the pinstripe because i didnt like it. Turpentine can easily take off the residue but i am pretty sure that this would damage the clearcoat, correct?
there are a number of different products you can use, when I used to detail at a GM dealer we just used to use a heat gun and rubber scraper, followed by prep-all to clean up side moldings.
I've also just recently used Goo-Gone Xtreme when I took off the side mouldings on my g/f's car...ablsolute miracle product! It's like $6 at Wal-Mart, took off any left over residue and wiped right off, totally clear coat safe, and it'll work to clean up where your pin stripe was as well.
Goo Gone Xtreme for the win
Goo Gone, Goof Off, Gasoline.. whatever you use, just make sure to wash and wax afterward.
Thanks, I'll stop by walmart today and get some goo-gone. Hope it works

After I do this I just need to take some dents out of the trunk and roof and the body is back in good shape.
thanks again.