Im planning on tinting my car within the next few weeks, and i'm planning on going with 20% in the rear 3 windows and 35% on the front 2 windows. Im worried that the difference in the two tints might make it look ... funny?
So does anyone have pictures of a black 03+ 2dr cav with a difference in tint from front to back. All other years are welcome, I'm just being picky.
Not exactly the tint job you are looking for, but I have 17% all around...
I've got that combo on my Subaru, it looks fine. I can post a pic if you want, but it's not a Cav
any time you go with 2 different shades it looks like ass...
My old car 20% all around
Where are you located? Just wondering because what you want MAY be illigal.
anyhoo I do this for a living all day every day, So my best suggestion is YES it will look a little funny. 35% is pretty light whereas 20% will be dark.
MY suggestion, Is to Go 35% on The Side doors AND 1/4 windows and 20% on just the back.
My Personal car is 15% on the sides and 27% on the back glass(State law here is 27% On the sides and the rear so i AM illigal) I did the rear in 27% because it looks darker anyway and when a cop is behind me he is less likely to notice the sides are darker.
Keep in mind the color of your interior will GREATLY affect the look of your film from the outside. I have a Dark Grey and Black interior which produces a VERY dark look. However if you have the aqua or light tan interior even 15% will look lighter on your car.
TONS of pics:
Hope it helps!
I stock 5,15,30, and 35 so let me know if you need any other examples!
20% on 4 side windows in my Sig, back window is 5%. I had 20 on the rear and 35 on the front for a total of 15 minutes and hated it.
Well my car aint black but i do have my windows tinted the way you want to get yours.
Atk2008: HOT CAR, nuff said...
stargrrrl: Depends on what kind of Subaru!
Mr. Kleindl: I dont want my car to look like ass.... lol
SpyWiz: I'm in Minnesota where the laws are 50%. I had a 92 talon with 20% all around and never once got a ticket. It had a tan interior and my cav also has tan but im trying to stay a little more on the legal side.
Twisted Cav: Did you tint them yourself?
Uniform tint, don't do 2 shades!
BTW that angle is obviously copyrighted! Just noticed that!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:07 AM
Elementality158 wrote:
stargrrrl: Depends on what kind of Subaru! ![](/global/images/emoticons/ab.gif)
It's in my profile, probably not what you'd want to see judging by how you've said it lol... but I love my Outback :-) Point being, I have the exact tint you asked for on that car. My husband hates driving with dark tint & I like at least looking like I'm trying to be legal, which is why we went with 2 shades. IMO it looks fine, but then again it's more of what you'd see on an SUV instead of a car & a wagon may pull that off better than a coupe.
i got the chrome fade tint , not really a leagl tint anymore .
my Escort had 22% on the rear windows , i left the 2 front windows untinted since it was a 4 door
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
I got 15% on the sides and 5% in the rear... looks almost the same at night LOL.
Last night i couldnt get the idea of tinting my car out of my head so i went out and got the materials and did it myself, I did 20% all around.... Thats all that was in stock. But i am very satisfied with the results. Very clean! The only problem i ran into was the rear window with the defrost lines and all the little dots at the top, it still doesnt want to stick to the little dots. Any suggestions?
And it's slightly peeling back from the little black dots on the rear window above the defrost lines.
heat, heat and heat, get it hot, squeegee it down, and heat it more until it shrinks into the dots
91 all white drop top. Need parts!!!
I have 20 or 25% i think all the way around and it looks really nice. I also got the sunroof tinted so dark I can look at the sun without getting sunglare. I don't have any pics with the new tint on. The guy that tinted it told me to bring it back in a month and he would spray paint the dotted area, I didn't get to and now it's a liquor store.
Vinyl the dots, If you paint them it will not turn out near as well and it will smell horrible. No matter how much you heat them they will NEVER stay down on a J-Body.
ONE other option is to paint the Matrix with a coat of Clear(spray paint works, and Tint over them, the Clear will promote adhesion. However this can be hit-or-miss.
This is my rear glas with the Dat Matrix covered in Vinyl:
Oh sweet I'll have to find some. Thanks for the info.
As pro I am on vinyling the dot matrix at the top, the '02 LS Sport sedan has been tinted over the dot and it's held up just fine and looks great.
It can be done.
Well i got pulled over today for my tint. The cop tested it and said it was about 14% and he also told me that passenger vehicles cannot have anything under 50% anywhere on the vehicle. I swear i've read the Minnesota tint laws online that said the back 3 can be tinted to anything. I got a ticket and he said they dont issue warnings anymore because no body takes them seriously.
I read a little more on it now. Any van truck or suv can have the rear windows tinted to anything, but on passenger vehicles 50% is the limit in Minnesota. Although there are medical exemptions for special tint. I doubt it would be worth the effort but it would be nice to set something up to try and get them to change the law.