Stock latch should be fine, unless the hood is real flimsy and the corners lift and flap on the freeway, I don't see the need in using hoodpins
Hood pins are extra insurance. The will keep the secure if the stock latch rips out of the hood. Personally i would never run a F/G or C/F hood without hood pins. In the end hood pins are cheaper than the repair bill for when the hood flies up and smashed your roof, windshield, and hood.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
8 years on 2 different cavs and never had hood pins. never a problem. but my hood was direct from RK sport so i know the quality was great. then some old whore ran a red light then all it did was separate. little bit of resin and it was good again. its on a buddy of mines car with out hood pins as well

simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
i've had mine for about 8k miles, not a problem w/o pins. i drive the thruway 90% of the time at 70mph so i say no pins man
but hes not getting an RK hood though.. who knows the quality on the hood. my rk hood doesnt need pins for a fact.. its been on three 3s. but my current oem hood may need them eventually. since there was a slite crack where on of the latch bolts is. but even this hood doesnt really need pins. if that companies products are anything like the cheap ones on ebay with very thin material, you WILL need pins for sure.
i have the class glass hood, i've had the hood for about 6 years... no problems,and i,ve had my share of 70+ mph days, so i vote no hood pins...BUT really its all up to preference. good luck with your decision
ClassGlass / RkSport / Eibach / Motegi / Ractive / Borla / K&N
no need for hood pins on that hood. nobody has had problems with this hood and i have had it myself. no pins
plus it will look better without pins too
14.4 @ 101 Bradenton Motorsports Park 11/22/08
I've had a SS hood for a year without hood need works great stock