I've really been contemplating lately on ditching the stripes on my car.. What do you guys think? They have really grown on me over the years, and really make the car stand out. I think it would really make the car look a lot cleaner without them though.
In doing this..I would probably paint the wheels black also and go for a red/black/carbon fiber theme..
Entierly up to you man. I for one, don't like stripes at all.....but its your car. But I'd vote take them off :p

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
i say take em off IMO. but are you sure about the red/black/cf? you dont think its been done and done again?
BC Fire 70 wrote:i say take em off IMO. but are you sure about the red/black/cf? you dont think its been done and done again?
Not sure what other way I'd take the car.. I alreayd kind of have it going with my rear end, tinted windows, and interior
quick (bad) chop of black wheels
i say leave the wheels, leave the stripes!
you know on second thought, keep the stripes. but be original with rest of design. just my extra 2 cents
I really don't like that lip paint at all, it just ruins the cleanliness. And, as much as I normally dislike stripes, I like them on your car, especially since they're rare among j's. I understand you got to mix it up every now and then, but I say keep it as is!
I say leave the stripes but get them extended to the ends of the bumpers. Also leave the wheels the way they are!

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
I think the silver stripes on red is hot looking.
The lip paint makes it look like a monte carlo wanna be IMO
JM Graphics / The Sticker Guy! wrote:I think the silver stripes on red is hot looking.
The lip paint makes it look like a monte carlo wanna be IMO
Some good buckeye colors too boot
I was thinkin that or 2nd gen z24 cavy's
get the wheels black. and go w/ c/f stripes! <not sure on that tho!
WiGM-Tuners member.
OhForKavy wrote:quick (bad) chop of black wheels

I just jizzed in my pants! Keep the stripes
i like clean solid red like you got there....no stripes would be my vote. but i love your wheels as is! if anyone needs wheels painted its me...lol
Ditch them stripes for sure.
And are you still interested in trading center caps?
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Check it out! -->
lol such mixed votes..that's how it is in my head..I'm in a personal battle..lolol..
Mark- Sorry got rid of my LS wheels for these.
02 redbadged - That had crossed my mind a while back..but without doing c/f vinyl(tacky) not sure how i'd pull that one off..
One idea I did have was two-toning it..spray the hood, trunk, and roof black, leaving the stripes on as a mask then pulling them off, to reveal the red stripes.
I vote keep em, dont see too many with stripes and it works well with your car. Don't go two tone, already too many people doing that ..... including me