Does anyone know where i can find this kit to purchase i looked every place i can think of besides the dealer
GM quit making the kit long ago and it has become extremely hard to find since no one makes it anymore. Not to mention they only had it in production for a very short period of time. Your best bet is to check ebay they pop up on there from time to time and also on here if anyone is selling one. Good luck its a beautiful kit but very rare.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

They guy who was selling them on ebay sold all his kits off. Hyspy is trying to get a fiberglass knock off made, but it isnt the 1st time he tried so who knows if it'll go threw this time. No matter what be prepared to pay for the kit original or knock off, they are not cheap.

You can buy my kit off me. its the full kit. front, sides, rear, center, motor, trans, gauges, turbo kit, and the rest of the car goes with it.
otherwise he is trying to do a knock off and quite a few of us hope it doesnt happen. i know one person paid almost 4 figures for his and drove a lot of miles to get it. i know i did the same. but hey, everything has its price.
i know most people who have them worked hard and were patient to get them.
that sucks lol but ok i guess the only thing i can do i keep an eye open thanks
Tinkles wrote:BuiltNBoosted wrote: i know one person paid almost 4 figures for his and drove a lot of miles to get it. i know i did the same.
Same here.
Right place, wrong time, right person, wrong situation