I'm attempting to make a fiber glass battery cover atm. I picked up the resin, body filler, mat ETC. Now what can i used to cover the battery with so that i can brush on some resin for a base? I'm afraid that painting tape will be too porous.
Any ideas?
PVA is the correct release agent to use, but there is alot more to getting a mold to release than just a release agent. There is hours of body work involved to get a smooth surface, atleast 4-5 coats of wax, and 2 coats of PVA. That is the proper way.
People have gotten tin foil coated with old deodorant to work. www.fiberglassforums.com is a good place to pick up some tips.
I've used electrical tape to edge fiberglass sideskirts to fit the contour of the car.
I've used wax paper, it's hit or miss tho
so how would you guys go about doing this?
I have failed thus far. i have the battery. Now what?
Ive worked with glass before, but never had to make something to fit something else.
I wouldn't actually use the battery as a mold. I would get the measurements of the battery and make a form (maybe out of wood). You could lay your glass ontop of this form. I haven't looked at my battery with a cover in mind so I don't really know what the best way to secure it would be. You would just need to figure that out and measure. These things usually take a bit of experimentation.
sndsgood wrote:no, using the battery is fine, just get white 3m maskint tape, mask the battery with 2 layers. get it to lay as flat as possible. then use spay glue and glue aluminum foil to the tape. then just spray the aluminum foil with pam cooking spray. thats all that is needed really.
And keep the tin foil away from bare battery posts
"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
Wouldn't you want a little bit of room for your cables? I didn't even think about our batteries not having actual posts.
sndsgood wrote:no, using the battery is fine, just get white 3m maskint tape, mask the battery with 2 layers. get it to lay as flat as possible. then use spay glue and glue aluminum foil to the tape. then just spray the aluminum foil with pam cooking spray. thats all that is needed really.
this is exactly what I would do. However I hate using the white 3m tape. I always use either blue or green 3m tape. The white always seems to soak up more resin than the blue or green IMO.
As well as what Gary suggested. A little tin foil touching the battery ports could be bad, lol.
lol i know that much. ill be careful. Ill let you guys know how it comes out!