I don't have a set handy to check, But does anyone know if the Z24 foglights match the shape of the holes between the turn signals and center opening in the IF front?
Here are a couple pics
They look very close in shape to me, Anyone have any pics of this done?
no. the sit behind it. i am trying ti figure out how to mount them so they do line up
I know they will sit behind the bumper, I'm asking if the shape of the fog light fits the openings right next to the turn signals.
Mounting is not really an issue for me, I can make something for it.
slightly smaller i believe.
Sweet. I got another part on my junkyard list now
i tried it... but it is slightly bigger then the opening. also there isnt enough space behind the bumper. because of the bumper beam support for the fog lights and the brackets
also in the stock location the lights are actually right behind the vertical part in between the center grill area and the smaller opening./
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Monday, June 14, 2010 1:28 AM
I am certain this has been done. If i remember correctly, some posted pics of this within the last 6 months....I'll try to find it , it may help you.
the bumper and anything behind the if cover is not a problem. I have my buddies named sawzall, grinder and welder for anything that is in my way.
Sounds like they are close to the same shape. everything else is no problem for me.