today i decided i was going to paint my rims so i took them all off at once and when i was finished i went to open the door and it bent the fender, idk why it happened unless the jack stands bent the pench weld and pulled the fender back. how can i fix this so when i put a new fender on that it wont bend that one to?
Why did you put the car on jackstands on the pinch weld? That's not a strong enough point to support the weight on a jackstand... only the crappy stock jack, which is meant for the pinch weld (but a little further back.. where the seam is thicker, not at the end where the fender mounts to).
You can straighten the pinch weld back out with a pair of pliers and some brute force...
Didnt you post a similar topic about your fender breaking because of a jackstand or something, and how you wanted to make sure before you replaced your fender it wouldnt happen again? If not sorry, but this seems very similiar, and my advice, is what John said.