Ive heard from 2 people already that some russian communist was murdered in Mexico, I heard from them that Lenin was assassinated in Mexico, but then I looked it up and he died in Gorki, Russia near Moscow. So now I ask the help of you guys to try to find who was assasinated in Mexico? (they said he was struck with an axe)
Leon Trotsky, he opposed Stalin's policies and used his writings to say so and he got whacked like most of Stalin's opponents
did a quick google and found that, I didn't read the whole thing but what I scanned over seemed pretty accurate.
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
I knew that I remembered the story from somewhere, learned about Trotsky in international politics last semester when we studies Stalin.
Ahh yes... Snowball. (read Animal Farm

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^^ Damn right. Almost as good as 1984.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.