It doesn't surprise me, just annoys me when the United States contradicts itself in situations like this. No one is allowed to have a powerful military but us, otherwise there's a problem. Maybe they are ensuring the ability to protect themselves from the United that never crossed their minds!
"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
I think this basically sums up why we might have a problem with it...
"the Pentagon concludes that China has long-term ambitions to extend its power throughout the Pacific region."

Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
we are the big dog now and we have to remain the big dog if we don't we may all be speaking CHINESE years down the road, believe me those china men would CRUSH us without blinking an eye given the oppurtunity just like they tried to do in Pearl harbor!!!
Those China men are still holding a grudge against us for CRUSHING communism and for when we bombed thier @sses after Pearl Harbor MUCH LIKE the south still holds a grudge against us Northern folk for crushing them during the civil war
BlacKMagiC wrote:Those China men are still holding a grudge against us for CRUSHING communism and for when we bombed thier @sses after Pearl Harbor MUCH LIKE the south still holds a grudge against us Northern folk for crushing them during the civil war
*back for another one
thank you that is all...
Niceguy4186 wrote:I think this basically sums up why we might have a problem with it...
"the Pentagon concludes that China has long-term ambitions to extend its power throughout the Pacific region."
Just like Saddam had WMD's too huh?
"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
All the chinese have are men. We have men and plenty of ammo to beat the s@#$ out of them. Look at the end of the Korean War, we killed like three waves of them with like ten men.
Are you sure it wasn't the Chinese who were flying those old bombers with the huge Japan Flag on the tail end of their plane? (sarcasm)
BlacKMagiC wrote:Those China men are still holding a grudge against us for CRUSHING communism and for when we bombed thier @sses after Pearl Harbor MUCH LIKE the south still holds a grudge against us Northern folk for crushing them during the civil war
You have got to be one of the dumbest people ever. Have you heard of a thing called a hsitory book. On December 7, 1941 JAPAN attacked Pearl Harbor. China was on our side.
Do you even know why Japan attacked us for?
Pretty good read, it also as to do, but the article didnt say so that the US was supplying Britan with war supplies, another reason they attacked.
We never really got back at Japan until August 6 and 8 , 1945 when we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, killing over 250,000 people. People caught on fire and ran into rivers but the water didnt evevn put out the fire.
As for the South still holding a grudge against the North, I have never really heard that one before, but if you say so it must be true. And with your knowledge of US history I wouldnt doubt anything you say, it is all correct.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
yeah and I'm sure the chinese are the ones that slaughtered their own people and forced their women into sex camps.. o wait that's what they did after we saved their tails. Annnnnnyywayys I think the pentagon has a valid concern here, obvisouly China is building up their military. They're the only major communist power out there and while they take capitalist money they would love to see the whole world under the commie flag. It just ticks me off how we justify one war by saying we're spreading freedom and freeing a country and yet we don't support a free Taiwan. As far as military doctrines, yes china has no concern for its soldiers contrary to the US, they will send waves of suicide attacks against whoever they're attacking, but with an infantry in the millions its only a matter of time before they break through.
<img src=""> Old school Js rock
Are you sure it wasn't the Chinese who were flying those old bombers with the huge Japan Flag on the tail end of their plane? (sarcasm)
EXACTLY thank you ALEX
were you guys THERE??? didn't think so my grandfather took down 3 of those planes with nothing but Cambells soup cans nailed the pilots square in the head when they swooped down close enuff he had a real good throwin arm WASN'T MUCH with a gun but he'd nail you with a soup can any day of the week HE told me they were CHINA MEN so git on wit yerselves
Chamillionaire wrote:
It doesn't surprise me, just annoys me when the United States contradicts itself in situations like this. No one is allowed to have a powerful military but us, otherwise there's a problem. Maybe they are ensuring the ability to protect themselves from the United that never crossed their minds!
I'm really tired of them bugging every country to about their weapons. The US has 2600 MORE nuclear weapons than any other country. Most likely the reason no other country has bitched about that is they fear Bush will invade them for speaking out.
With North Korea, yeah they may have a few. Like they would ever use one, if they did their country would be a vast wasteland and thats it.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
Rob S wrote:Chamillionaire wrote:
It doesn't surprise me, just annoys me when the United States contradicts itself in situations like this. No one is allowed to have a powerful military but us, otherwise there's a problem. Maybe they are ensuring the ability to protect themselves from the United that never crossed their minds!
I'm really tired of them bugging every country to about their weapons. The US has 2600 MORE nuclear weapons than any other country. Most likely the reason no other country has bitched about that is they fear Bush will invade them for speaking out.
With North Korea, yeah they may have a few. Like they would ever use one, if they did their country would be a vast wasteland and thats it.
problem is, these countries could care less about their people and resources they just want to be a threat, its just their way of thinking and that's why they're so dangerous, in north korea the people are starving while the government spends all its money on weapons. China still arrests people who speak against the government and who participate in any "non state approved" religion. Power is all these countries leaders care about.
<img src=""> Old school Js rock
Before he died my Grandfather Corporal Emmit 'Soup Can' Thomas US Navy told me that the world is going to end because of nuclear weapons
He told me that back in his day when gangs use to just fight WITH FISTS OR SOUP CANS that the people just got hurt but lived to fight another day...but then guns started to come into the picture and people's just like with war the more sophisticated you get the more causualties you have only this time with NUKES EVERYBODY'S gonna be a casualty one of these days GOD REST HIS SOUL Corporal Emmit 'Soup Can' Thomas A man among men
The Chinese Government is the only ones which dictate foreign policy and its ruled with an Iron Fist. The Chinese people do want democracy, Remember 1989 and the uprisings? Americans need to quit blaming the rest of the world and look in the mirror to understand why we are becoming less popular around the world. Americans are viewed as rich, spoiled and arrogant. I'd have to say thats right compared to the rest of the world.

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:... Americans are viewed as rich, spoiled and arrogant. ...
Arrogant and ignorant, maybe even imbecile with dubya the statesman at the helm (because, you KNOW he's such a great diplomat and negotiator). </stingingsarcasm>
China is building up their military because they percieve the Americans to be a threat. 2600 more nuclear weapons be damned, they have Soviet designs for the *ahem* largest yeild nuclear weapon on earth.
Taiwan is not going to be a battle ground juuust yet. If North Korea becomes beligerent, then I suspect that the UN will step in with troops (I can't see that area becoming a steaming pile like Iraq, I'd say it'll go hot FAST). If North Korea gets let off its chain, then Taiwan will go, and more than likely Japan will become the next big target, but by that time I think Beijing and Washington D.C. will both be very unfriendly neighbourhoods due to the radiation.
China will be defeated with economic bombs, not nuclear ones. Once the common Chinese have some money and power, they're going to want more. One country, two systems will probably see a move towards a more open market. Hopefully, that will suss itself out a bit better than with the Russians.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
China rocks.
They are gonna be the next super power for sure.

They already are the next superpower.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example. wrote:China rocks.
They are gonna be the next super power for sure.
I doubt that any country that imprisons its intellectuals is going to last very long, just look at how short of a time it took Russia to self-destruct
<img src=""> Old school Js rock
Czar-ist Russia was imprisoning Scientists and other revolutionary thinkers for years before it fell. Nikola Tesla would have been imprisoned had he not fled.
Remember McCarthy? The people he smeared may or may not have been communist sympathisers, but he effectively killed many hundreds of people's careers, merely because they didn't agree with the way things were going at the time.
China has quite a few philosophers, political misfits (with pro-west leanings) and others that are imprisoned that have committed acts tantamount to thought crime.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.