Is this real? Is the man stupid? Why, if they do have this war plan, would he talk about it publicly.. Is this his way of being a whistle-blower?
If this plan is real and they intend to carry it out, it is very, very serious for the rest of the world, not just the US, but especially the US. If the plan is real though, why was he talking about it? We should know soon enough. If he ends up dead, the plan was real and will now need to be modified. If He lives for more than a year, he never said it in the first place. This is far too serious to take the face value of a text report. We now need audio/video confirmation.
Terrible stuff.
China-Russia war games under way
Analysts say China and Russia are signalling they are prepared to counter US dominance in international affairs.
<img src="">
I don't know how i feel about this. any nation who threatens the US with nukes, is basically putting a rope around it's neck. To actully use one against the US, pretty much jumping off a bridge with that rope around your neck.
We have thousands and thousands of nukes that can blow up the world 10X over... why? to make it too costly for any nation to use one out of fear of retialation.
But i think china has to fear more economic sacations more than anything. If we cut off all trade from them... ouch

Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
I can understand them needing more room to live but going to war with us especialy a nuclear war would be suicideal. We have enough nukes to destroy the earth how many times over again? I agree completely with niceguy they'd be insane to do it. The way our missle defense network works we would launch the instant we saw an attack.
This would truely be the end of the world type stuff they've had in movies for years.
God I hope its not true.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I can understand them needing more room to live but going to war with us especialy a nuclear war would be suicideal. We have enough nukes to destroy the earth how many times over again? I agree completely with niceguy they'd be insane to do it. The way our missle defense network works we would launch the instant we saw an attack
For real... doesn't this "living space" argument sound like Nazi Germany in the 1930's? Does China want to gain enemies or allies by saying this? Jeez! How do the neighboring nations feel when the biggest military force in the world says it wants to expand... lol
And the Chinese must be morons to use the nuke card... don't they know that if they use them against us we will use them back? We got through 40 years of Cold War without using them (mutual assured destruction is a good deterrant) and China actually wants to to destroy the world just to get a little island off the coast??!! Not to good for the economy jackasses to destroy your trade partners!
I guess China needs to pull the nuke card cuz it can't beat us conventionally (because of our navy and air force)... unfortunately if Russia gets involved then we have little chance since Russian forces would tip the balance.
But if Russia jioned in that would bring the possibility of nukes BACK into the mix and I don't see Putin doing that.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
First: China is becoming as beligerant as the US and Russia were.
Second: they have Nukes. deal with it.
Third: China is doing what the US has traditionally done... go to foreign countries, buy the rights to the oil, or do that and set up shop.
Fourth: Russia and China have shared Nuclear technology, so they both have the biggest bombs. The US has only marginally more, and showing their hand isn't a bad thing. At least they're giving you the warning as opposed to getting more and more pissed off in secret and then just hitting the launch button when their submarines are hovering outside a few sub pens.
Competition again.... remember that?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I don't see how this could remain a US vs China/Russia affair... its more of a total world conflict and if it happened I'm sure the side that begins to lose first will use nukes... its a certainty.
If a war started with China and Russia as allies they would have to deal with Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan in the East and the entire continent of Europe which would be on the side of the US. Europe is "The West" to China and China wants to unite the world under Communist rule... I think this statement may worry the Russians unless they want to revert back to Communism... who knows?
At the same time India, Australia, and other Pro-Western Asian nations would have to be dealt with.. .and India has a billion people and nukes... India would most likely attack Pakistan and that would blow up into a nuclear war... The Arab nations would go all out against Israel and that war would envelop the MidEast. Who knows what side China would take in that conflict? Africa may not involve itself except probably Egypt, who has a bone to pick with Israel.
This is just the Old World now... China could not get to America without Russian help (they could use the Kamchatka peninsula into Alaska). Without Russia, Chinese invasion fleets would be annhilated by the US Navy and Air Force (the US coast is out of range of escort fighters from China). Anything that survived would be wiped out on the beaches. With Russian help the Chinese could enter Alaska although there would be a ferocious naval and air battle to cross the Bering Sea (the Chinese could never secretly mass troops in Russia without us knowing). Most of the Chinese would make it since we don't have much up there to resist but they would be forced to fight their way from Alaska through Canada just to reach our main 48 states. They would have made a big mistake because our military is superior to theirs technology-wise. On the flat plains of Canada or the US our Abrams tanks and infantry weapons would massacre the Chinese "human-wave attacks" that they seem to use (see Korea). Plus the US population would not just sit back, they would fight back in house-to-house fighting... just think of the South, they are armed to the teeth. I think the Chinese attack would be defeated before they could take many major cities.
Then there's the nuke card hich would be played by someone by the time a US invasion occurred (India-Pakistan)... the Chinese would have to think hard about using nukes since they would assure their own destruction as well as the US. I think they would try a conventional attack and use nukes if they had no other options. The Russians, already in a bad state, would not use nukes especially after the Cold War.
All and all, this is a bad scenario...
I wouldn't give many of those linked stories much thought. China won't need living space after it's citizens die via starvation from economic collapse caused by nuking their biggest buyer of
It won't happen. Don't get all scared.
Gam what makes you think they wont come after your snow covered butts as well?
If China decides along with Russia to come after the U.S. how long do you really think Canada could stay out of it? I'm not trying to start with you but our military is a little better equiped then yours. True your troops have proven to be quite formitable but your troops being well prepaired do not compare to the collective forces of the U.S. and it wouldn't take China or Russia long to figure this out and come after you as well. And
Mexico would be screwed too. All the Chinse and Russians would need to do is wait for them to take there afternoon naps and then they could just walk in. We're in this together if it every comes down to it.
But I think AGuSTiN is right, I wouldn't put to much weight in these "threats".
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jack: I wasn't implying anything... If Russia were to invade, they'd do so across the Bering straight, it would be suicide to try to mobilise their standing army over the pole. The best that could be hoped for is an airborne/air bombing campaign over the pole, and troop movement into alaska. The general scheme was worked out in the 50's IIRC.. it's why the DEW-line was created and the entire reason Alert, NWT exists.
The way to wrangle China and Russia into compliance is through economic leverage.
Russia is having problems with their criminal element, and the FSB and other city agencies are working to crank down on that... China is still dealing with corruption at higher levels in the party, as well as trying to mop up it's shabby reputation with regards to human rights.
All there is to really say about it is that they're just waiting to really kick up their manufacturing abilities... and THEN you'll see the US have to alter its economy to either information/technology base or something else, because China will not have a problem with willing manpower.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Think about it economically...
If a white person opens a shop in a mostly black community, he's not gonna go to work dressed as a Klan member, is he?
It would be stupid, they would be scaring their #1 customer away.
But if it would go down, it would probably go down like this

^^^WTF mate? China won't do it. Economically, they'd be screwed. And I doubt they'd try to invade through canada.
Premium as of January 25, 2005. Support the Org.
China has an increasingly powerful economy and most products that we buy in this country are made there, even weapons that we have for the military
Instead of worrying about a relatively "insignificant" nation such as iraq on the threat scale which doesnt even have the means to control itself much less attack anyone else, we should be worried about a country that has nukes, 4 BILLION ppl compared to our 300 million, and as strong an economic presence, not to mention im sure north korea would join right up with them. This is who we should be worried about not the middle east.
This chinese general is a modern day hitler they are one in the same , seeking to take over the world for what they believe is thier "superior" race by any means needed.

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
China's population is about 1.2 Billion.
India has about the same # of people and medium range nuclear weapons, and a beef with Pakistan over Kashmir. Pakistan has about 160 million people (including Usama Bin Laden more than likely), med. range nuclear weapons, AND has sold CBRN technologies to other nations.
Also, China won't be doing anything as long as there is a NATO country that has Nuclear weapons. Russia Is the Wild card in this situation. They MAY side with China, but I think they'll more likely become friendly to NATO as there is greater economic power with us.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.