This past Friday My wife, I, my dad and his lady friend went to Cedar Point and at the main Arcade they made my dad sign a paper saying he wouldn't play Skee Ball anymore for the rest of the year at Cedar Point even though he only won 12 times out of 30 plays and most of the times he won he won @!#$ty little Care Bears. WTF? I can understand if he won the large prizes a bunch of times.
Do you think it's fair that parks like Cedar Point should limit your winnings to such an extent and force you to sign a paper saying that you can't play certain games anymore?
It's only fair if your an exceptional player and win numerous large prizes in a short amount of plays that they should limit you but if your a moderatley good or worse player and only win small - medium prizes they shouldn't limit you till you get maybe 24+ wins.
On a side note some of the employees at the arcades were @!#$ lazy. I brought in some tickets that I won a couple of years ago and since they put in machines to count the # of tickets you win now they're usleless since she didn't want to figure out how to use the scale in front of her like they used to count tickets.
Your dad should go into professional Skee ball

The should change the name to skeet ball.
I think its absolutley retarded, who plays skee ball 30+ times in one day?
Lol. Cedarpoint is run by nazis.

. It's fun once you get the hang of where to bank the balls off of to get the best score. The red machines seem to take better to banking off of the left side and the green ones the right side.
Lol. Cedarpoint is run by nazis.
I have to agree. I used to love fascination there but they took that out for another stupid restuarant, like they needed another place to charge you an arm & leg for food or drinks.
"You Must Be this tall to play skee ball"
If you are taller than that you can play, but forfit your winnings.
My uncle went to the fair and they had a bike that you have to ride through this course of turns. It was arround cones, and such. Anyway, the trick is, the bike has a gear on the gooseneck. When you turn to the right, the wheel turns to the left, and vise-versa. So it is practically impossible to ride. Everytime you loose your balance and turn you go the opposite direction! Anyway, he and all 6 of his young boys ride unicycles and stuff, so they all gave it a worthy try but none could complete it. The prize for completing it, was a brand new bike, or an electric scooter.
So that night, he went home and took 2 of his kids old bikes, and some gears. He busted out his welder and built the trick bike. His boys spent the next day practicing until they all could ride it flawlessly.
He took them back to the fair, and they all left with a new bike!
My point is htey didn't put a limit on him, so they shouldn't limit how much you can win.
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your uncle has a lot of kids.
Yeah, he does... He adopted a few kids from russia, and then a small family of 3 young kids that were abandoned. He is one of the nicest people I know. And his kids are some of the most inteligent, well behaved kids I have ever met. I think he actually has like 9 kids total (4 or so are genetically his).
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if someone came up to me and tryed to make me sign something to not play skee ball i think i would explode based on how retarded that sounds.
i hate cedar point now, its so over priced, why not just call it disney land. Last time i went there i paid 10 bucks for a crappy burger, fries and a medium pop. 10 fricking dollars!! Not to mention if you have a problem there, 99% of the employes dont speak english.
And that arcade is such a joke, almost every other machine in there is broken and the prizes are crap. We played skeeball there, like every other machine would eat our money or not drop all the balls.
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
And that arcade is such a joke, almost every other machine in there is broken and the prizes are crap. We played skeeball there, like every other machine would eat our money or not drop all the balls.
That was the main PITA. Only like 2 machines were working right the day we went and Care Bears suck as prizes. The lady that was working the arcade that day called maintenance numerous times and told them to get over here and "fix these damn machines."
spikej wrote:This past Friday My wife, I, my dad and his lady friend went to Cedar Point and at the main Arcade they made my dad sign a paper saying he wouldn't play Skee Ball anymore for the rest of the year at Cedar Point even though he only won 12 times out of 30 plays and most of the times he won he won @!#$ty little Care Bears. WTF? I can understand if he won the large prizes a bunch of times.
Do you think it's fair that parks like Cedar Point should limit your winnings to such an extent and force you to sign a paper saying that you can't play certain games anymore?
It's only fair if your an exceptional player and win numerous large prizes in a short amount of plays that they should limit you but if your a moderatley good or worse player and only win small - medium prizes they shouldn't limit you till you get maybe 24+ wins.
On a side note some of the employees at the arcades were @!#$ lazy. I brought in some tickets that I won a couple of years ago and since they put in machines to count the # of tickets you win now they're usleless since she didn't want to figure out how to use the scale in front of her like they used to count tickets.
In this once great nation, we have the freedom to not patronize a business that has practices that we disagree with. The business also has (should have) a right to set their own policies. Both are correct in their opinions and should go seperate ways. Cedar Point will do fine without you and you will do fine without them.
Is your father a Kevin Smith fan by chance?
Chris Crossont
A.H.M. Performance
Baltimore, MD
Spike: It's their house, it's their rules. If you don't like it, don't go there. I can't really say much more... It's the same thing in Las Vegas: you win too often, the house has the right to not accept your play.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.