Obese people..... - Politics and War Forum
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99% of you are not disabled!!!!
I'm not refferring to people with thyroid problems or other medical conditions that they don't have a lot of control over, I'm taking about the people that eat fast food 5 times a day and ride around on their little scooter like the world owes them for their fatness.
Case in point: I can go to any supermarket and see some 400lb person taking up a handicapped spot that someone, who is actually handicapped, might need. They then proceed to drive around the store in their scooter buying chocolate, junk food, and soda. Maybe if they actually got out of the scooter and parked a few spots farther, they might actually lose some weight walking.
Another case in point: Yesterday a buddy of mine and I went to Busch Gardens, and we waited in line like everyone else, and as we were getting on the ride we were told we had to weight because a handicapped person was getting on. I was expecting someone with a broken leg, or maybe a blind person, or something....instead I get to see some obese woman, who was probably mid 20's drive up in her scooter. She then put down her turkey leg, walked just fine over to the coaster, got in, forced the harness over her fat, and took off. After the ride, she got off, walked back over to her scooter, got on, and grab her turkey leg and drive off. She didn't have to wait in line, nor did her family/friends (there were about 6 of them).
/end rant
Ah welcome to the liberal warm and fuzzy way of dealing with someones whos fat. Lets
call them handicaped. I agree 100% !! You made you ass as fat as it is so why do we have to suffer for your lack of doing anything other then stuffing your face with all the food your can reace with your fat little fingers. Now Put down the box of Twinkies and back away slowly!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
"Yes, I would like a order of McFatty...................."
SLK 32
I don't think I'll ever understand how someone who could help themselves could live like that. Sure, perks at the fun park might be worth some agony, but seriously, they know we are all staring at them thinking "pig" in our heads, but they continue their gluttony.
The upside is, they'll die young and it'll be their own fault.
Well, Not everyone that's morbidly obese is so because of gluttony. Most have no self-control, given, but I know of a few people that had serious problems and medications to treat the illnesses cause water retention.
One thing I can't help but wonder, only because I went from buying a lot of processed foods to "real" foods, and eating a balanced diet... does the food make you fat? Not just the over-eating (which is a big DUH statement) but the foods and additives themselves. I mean look at Trans-fats (extremely high fat production)... Olestra(bowel irritations)... Sacharine(cancer)... lots of this stuff is causing problems and yet it's still being sold on the open market. Fixing one problem just makes another one that might be bigger.
Personally, I think if someone is a shut in/morbidly obese for whatever reason, they don't need you looking at them and passing judgment, that's just plain ignorant. Just because they are the way they are doesn't mean that they're not human. Wait until you're the one that's different.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Well, Not everyone that's morbidly obese is so because of gluttony. Most have no self-control, given, but I know of a few people that had serious problems and medications to treat the illnesses cause water retention.
One thing I can't help but wonder, only because I went from buying a lot of processed foods to "real" foods, and eating a balanced diet... does the food make you fat? Not just the over-eating (which is a big DUH statement) but the foods and additives themselves. I mean look at Trans-fats (extremely high fat production)... Olestra(bowel irritations)... Sacharine(cancer)... lots of this stuff is causing problems and yet it's still being sold on the open market. Fixing one problem just makes another one that might be bigger.
Personally, I think if someone is a shut in/morbidly obese for whatever reason, they don't need you looking at them and passing judgment, that's just plain ignorant. Just because they are the way they are doesn't mean that they're not human. Wait until you're the one that's different.
being morebildy obese is one thing, but being mobidly obese and chewing on a turkey leg is another. you acutally have to try to change and not give up.
really, you don't
you should but you also shouldnt let yourself get taht way
It ain't easy...
I lost over 100 lbs when I was 17-18... and it was a struggle the whole way ( I played Highschool Football Offensive line, so having a good bit of dense weight was a necessity). I know that a lot of people who struggled with their weight for years, and in some cases, I wouldn't blame them a bit for just laying down their sword after 20 years of fighting.
There are other options now... but I'm not going to look into surgery JUUUUUST yet.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
As someone who used to be very overweight ( in 2002 i weighed over 400 Lbs+), it is a definete struggle. I had surgery in Feb, and even though ive lost 115+ pounds since then (down to right around 240) its still a struggle. Im an emotional eater, and im SUPER stressed right now, so thats not helping me at all. A lot of overeating is in your head. And you have to remember too, when you are really heavy, its super hard to exercise. You just get to that point where any physical activity is just too much. A lot of fat people honestly cant help themselves. Ive been an overeater since an early age, and a LOT of that had to do with how i was raised. My family was extremely poor when i was little, so i think that i overate in case i never got to eat again. And it just carried on from then
So i know you people who are fat and eating turkey legs, and while i agree that is ridiculous, have some empathy towards them, its a hard life
Sizzy's Security (NauticaZ) wrote:As someone who used to be very overweight ( in 2002 i weighed over 400 Lbs+), it is a definete struggle. I had surgery in Feb, and even though ive lost 115+ pounds since then (down to right around 240) its still a struggle. Im an emotional eater, and im SUPER stressed right now, so thats not helping me at all. A lot of overeating is in your head. And you have to remember too, when you are really heavy, its super hard to exercise. You just get to that point where any physical activity is just too much. A lot of fat people honestly cant help themselves. Ive been an overeater since an early age, and a LOT of that had to do with how i was raised. My family was extremely poor when i was little, so i think that i overate in case i never got to eat again. And it just carried on from then
So i know you people who are fat and eating turkey legs, and while i agree that is ridiculous, have some empathy towards them, its a hard life
Eh, it takes will power.....I have no pity.
SLK 32
No one asked you for any, just giving my opinion
Everyone has different kinds of Willpower towards different things
Weight loss and obesiety are real issues that need to be delt with. I am considered obease at 5'10" and 250lbs however nobody ever guesses my weight right. I know how hard it can be to lose weight and or stay on a diet. My weight has gone up and down over the years and right now I have an extreemly sedintary lifestyle and job. I hate that but its what I need to do to make money and go to school. At any rate yes there are people that deserve sympathy and there are those who dont. People with legitiamte illnesses like hypothyoridism should be given a little compassion. Eating is an addiction for some other people much like cigarettes to others. There are others that are just plain glutons and these are the people that deserve no sympathy. I cant tell you how many times I have been stuck behind someone in a motorized cart at Walmart or Home Depot that just were to lazy to walk. Its not that they couldnt walk its that they didnt want to and thats just wrong. They are tying up something that someone with a medical condition may actually need. I am tired of people using bariatric surgery as a diet plan.(no not everyone does this that has the surgery) I know someone personally that has had the surgery and when they had it the weight flew off of her. Since then she has gone back to her old ways and is back to the same weight and wants to have the surgery agian. I dont know if they do that if its possible or whatever but its just not right. I know I am over weight. I know why I am over weight and I know I will lose the weight when life returns to normal. The thing is we all have choices we can either take responsibility for our actions or we can blame it on something else. To often people that are overweight try to blame it on something. Unfortuneatly this discredits the people that do have these medical issues.
Sizzy's Security (NauticaZ) wrote:No one asked you for any, just giving my opinion 
Everyone has different kinds of Willpower towards different things
But, but, but this wouldn't be the AG without opinionated @!#$s like me!! LOL
I understand some people "have a problem". I just hate that the USA has a classification for everybody that has a minor issue. "Oh well, you have XXX disease because you excessively masterbate." Cmon.....Kleptomaniacs are a good example. Chop their hand off, I bet they think twice about stealing again....
So some people have a problem eating? Buy less food....
I'm not trying to point a finger at anybody, just saying we have a disease for everything here.
SLK 32
No i agree with you. Most of it is bull@!#$. But, like any thing, eating is an addiction. When i was at my heaviest, it literally was all i thought about. And then when i ate i felt like @!#$, so then i got deppressed, so i ate more. Very visicous cycle
lol, i wonder how many calories you burn during masterbation?
maybe that would be a awesome start, "yo fat man, masterbate 3 times a day and do not exceed 4 times. serious side affects could be, and not limited too......"
SLK 32
haha. good plan
were there this many fat people 100 years ago?
No, the obesity of the nation has really sky-rocketed since the late 40's.
A lot of it is lifestyle, in the 20's-40's, most people lived in either the city or in rural areas, and there was little, if any, sprawl. Most people either walked or bicycled to work, and most work involved at least a bit of manual labour. Also, most people were eating smaller more european meals, very little processed food, and most people only ate until they were no longer hungry, put their food away, and snacked if they were actually hungry (not bored). There was a lot of fat and other bad things (ie, bacteria) in the food, but people had strong enough immune systems that it wasn't usually a problem.
After the 40's, TV was invented, people started eating foods that were more processed (like TV dinners) and much more calorie rich. For adults, it wasn't so bad, but kids started forgoing outdoor play time for sedentiary television time or indoor play. The 3rd part of the trifecta is that most housewives and mothers (through no real fault of their own, I can see why this happened) encouraged kids to eat until their plates were clean, not until they were full, this stems from the fact that most were born in the 20's lived through the depression era in the 30's and had to deal with war-time shortages and rationing. Not a bit to waste and all.
That ideal really snow-balled through the 50's-70's and got HUGE in the 80's, literally and figuratively. With the advent of kids TV networks and lots of cartoons, high calorie sweets at the ready, kids got fat, and I was one of them. My Grandma was the one that encouraged me to eat until the plate was empty, and then when I was full on that, I got another helping. I don't blame her, because she was doing to me what she did to my dad and his sister, and it was what she knew. I gained a LOT of weight, and I've been fighting it for a long, long time.
Now, people are trying all sorts of wingy things in their diet (macrobiotics... ick..) when the real answer is pretty simple, only eat when you're hungry, and eat until you're no longer hungry... exercise for a spell, rest, get on with your life... repeat 3 times a week.
The answer is pretty simple, and most people just complicate things.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
good post as usual gam
eat till ur not hungry-
what about the people who say they dont have the ability to determine when they are not hungry? basically malfunctions of the brain signals in which relay to you that u have had your fill.
and i totally agree with ur comments on processed foods... ick...
what is sad is that we have doen this all to ourselves as a whole. not just individuals. and i highly blame food producers. people HAVE to eat. so food producers should HAVE to be held to soem basic nutrition standards. but they arent as long as they label exactly the calories and nutrient info they can make and sell whatever they want. its disgusting.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
ive got a problem like that nataniel........my device that tells me im full, doesn't work right, i could eat and eat till i die, but i just think for a minute on how much I ate.......like last night, i had a plate of spaghetti with meatballs, after one decent sized plate, i still could have eaten more, because i never feel full, i dunno why, but i knew to not eat anymore, i know i don't need it.
I just think about food rationally, and know what it takes to fill a stomach and only eat that much, and im slowly losing weight, cutting back on red meats too, eating more veggies, but i need to find more time to exercise.....its hard to balance college, work and sleep, but i'll find away.......do pushups between classes or something, then situps between the next class, i dunno
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I was specificly talking about the people who can help themselves. Generally that cannot be determined by looking at them.. Of course when you see nothing but junk food in their cart at the grocery store and they're sucking on half a pound of butter... Well, you know the rest.
There are many many people who are naturally heavy. Rare is the person that is naturally over 400 lbs though. Heavy is one thing, 200 lbs or more overweight is another story.
I know people who have struggled with weight for years as well, but I can't help but wonder.. If you live 5 blocks from work and you're worried about your weight, why not walk or ride a bike to work. I know someone in that exact situation and yet, they drive to work.. Heck, they drive to pick up their kid at lunch and bring them to work too.. The kid couldn't get their on their own? It's seriously about a 10 minute walk, if you are drunk, 5 if your not.
There are a lot of little things that add up to real results. Stairs instead of elevators too...
Like I said, I know there are some people with medical conditions and other problems, and I am completely understanding of that. I myself am a little overweight, nothing major, mostly just going away to college and eating junk food. However, now I'm going to the gym and so forth, and fixing things.
The problem I have is with the people that make no effort to help themselves, but then use their weight as a disability, and use it for perks. Is it fair for an obese person to take up a handicapped parking spot? Meanwhile a paraplegic is having to park farther back in the parking lot because there are no open handicapped spots.
I work in Behavioral Services, and I know about people not feeling full. It's called Prader-Willi syndrome, and a couple of my clients, two brothers (13 and 14 years old), both have it. If nobody is there to watch what they eat, they'll eat and drink until their stomach ruptures. That goes back to the medical conditions, and for that I am completely understanding.
I think nautica and Gam got it right on. it's hard for people morbidly obese people to get up and walk across the room so it's even harder to try and excersice. There are alternatives such as the gastric bypass but not everbody can afford the surgery and th insurance companies most of the time will not pay for it. while it's not always their fault, People that are obese do need to try and do something their weight.
Both sides of my family really struggle with their weight and have problems like diabetes, high cholestrol, and high blood pressure. About three years ago my mom had the Gastric bypass surgery. She weighed about 280lbs and wore a size 24 pant. she did everything she could to lose the weight, excersie, diets and hired personal trainers to help, but nothing ever worked. My mom experinced a lot of pain in her knees and was having other health problems due to her weight. After the gastric bypass she is much healthier and can now fit in a size 0. i myself am overweight but i didnt eat my way here.i have always been a little bigger than everyone else. i have always been active playing basketball and varsity softball through middleschool and highschool. i had knee surgery my senior year of highschool and so my activity level has went down but not completely gone. Right now i am struggling to just get to a healthy. i excersice everyday and have a healthy diet. At times it seems like i will never lose weight but than there are days like yesterday when i am able to wear an old pair of jeans that never fit me. I'm not ready just yet for the Gastric bypass surgery.
sorry, short of disease, there is no reason to get fat.
i'm not going to start on the lazy people that are cows already, they should just eat themselves into a coma and be done with it.
but when i see a 10 year old that already weighs 150+lbs, there is no excuse. parents of kids that are more than a certain percentage overweight should be charged with child abuse and sentenced to nutrition and fitness classes that they must pay for out of their food budget.
half the problem are the stupid politically correct folks who have decided that we cant be mean and make fun of fat people. they should be made fun of, they need to see how pathetic, lazy, and disgusting they really are. why do we have fat models? they should be outlawed... youre ugly, you doughy sloths.... lose some weight until you have a figure other than an O, and then you can model.
you dont have a disease... if its in your head.. learn some self control. it doesnt matter how much you eat, you could eat 20 huge meals a day. AS LONG AS YOU BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU TAKE IN. hey thats not rocket science.
i think its about time fatasses are treated the same way smokers are treated. exclude the fatty's from society, and treat them like the garbage second class citizens they actually are.
and treat the truly diseased with compassion and respect that fact.
but if you order 10 big macs at mcdonalds you should be met with "do you want fries with that you fat slob?"
hell lets start making seats on planes, stadiums, buses, etc even smaller than they already are. make doors smaller, everything. and if you cant fit? pay double or walk.
stop whining.
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