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ABC News story
You wouldn't ever think this would be the case.
A U.S. army sergeant fighting the war on drugs in Colombia was recently sentenced to six years in prison for using military aircraft to smuggle cocaine into the United States.
In April, an Air National Guard pilot and a sergeant used a C-5 Galaxy military transport plane to sneak nearly 300,000 Ecstasy pills from Germany into New York.
In another case, three U.S. airmen were arrested in March for stealing military-issue bulletproof vests from Moody Air Force Base in Georgia and selling them to drug dealers for $100 each.
Are they selling them bombs, tanks and aircraft too?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
not suprised. the military has a system of honor, integrity and values, but a lot of people don't uphold those standards. the unit i was in, during my 6 years, lost probably 15-20 people because of drugs or other serious crimes
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Its sad but its not the first time I've heard about it.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Hey now.. They better watch out. Everyone knows the CIA is the drug smuggler in the US... No, I'm not joking. When Bush Sr. was in charge of the CIA he said, and I quote "The importation and sale of cocaine in the United States can be justified in that it helps to identify and eliminate the undesirables in our society."
Nice eh?
Ok, I know he was an ass but I need to see where your getting that from. Link please
and No the national enquirer site doesn't count.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
phew.. um, that one is about 15 years old... I'll need time. It was in a speach he made to congress (or a senate hearing) while justifying certain CIA "Black projects". It was pointed out the the CIA budget would not allow for even one SR-71 let alone the 5 or so they were operating. People wanted to know where the money came from and that was his answer. Shocking, I know.. It was supressed, I'm betting you know why.
US DOJ investigations into the CIA Cocaine smuggling/Crack formulation allegations.
The reporter that broke the story, and a condensed version of the bigger story.
I've seen reports about military hardware that is being stolen outright (at one extreme, 2 F-16 engines... no, I'm not kidding, at the other a palate of paper clips.... No, not kidding again) or, issued combat items (Helmets, combat vests etc) going to pawn shops. It's pretty sad.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I meant to put this in before I hit post...
Read the CIA investigations tab to really get the gist of the articles, and then, read the aftermath, and tell me why it is that I almost vomited at my desk?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
why and how could someoen kill themselves with a double tap to the back of the head?........some coroner report reeks of BS. actually that whole thing reeks of BS, and i don't mean that its all fake, i mean that its BS that our government would do crap like that and get away with it.......dammit, im gonna buy my own island, make it my own nation and start a new country
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Mike: take a look at my post in AG about burn-out. I've worked suicides, and, most men are either practical (mouth, under chin, forehead) or want to leave a pretty corpse (heart, Aorta, efemoral artery) because they're vain.
Unless the hand clinched around the trigger and it was a semi-auto or auto with only 2 shots... a double-tap head wound in the back of the skull is Unlikely... however, I don't know the specifics (try pointing a your finger straight in the the back of your head even with it cocked off to one side.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
umm, actually i just tried to put my gun to the back of my head......(yes i made sure it was empty) and the only way i could do it is to flip the gun upside down and if i wer to pull the trigger i would use my thumb, and probably drop the gun after the first shot...yeah, id drop it for sure. now im no forensic scientist or anything, but by my little experiminet there id have to say that shooting yoruself in the back of the head twice, not only is unlikely, but is in fact, impossible
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I rarely post on here but as you can see I've been a memeber since '02 and I must say, you can learn so much from this .org. I think I've learned more here than I did while in school. I find it funny now that I visit the site more to read upon interesting topics such politics, religion, and current events more than I do to find/learn about my car.
Gam, are there cliff notes? Good Grief!! 10 minutes on those links and all I could find was were the second post said that the author never found any evidence that the cia helped the contras get money from the drug dealers. Now I'm not saying shady stuff doesn't go on but could you find where it says that? I don't want to call bs if I missed where the proof cams from. But at the same time if the proof is a disgruntled Nicarogune then I'd take what he said with a grain of salt.
Disclaimer: I know Nicarogune is spelled wrong but even spell check didn't know.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Finally I have a good reason to join the military.
Seriously though I am not surprised, I never really thought about it but it makes sense.
Join the army see the world BUY GOOD DRUGS!!!
Just what we need cause you know our country looks sooo great in the worlds eyes already (sarcasim)
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Mike: There wasn't anything relating to the calibre in the wikipedia article, sadly... it might have been from a small semi-auto weapon... I don't know, and IIRC, LA County Coroner seals all autopsy records unless its an official inquiry, I don't have any way to find out... Also, there's nothing relating to the position of the body, whether or not the weapon was in the hands of the victim (Sometimes a hand will slacken off and tighten around a weapon in peri-mortem/anti-mortem spasms if it's a suicide). Lots of missing info.
It's possible, if you look to your extreme left, and point at the back of your head with your index finger.
Jack: I'll give you the important bits, and a clip from the wikipedia article.
- Basically, the Articles were pretty inflammatory because a lot of the information in them were substantiated, and critics were busy impeaching Webb's integrity, and some of the peripheral elements of the articles, and never really tried to disprove the main tenets of the articles.
- The CIA was spurred on to investigate WTF was happening in their own ranks, and basically came up with: "We didn't find anything about any drug smuggling" and left it at that. Which, was apparently enough for the president... nothing was pursued further by senate, congress, or the whitehouse.. The DOJ's investigations were pretty much stonewalled because most of the Contra affair information given to congress was protected under OpSec because it was an on-going affair.
Kerry actually managed to wrangle out a good bit of information from the CIA in the 80's regarding their ongoing drug operations, but it was largely ignored. (see the March 16 1998 bullet.)
CIA investigations
Facing increasing public scrutiny from the fallout after Webb's Dark Alliance series, the CIA conducted its own internal investigations. Investigative journalist Robert Parry credits Webb for being responsible for the following government investigations which revealed how the Reagan-Bush administration had conducted the contra war:
* On Jan. 29, 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz published Volume One of his internal investigation. This was the first of two CIA reports that eventually substantiated many of Webb's claims about cocaine smugglers, the Nicaraguan contra movement, and their ability to freely operate without the threat of law enforcement.
* On March 16, 1998, CIA I.G. Hitz admitted that the CIA had maintained relationships with companies and individuals the CIA knew were involved in the drug business. Hitz told the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that, "...there are instances where CIA did not, in an expeditious or consistent fashion, cut off relationships with individuals supporting the contra program who were alleged to have engaged in drug-trafficking activity or take action to resolve the allegations." (Pincus, Washington Post, Mar. 17, 1998) Senator John Kerry had reached similar conclusions a decade earlier in 1987 (see the so-called Kerry Report: Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy), but his findings as well as the surprising admissions from the CIA were generally ignored by the media.
* On May 7, 1998, Rep. Maxine Waters, revealed a letter between the CIA and the Justice Department. This letter had freed the CIA from legally reporting drug smuggling by CIA assets, a provision that covered the Nicaraguan contras and the Afghan rebels.
* On July 23, 1998, the Justice Department released a report by its Inspector General, Michael Bromwich. The Bromwich report claimed that the Reagan-Bush administration was aware of cocaine traffickers in the contra movement and did nothing to stop the criminal activity. The report also revealed a pattern of discarded leads and witnesses, sabotaged investigations, instances of the CIA working with drug traffickers, and the discouragement of DEA investigations into contra-cocaine shipments. The CIA's refusal to share information about contra drug trafficking with law-enforcement agencies was also documented. The Bromwich report corroborated Webb's investigation into Norwin Meneses, a Nicaraguan drug smuggler.
* On October 8, 1998, CIA I.G. Hitz published Volume Two of his internal investigation. The report described how the Reagan-Bush administration had protected more than 50 contras and other drug traffickers, and by so doing, deliberately thwarted federal investigations into drug crimes. Hitz published evidence that drug trafficking and money laundering had made its way into Reagan's National Security Council where Oliver North oversaw the operations of the contras. According to the report, the contra war took precedence over law enforcement. To that end, the internal investigation revealed that the CIA routinely withheld evidence of contra crimes from the Justice Department, Congress and even the analytical division of the CIA itself. Further, the report confirmed Webb's claims regarding the origins and the relationship of contra fundraising and drug trafficking. More importantly, the internal CIA report documented a cover-up of evidence which had led to false intelligence assessments. According to Robert Parry, these erroneous assessments were passed on to Congress and eventually, major media outlets, which used the false datasets to criticize the accuracy of Webb's Dark Alliance expose.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
ahh, thats true GAM, if you turn your head its easier.....but the big ?? is..... why would someone do all that to kill themselves, id do it in an eaiser spot
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
/me shrugs.
I've seen weird ass stuff... read about a few things that were more than a little odd
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Oh so it was an off shoot bunch of wack jobs and not the whole CIA. Well I at least hope not!
But these types have been around as long as theres been wars. You know the ones who will use it for there own agenda what ever the agenda of the moment may actualy be. (shrug) I don't see it stopping anytime soon tho.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
The old supply sergeant in my unit was convicted of selling flak vests maybe 3 years ago. It was right after they had a card-key entry system installed in our building. The computer showed him coming in at weird hours (early AM, Sundays, etc). So the state police set up a sting and caught him red-handed with two known felons walking out of the building carrying several vests. It was bad.
wow, james, that is pretty bad, i hope he now spends his days at ft levanworth breaking big rocks into little rocks and putting them back together
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Mike: the problem is that the DCIA, DCO, and DCI knew about it and didn't do anything about it.
James: At least he was caught. There was a case about 13-14 months ago where someone was caught in a sting by 60 minutes selling little things (like web gear etc) up to very big things (I'm talking 2 F16 engines... ). I think he got nabbed by the air-force/army's investigative agencies... He owned a military surplus store. Not pretty when he rolled over on the guys that were funnelling him stuff.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
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