legalize all drugs, and tax them.
fully agree, we all have the right to choose our own method of self destruction
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
It would. Problem is how do you tax something that can be grown anywhere by anyone? That would be like trying to tax air.
The govt. can't tax it reliably so they outlaw it. Same with prostitution. Tax it and the income from DC alone would pay down half the national debt in about a year.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
why would it be any different than tobbacco, you can grow tobbacco almost anywhere by anyone, but the gov't finds a way to tax the hell out of that.
or make it illegal to grow pot but legal to buy it from government stores.
and for prostitution, make the prostitutes get licences to practice, and in that license they need STD testing and can still get illegal prostitutes, but do you want the risk?
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
well you would make all distribution and selling buy anyone but preapproved and government regulated bussiness's illegal.
i think it would work because:
- it would be cheaper
- it would be safer
- drugs would be more potent
of course something like this could only be for a drug you cant o/d on easily such as marijuana.
i myself dont do drugs, im just an idea man.
mikec2003 wrote:why would it be any different than tobbacco
have you ever tried to grow tobbacco?
hostis humani generis - Causa latet vis est notissima
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My other car is a boat.
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Grimor wrote:mikec2003 wrote:why would it be any different than tobbacco
have you ever tried to grow tobbacco?
cant say that i have....never tried to grow pot it hard to grow tobacco? i just kinda assumed its like any other plant, keep it at a good temp, good soil, and water it
either way, im sure the government could find a way to tax it, and i think soon pot will be legal
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Growing decent pot is a science, and it's economically viable to tax it. Think of it like this: over 30% of the Netherlands' sin taxes are collected from the legalised sale of pot. The next closest earner is alcohol. Prohibition of alcohol in the US worked OH SO well...
I figure this:
If you want to make a real dent in the drug trade, take the flow of drugs AWAY from the dealers. Over 40% of seized drugs are Cannabis based (Hashish/Marijuana). They are pretty much the soft end of the spectrum and have been for about 2000 years.
If you look at tobacco as the model, you don't have a lot of stores selling to kids, when their license to sell and heavy fines are at stake. However, a drug dealer doesn't care who he sells to. If you make it a coffee house thing, then, you're opening up the tax pool, AND you're unburdening the policing aspect from the police (who have no interest out of the work other than part of their daily jobs) to store owners, managers and clerks where that will become part of their livelihood. On top of that, you will not see the average storefront selling product that is tainted with Angel Dust, Heroin or other secondary drugs if they want to keep their clientele.
There is no downside to this other than the appearance of capitulation... Those that understand the economics and social impacts of legalisation understand that appearances at this point are deceiving. Reagan-era laws are un-nuanced and make little if any distinction between Marijuana (which has no reported deaths due to OD), and heroin (which kills about 3800 yearly as best an estimate I could find).
Marijuana is no more a gateway drug than alcohol, tobacco, or glue and paint. If someone has an addictive personality, they're going to do whatever it takes to sate that craving... for those that know how to control and limit themselves, this isnt a problem. Why should they be punished?
Think of it as doing something for the "war" on drugs that will actually pay for itself and the rest of the campaign.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Actually you can make alcohol for your own use. I used to make homebrew and it was very good. Just a PITA to do right as you have to be really picky about sanitation, then takes time to ferment, etc. So basically it takes about a month before you're ready to drink your homebrew. I had a copy of the law but basically you're allowed to brew A LOT of beer for your own use. There should be similar laws if they legalize pot.
God bless America.
I'm against legalized marijuana for the mere fact that my wife is allergic to it, airways swell up.

Aside from the fact that she's allergic to it, do you not see that there are benefits to having it legalised?
As an aside, does your wife have allergy with tobacco as well?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
IamRascal wrote:I'm against legalized marijuana for the mere fact that my wife is allergic to it, airways swell up.
thats why its illegal to smoke in public.
Well, in indoor public areas at any rate
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
The other thing this could do would be give US farmers a new cash crop ane maybe they would be able to cut federal subsidizing of some farmers. Just another way legalizing would help.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Well, in indoor public areas at any rate 
still even if it is outdoor it disapates so quickly and your not allowed to smoek within 10 feet of any door in ny.
So in other words, you have to smoke in the middle of the street, all the time?
mw10bvh: if it helps keeping the farmers quiet, I'm all for it. But, that's another matter entirely.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Agricultural impact wouold be near nill. The current production has almost no impact on agriculture. The levels of consumption would not likely rise, so there would be no more land put into production to meet demand. IE: Whatever land is used would not exceed the land currently in production. It may shift to higher producing ground, but as a cash crop, pot is not really a good option. Hemp production on the other hand could serve as a great cash crop. Quick turn around, etc. BUT, demand for Hemp fibre would have to grow substantially. That means opening the door to new products. Hemp seed oil, plastics, construction materials etc. It could be done. Of course the one thing keeping Hemp production down is the antiquated drug laws that list Hemp as the same as Canabis Sativa, which it is not. Same family yes, but pretty different plants.. Kinda like Corn compaired to other grasses and grains.. Related yes, the same, no.
mikec2003 wrote:why would it be any different than tobbacco, you can grow tobbacco almost anywhere by anyone, but the gov't finds a way to tax the hell out of that.
or make it illegal to grow pot but legal to buy it from government stores.
and for prostitution, make the prostitutes get licences to practice, and in that license they need STD testing and can still get illegal prostitutes, but do you want the risk?
Legalize both. Nevada hookers don't have the same std percentages as the rest of the country, let alone street walkers. And weed is only a problem if you drive a car when you're high. But the same arguement could be made of booze, so what's the difference?
<begin sophmoric>
I'm just grinning thinking about what a prostitution license would be... Like a truck driver's CDL... you'd get a basic license for a few positions, then get oral certification, a BDSM endorsement, haz-mat, triples...

And what exactly would the photo look like?
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
I just have to state that in the Netherlands... it works. There are Prostitutes that arelegal and illegal, but the HIV testing is FREE.
The illegals have to deal with pimps, while the legal ones only have to deal with a building manager in the window district... it's up to the building manager what to charge, etc. The legal hookers have to account for whatever money they make (if they're independant) or in the case of a Bordello, the house has to claim them as employees, and account for each girl's rate.
It's a really good tax-base because it's wide open.
Same with the Marijuana sales... the coffee house industry usually sells their product, and has to account for the sales just like everywhere else... It also discourages minors from smoking (legally you can only get tobacco or marijuana there at 18)... Illegal drug dealers are rounded up FAST because legitimate business people don't want to lose their clientele. Also, the quality stays excellent because the weed is sold by the breed, and it's not laced with other drugs... if it does have quality problems, the state can revoke the seller's license.
There is no practical downside.
Legalising harder drugs, I can't see happening though. It's not something I'd want to see happen.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.