uecavboy wrote:I have a bit of a rant and I'd also like feedback from people who are on the other side of this issue.
Recently illegal immigrants have been complaining because they re being treated unfairly. Now, call me a racist but shouldn't they be treated unfairly?
uecavboy wrote:
I mean they sneak into the US work under the table,
uecavboy wrote:
never pay taxes,
uecavboy wrote:
get FREE healthcare, and mooch off of our system.
uecavboy wrote:
When i lived out in california I was very sick and wound up in the hospital. I was in the hospital for 3 hours getting fluids pumped into me and the grand total for the hospital bill? $3,482.58. Now i didn't get surgery. I went in they pumped me with saline and some drug to knock me out so i could sleep for a little while. The reason why it was so high? Because when an illegal immigrant is sick doctors HAVE to treat them. When the bill comes, they don't pay and they don't face any legal issues because their illegal and not in any system so the hospital foots the bill. So to keep hospitals up and running they have to charge LEGAL americans that much money.
uecavboy wrote:
On the news one illegal alien said "we deserve the same rights as americans." My question is. How do get rid of my citizenship? Because i want to be an illegal alien. I get paid under the table so I never have any taxes taken out. If I get hurt i get to go to the hostpial for free, and then i'll just have a child on US soil so they are a legal citizen, put everything in their name and still milk the system. How do they have it so bad?
uecavboy wrote:
If they believe our country is greater then theirs then why not come here LEGALLY!? Yes I understand It takes a long time to get to the top of the list so why not sign your children up when they are young?
uecavboy wrote:
I'm not a republican nor am I a democrat but I think congress was right when they tried to pass the bill that started this whole issue. Yes you are allowed to come here and become a citizen, but do it legally. If you take on the same responsibilities as us legal americans and you pay into the system like we do THEN I'll start treating your equally. Until then, stop mooching off of our country and b*tching about it.
Jackalope wrote:Sorry they're here ILLEGALLY which means beyond basic human rights they have no and therfor no right to complain about anything.
Thats like me stealing a pair of shoes from a store and then going in to bitch that they don't fit right.
I'm sorry why are we supposed to put up with this again?
Illegal immigrantion has ALWAYS been a wink, wink, nudge, nudge thing for politicians. They know its there, they could of long done something about it. You're foolish to think otherwise.
WEEZL wrote:I posted this on another forum I frequent:
"12 million people are in this country illegally! Kick them all out.
Jackalope wrote:Ah yes but it was your wonderful Democratic President Bill Clinton with his star enforcer
Janet Reno that HAD to kick poor Elion out of the country by force. The Republicans may argue about this amongst themselves BUT only a Democrat would send an armored S.W.AT. team in assault vehicles to forceably remove a little boy cowering in a closet fearing for his life as INS burst into the home like SS Storm Troopers sent in by Hitler to take him out by force. Way to go there Dems! ( 2 great big thumbs up! )
I'd much rather argue about this subject then make the entire country look bad in the worlds eyes like Janet Reno and Bill Clinton did. If she were apointed by a Republican
the Democrats would be screaming for her to be placed upon a cross till dead.
Are you starting to see a double standard or shall I continue?