I cannot believe the crap these damn people pulled today. It took me an hour to go the 5 miles from my work to home this evening because they decided they would hold some huge protest in the downtown area where I work. Hella roads were blocked off, and when the cops would clear a street for them to march, they would decide to march down another street that wasn't cleared, which majorly messed up the drive home for alot of people who actually went to work today. And on top of that,
they were marching while holding the United States flag upside, and waving their Mexico flags. That really set me off. I was very close to getting out of my car and handing out some ass-whoopin'. I think they should all be either fined or jailed for protesting. What gives them the right to? They aren't even American citizens! As far as i'm concerned, if you're not willing to go through all the proper channels to work here and become a citizen, then you don't belong here. If they think that they have it so bad here, why don't the go back to Mexico, where they came from? Well, thats all for now.
I used to think the same way you do.
Then I realize it isnt so black and white.
I work at McDonalds which mostly illegal people are working there. After all McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Arbys, NONE of them require you to have a real SSN, in fact they give you a fake one to use.
If we had no illegal immigrants there would basically be no fast food places.
I have no problem with them coming here and working and getting jobs and all. I have a problem with them coming here and killing people and scamming the system.
Seriously man come to my work for one day, they are all very hard working people just looking for a some what okay life for them and their families. Most of them are just crew people, but two are managers. All of them work their asses off all the time.
I know that wont change your mind and all, but I just though you should know you should see it from the other side of the fence.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
Ok it's time for a long long rant.
A: America doesn't NEED these illegals ( i will not call them immigrants). Our economy would not crumble. There are plenty of high school and college students who wouldn't mind doing the jobs they do to save up for college or put themselves through college. $20 an hour to do landscaping on the weekends? Inform me of what college student wouldn't take that job.
B: @!#$ this illegals. They feel they are owed something (citizenship) when they have done nothing but break the laws. The businesses that had to shut down because illegals didn't work there should be shut down permanently for fostering these criminals. Their also spitting in the face of any mexican who is going through the whole legal process to get their green card. If we allow them to stay it's basically saying "break the laws and you'll get ahead.:
C: Yes it would cost billions to transport them back across the border where they belong however perhaps if we cracked down and made it a felony to hire an illegal, there wouldn't be any work for them and their bum arses would be forced to go back to where they came from.
D: Sorry illegals, you ARE NOT like the irish. The irish came here LEGALLY so shut up.
E: If i can remember correctly from my history classes. No other ethnicity protested for having rights given to them wen they were illegal. Illegals are a bunch of whining babies who should not be allowed ONE right that a US citizen has.
F: Since illegals boycotted working today... will they also boycot the FREEEEEEE medical care they receive?
G: These illegals walking down the street should have been detained and deported, end of story. This country made me sick today by doing nothing but watching all these criminals walk down the street freely demanding they be treated like a REAL american.
H: You can wave your american flags all you want but your still not wanted here and 70% of america feels the same way as me. Your illegal and you don't deserve any rights.
I: If your upset because we don't treat you fairly, then get out. Too many people on TV today said how they loved america so much and wanted to stay here. If they really felt they way then WHY are the protesting demanding for things they should never receive. and Alo if they love this country so much then why don't they try to come here legally and earn the right to become a citizen.
J: They also had people on TV protesting who spoke the most broken ass english i've ever heard. Way to really show how you've become an American.
K: A viewer of the Bill O'Riley ( I can't stand him but i liked him tonight), summed it up best when the wrote. "If today is No Gringo Day" then let's make tomorrow "No Illegals in America Day"
L: For anyone who is on the .org or knows someone who marched today. Congrats, you managed to piss off people who USED to be on your side but no longer are. All you idiots did today was make yourself look like a bunch of dumb criminals that deserve nothing more than a swift kick in the arse and a bus ticket back to your homeland. Illegals don't even have the right to protest and i hope to god they never have the right to do anything but live in their homeland.
M: One final note.... If there was even 3 million illegal arabs or muslims living in this country the terror level would be raised to the highest form and we'd be arresting and deporting them faster than ever. Who's to say these illegals are ANY different? There should be a level playing field. You sneak into this country, your a criminal, whatever rights you THINK you have are stripped from you and your sent back home.
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."
^ damn, ya couldn't have said it any better.......
Hah, uecavboy you've resorted to preempting my comments. But I'll continue none the less. You're simply wrong about the fact that we don't need illegals. We do. Wake up and smell the coffee. Those college kids don't want to do these jobs, I assure you. I go to college, maybe 50 of the students would have no problem doing landscaping or back breaking labor. The rest, not a chance in hell. College students want to work in restaurants and retail stores and make decent money for not a lot of work. You have far too much faith in the American people. The fact is that if you rounded up all the illegals and deported them our economy would crumble. Unemployment is around 4.7% (about 14 million people) if I remember correctly. That's exactly where it should be because there are always people unemployed. Now, let's deport 11 million people. Great, only 3 million people without jobs. Wait...try again. Take a look at some history and realize the unemployment rate hasn't been below 3.8% since the sixties. Those jobs will not be filled. Our economy will crumble because THERE WILL BE NO ONE LEFT TO DO ALL THE F^@#ING JOBS!!! Be realistic for a just a second and realize we cannot afford to deport these people. We need to accept, whether you want to or not, that they are here and we cannot afford for them to leave. Yes, we need to crack down on our borders and keep illegals from coming across. We need to grant them amnesty and then reform our system completely and keep it from happening again. I understand all you have this fight for principle and illegal is illegal, but there comes a time when the price is far too high to stand on principle.
I think it's more the fact that they're acting like we owe
them something. they should just be grateful that they're here and haven't been sent back yet. hell, if i was illegally working and living in this country i can guarantee i'd be keeping my mouth shut and just being happy that i'm here. I'm not racist by any means, and if those same people would do what was necessary to come here legally then that's perfectly fine, but until then, i don't think they really deserve anything.
I want free healthcare in mexico, the right to vote for the next mexican leader, social security from the mexican government... and a taco.
Tristan, I enjoy people like you because you say everything that can easily be refuted and backed up.
Hah, uecavboy you've resorted to preempting my comments. But I'll continue none the less. You're simply wrong about the fact that we don't need illegals. We do. Wake up and smell the coffee. Those college kids don't want to do these jobs, I assure you. I go to college, maybe 50 of the students would have no problem doing landscaping or back breaking labor. The rest, not a chance in hell. College students want to work in restaurants and retail stores and make decent money for not a lot of work. You have far too much faith in the American people.
I don't drink coffee and I'm wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. Are you outside of your mind? Coming from a recent college grad... I TRIED to get a construction job/ installing windows job/ landscaping job. Why? Because I could make FAR more money doing that then i could working for minimum wage behind a desk or cash register. But i couldn't because those jobs were for illegals and unless I spoke fluent spanish, I couldn't get hired. Also, ILLEGALS WORK AT RESTUARANTS!!!!! I ALSO tried to get a job as a chef (many years experiance) and alas, same problem as with construction. Fact of the mater is, high school and college students would take those jobs and I don't think that because i believe in the allmighty American people, It's because i've been in high school and I've been in college and have many friends in the same boat. Perhaps you come from a rich community where you live with snobs who don't want those jobs, but normal american kids would like to have them to pay their tuition and car insurance. Not to mention adults who didn't go to college and can make a decent living doing landscaping and construction. I know MANY adults with families that work these "back breaking low wage" jobs and they get paid quite well and are more than able to support their family. And mowing lawns, cleaning pools, landscaping, cleaning houses, fixing toilets, doing electrical work, installing phone cables, etc etc aren't exactly BACK BREAKING jobs.
The fact is that if you rounded up all the illegals and deported them our economy would crumble. Unemployment is around 4.7% (about 14 million people) if I remember correctly. That's exactly where it should be because there are always people unemployed. Now, let's deport 11 million people. Great, only 3 million people without jobs.
Unemployment rate doesn't factor in students. It factors people who are in between, or have lost their jobs (mostly from outsourcing). There are more than 14,000,000 people in this country who are looking for a job. Also if you had read what I said above, i didn't say round em up and ship em out. I said to make it impossible for illegals to find a job in this country by cracking down on companies that hire them. If they can't find work here, they'll leave on there own will or commit a crime, get arrested, and get deported.
We need to grant them amnesty and then reform our system completely and keep it from happening again. I understand all you have this fight for principle and illegal is illegal, but there comes a time when the price is far too high to stand on principle.
AMNESTY?!?! I'm sorry but @!#$ you and anyone else who thinks we should give them AMNESTY. There are FAR FAR too many people both in history and present who have BUSTED THEIR ASSES to go through the legal process and come here legally. Why don't we give murderers and rapists amnesty as well? It costs taxpayers so much to keep them in prision and go through the whole legal process. F*CK amnesty. That's utter and absolute BS. Breaking the law is breaking the law and there are PLENTY of people who are trying to get into this country legally. But lets put them on the back burner so all these illegals can stay here. Please tell me how that makes ANY SENSE? I say lets put it to the test. Lets make these illegals move out for 5 years. If our economy crumbles because too many people have jobs then we'll let them back in. ONE DAY without them doesn't show weather the economy would collpase or not.
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."
Tristan wrote:College students want to work in restaurants and retail stores and make decent money for not a lot of work. You have far too much faith in the American people. We need to accept, whether you want to or not, that they are here and we cannot afford for them to leave. Yes, we need to crack down on our borders and keep illegals from coming across. We need to grant them amnesty and then reform our system completely and keep it from happening again. I understand all you have this fight for principle and illegal is illegal, but there comes a time when the price is far too high to stand on principle.
couple problems here. first, the reason the american public doesnt want to do these jobs is because they are LAZY. americans have become LAZY and fat because of the fast food places these illegals work. if all fast food places closed, then good, americans wont be as fat and lazy anymore.
also, we dont have to spend any money to deport 11 million people. simply make a national broadcast that states any illegals in the country after 7 days will be shot.
i bet they will be getting the hell out real fast.
also: spend the money we would have spent deporting, building a wall and putting more guards along the border. 75% of illegals come right across the US/mexico border. thats what needs to stop. im truly sick of illegals comming to MY country, invading MY city, not wanting to learn english and living off my tax money, basically getting paid to have as many kids as humanly possible.
immigrants are destroying the country, pure and simple. i give it 10 years before our signs are in english AND spanish, and before the white man is the minority.
or we could go with my simple minded and bigoted idea that is simpler: kill all the immigrants in the country and build a wall with the bodies. make an example to anyone else who thinks about comming here illegally.
but none of this will ever happen because the leaders of this country bend over to the point of a good a$$ raping to make illegals feel welcome. bull$hit.
im done
*puts on flame-proof suit*
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
www.csc-motorsports.com (my new NOR-CAL car tuning site)
Dear California Cavalier:
You already are the minority in California. And oh yea just about everything is already in both english and in spanish.
Your idea does somewhat intrigue me. Like for instance, when I kill a spider in my house, do I clean it up? Hell no. I leave it's dead ass right there so the next spider that comes around will see the dead one and realize I'm not playin around.
Due to becoming a more civilized community, the world no longer believes in mass genocide but you are on the right track. Give them 14 days, any of them left over will be arrested and detained. Then once enough people are rounded up to fill a plane with armed guards they will be sent back to there country. This goes for all the europeans that are here on expired visas as well. It may be harsh, down the road people may see it as inhumane in history books but at this point in time 70% wants them gone. And majority rules (at least in america it used to).
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."
So, what did we learn. that America is not the home of the brave, the land of the free. and moms apple pie is actually an Empinada. That our federal government is not going to do as we wish, that we are nothing more than a dollar to them, a statistic. That we have as much freedom as a caged bird.
Ahhhh, when I was a lad, my classmates and I worked at the same Mcdonlads that is overcrowded by latinos, and no longer contains local kids needing a job. At my local Lowes, I can't seem to find anyone but the manager that speaks english.
It seems that the Alamo was just the beginning.
When will the idiot people wake up and take into account that not every American has a college education. That illegal aliens are taking away the jobs that the lower class worker in this country cant seem to get due to them being here. If I didnt have a nice factory job, I would gladly landscape for enough money to feed my family. Now I'm faced with the knowledge that if I ever have to go look for a job, landscaping, cooking, cleaning, and several other easy to get jobs will be taken from me by criminals.
I am in total agreement that the companies and business' that hire or pay illegal aliens should be closed immediatly, and the owner(s) fined and sent to prison. Furthermore, any person not having legal status in this country should be put on a bus, train, plane, or cargo ship, and removed from this country as quickly as possible. That goes for their children as well. Dont come here, get knocked up and expect your kid to be your ticket in. They have just as much legal right to be here as you do.
oh, well, at least we can all go to Mexico illegally, right? Oh...no? We'll be jailed right away and have to pay for our own meals and cells, and treated like criminals...imagine that.
First of all, what the hell have you refuted and backed up? All you have spouted off are you own experiences and opinions. But bravo for that?
Anyway, I never said this one day would prove anything. Nor did I voice approval of today's acts or dissaproval. All I said was that we can't get along without them. Let's get them to move out for five years? Remind me how that is different from rounding them up and kicking them out because that's exactly what we'd have to do. And go bankrupt in the process.
Now on to the unemployment thing. The unemployment rate is figured by accounting for anyone over the age of 16. That, my friend, includes students. The unemployment rate is steady at about 4.7%. That's quite good. You can't elminate 11 million people and expect those jobs to all be filled. It doesn't work that way. Agriculture and labor-based fields would completely collapse and cause our economy to crumble as result.
Now as I have stated in previous threads, my father owns a construction company and cannot keep employees. No one is skilled or willing to do the work. He puts out ads in the classifieds and anywhere else he can all the time. But there aren't enough people. And it's not just him. He has many friends who own companies or work at other companies having the same problems. Many have started to resort to hiring immigrants and illegals just so they can keep their businesses running. You get rid of them and many businesses will close. Sure, you can crack down on the businesses that hire illegals. You'll put some bad people out of business and many people who are just trying to keep their businesses open at the same time. Though, I must admit, I find it quite funny how you can have no problem with going after businesses when the government is the one who turned a blind eye and practically winked and nudged these companies to hire illegals. Our government is the one who f^&*ed up and allowed for businesses to take advantage of illegals.
Finally, I love how you can equate murders and rapists with people that are simply trying to survive and take care of their family. Giving the illegals that are in this country amnesty is just my opinion of a solution. We can't afford to throw them all out and we ultimately need them. Concede once and never let it happen again.
so is the guy who steals food from the local wal-mart, but he got arrested just the same, because he became a criminal...to feed his family.
yeah, but publix (or whatever supermarket you have by you) didn't treat him like a piece of sh!t and wal-mart didn't say "hey, come on in and take some food. sure it's illegal, but we don't mind it."
Tristan unemployment rate is not including students, it includes people fired, on break or adults in between jobs...
and you want to argue this? bring it.. I have been through many economics classes and have my BA in Administration....
this @!#$ has got to stop I will gladly help a start a march for No Illegals FOREVER day..
@!#$ them they need out, they and walmart are the filth that is eating away at this poor country.. that and our gov't doesnt give a @!#$ because its so god damned corrupted
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
that and according to the national statistics 2% of the unemployment rate are people that do not want jobs in the first place and gave up becuase they enjoy standing at the corner. I'm Hispanic I'm a seventh generation texan and my family bloodline goes down to the side kickin santa annas arse out of texan in the first place and you damn straight i'm ready to follow in on that tradition
Tristan, does your father pay all the taxes for these "needed" employees? or is that an unfortunate perk? Point-Blank your father does not deserve to run a business if he can't keep it open legally, don't get pissed, he's just trying to get his even if he has to do it illegally.
wouldn't it be a bitch if your dad got run through and made an example of by the good ole us of a, then youd be pissed at americans for making your dad an example of how not to be a criminal.
Jim Carrey in Liar Liar wrote:STOP BREAKING THE LAW, @!#$!!!!!
THEY ARE ILLEGAL !!!!! What part of that can't some people understand ? They are breaking the law . A law that was established over a hundred years ago and has worked fine untill recently. We don't need to change for them ! This is OUR country we were born here or came here legaly and we have rights that they should never ever have!
Why is it that all of a sudden people think criminals deserve more rights then honest law abideing citizens ?
We have some Mexican Americans at my work, they are here legaly, they make in excess of $15.00 an hour washing efing cars !! NONE of them protested yesterday,
NONE of them called out, they were all right here working hard because they belong here because they are here legally !!!! I asked one of the guys who speaks better english then the rest and he said that the illegals give all hispanics a bad name and should not be allowed to stay. He went on stateing that if it took him 2 years to get here legally then why are they any different or better then he is? I told him they went an not to worry.
If your here legally I have no problem with you as I'm sure no one here does either. The problem arises when you break the law and nothing is done to stop you yet we get harrased for driveing 10mph above the speed limit or haveing an exhaust thats too loud !! Give me a efing break !! Why can't law enforcement enforce the laws that should matter the most?
We don't need or owe illegals anything and its high time they get slapped in the face and shown it.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
so now after all this ranting and raving, may i ask, exactly how much does this affect you overall in your life?
ive always been a firm believer that YOU YOURSELF need to make YOUR life. Life is what you make of it. there are more important things in this world then stressing over ONE day's events. taking care of yourself and your family should come first, not freaking out because you had a bad day in traffic.
I find that people stress out WAYYYYYYY too much in this country, just let happen whats happening, in the end, America (and yourself if youre smart enough) will continue to run, just like normal.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I wonder would you be saying the same thing for a walk out supporting the rights of car theives, or any other common criminals that you could think of.
I'm not agaisnt immigrints I'm against anyone wo breaks the law.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
breaks the law? thats why there's different levels of consequence. just like you cant give someone the same sentence thats committed 10 murders vs someone who stole a candy bar at the grocery store. should there be a reprimand? yes. is there a feasible way to do it? no. is it something that is currently destorying our nation or killing people (like the iraq war?). no.
if they are illegal but work their asses off, so be it. people complain they're taking our jobs. its no different than whats happening now in china, japan, and india, taking our jobs. the duty of the american people is to NOT be lazy, and be the best country possible by raising our EDUCATION standards. if they wanna have the picking tomatoes jobs so be it, americans should be better than that and be in managerial positions.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
So then because there are soooo many of them they should get a free pass is that what your saying ? How about child molesters, there's whole bunches of them should they get a free pass to ? Or like you said murderers, lots of them too free pass for them as well ? Drug dealers are everywhere how can we possibly catch them all so we should just stop trying right ?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
if your here illegally kick them out and make thier governments pay for it not the US taxpayer, im hardcore conservative on this one
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
if an invading force came ILLEGALLY would you say its okay they just want a better life, actually i think it was " we want more breathing space" . someone else said that....oh yeah hitler as he invaded the french and like cowards the french bowed down to him and say its okay he means no harm. are we the french??? i sure as hell hope not. we need to stand by are laws common law or not last i remembered wether they had weapons or not they are invading our country crossing into our borders. they need to be sent back simple as that.