OK... everyone has there conspiracy theries... and all the imigration arguments.... and war arguement..... but what about how things really should be...
Why do we hate and despise eachother..... when will people learn to "love thy neighbor" like thats said in the best selling book of all time.
The foreiners moving in down the street are not your enemy... balck, white, asian.... and religion or beliefs someone else has doesn't matter...
People need to live together... and govern ourselfs...... if everyone would just open there eyes and look at the world in the right way....
We should ALL be helping EACHOTHER throught the world and live together peacefully.... there really is NO reason not to.. screw if you think your right and they are wrong.... it doesn't matter as long as we don't hurt eachother and help one another instead... and just write different belifs of as "hey different stokes for different folkes" as you will.
Why cant we self govern ourselfs.... and just say... "you know what screw this.... screw what our governemt and police say we can or cant do... we know whats right and wrong". and just be caring compasionate people.... if that could happen.... we wouldn't need government... and they would hold no power and with the masses working together... we could focus our attention on the ones actually controlling us and that are filling us with all this hatred... the governents of the world.... it's OUR world.... it's not theres and we're just live in it.
I don't understand why racism and biggotry still exists..... but without it.... we wouldn't be as easely controled.... this isn't just an anti-government rant..... btw.... I'm talking about much more than that.... a day where we can all live in peace and be truely free and no one would go hungry... and pain in the world whould start to end.... You wan't to know how world peace can be achived... well that is how...
Sadly... this will never happen because people are just way too stupid and closed minded...... and that is what will eventually be the end of us all...
^^^^^ That was basically the once sentance version of the point I was making.....
I was just throwing in how it could be if that wheren't the case...
You're thought I great, and in some theorist views, thats how the world was before government, in the state of pure nature...however others say that it was one hell of a trip, a "war of all against all" is the term used by Hobbes.
The thought that one would sacrifice themselves for another in return for peace and freedom is entirely possible, but is very difficult being as how it is sometimes difficult to see the positive outcome given a situation, and to be honest, the thought of someone else getting the upper hand over myself in an area where the was no over arching authority to govern, would be completely out of the question, because dammit, i need X, Y and Z to survive.
Besides, world peace can only be attained by a government who puts the fear of some sort of punishment or the ability organize people into action to really complete the idea totally. Individuals may live in peace together, but there will always be one person, or group of people, who will dislike another group for a some reason or another, whether or not it is true or not doesn't matter, its human nature to put fear into a category, especially fear of the unknown including people who are not known to the other group. This happens a number of ways, but mainly by geography, vast distances or mountains, or rivers, or something separates people. Causing the lack of knowledge, leading to fear of the unknown, and then leading to a fear of those indiviuals or groups that are not known.
Probably not what you were looking for...but just my $.02
Eh..... I really dont know why I made the thread to tell you the truth... I know it's useless.... I was just in an odd mood...
Although.... I've really never understood why are species is so obsessed with destroying itself..... it's amazing we have lasted this long..... it has to be because of sheer numbers if anything... You don't see that in any other species on the planet...... people are really the only anomoly on the planet that doesn't seem to belong here at all.
Most people have to understand themselves and how they think before they can truly love either themselves or their neighbour.
Part of knowing yourself is that about 99% of people think they're just fine, and even though you're completely full of sh*t, you're living in close enough proximity that they would do better to tolerate your sh*t than call you on every god-damned thing out there.
The other 1% actually knowing that
YOU are also indeed full of sh*t, and you're basically no better nor worse than you are, and that even though everyone basically is full of sh*t that it's better for everyone to just know that and try to fix themselves and their sh*t instead of trying to fix someone else's sh*t because everyone has to figure out their own path to fixing their sh*t, otherwise they're going to be just f*cked.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^^ OK GAM ..... that started out sounding all enlightened and crap and then turned into something that didn't make sense.
I basically understood what you where saying though
To know others means your wise...... to know yourself means your enlightened..... or something like that..
Everyone lives in a status oriented material world thats fixated on control..... People only think of how they can shape the world to suit them instead of learning to adjust themselves for the world around them.
The thing is...... if you strip away all the "bullsh!t"..... then what do you have? Thats the trick..... to look past the meaningless crap....
As for me..... enlightened as I may or may not be...... I've realized how things are... and how people are.... and have learn't to shield myself..... but the fact that I can't fix the problem doesn't mean I don't understand it or know whats wrong.
It would be nice if that was the way things could be... however too many people would abuse that way of life.
For one, look at all the people that are in jail right now for commiting
serious crimes, like murder, rape, child molestation, abuse, etc... Most of those types of people have serious mental problems, and if they were not being held accountable for their actions, there would be no stopping them if we didnt have some type of law enforcement.
Nevermind stretching this type of anarchist society across the world. Its a shame that we cant live in a big happy world, but people are selfish and like you mentioned, power hungry. Even if somehow most of the world managed to work this way of life out, there would still be that percent of people that would take advantage of it. Take terrorists for exmaple. They use destructive behavior to create fear and power for themselves.
I do not feel that different beliefs is a reason to hate eachother, but some societys are like that. Its unfortunate but what can you do...
I feel that if there was no general control over society as a whole, especially with the large population of people there is across the world, things would eventually go downhill.
I guess... Just sorta rambeling as I work
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Most people have to first understand themselves and how they think before they can truly love either themselves or their neighbour.
Part of this is knowing that about 99% of people think they're just fine, and even though they're completely full of sh*t, you know that you're] living in close enough proximity that you would do better to tolerate your sh*t than call you on every god-damned thing out there.
The other 1% actually knowing that YOU YOURSELF are also indeed completely full of sh*t, and you're basically no better nor worse than any one else, and that even though everyone basically is full of sh*t that it's better for everyone to just know this about themselves and everyone so that they try to fix themselves and their own sh*t instead of trying to fix someone else's sh*t because everyone has to figure out their own path to fixing their sh*t, otherwise they're going to be just f*cked.
Even GAM f*cks it up sometimes...
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
So Weebel, you're talking about anarchy if I'm reading this correctly? I do have a problem with reading sometimes let me know if I'm wrong.
Anarchy would work if everyone wasn't out for #1. Until we can get past that there's no point in arguing over it cause no one will change for anything. I may sound like a dick but people dont change that's it.
People change only when it's in their own best interest overcome their baser instincts and they realize when they've hit bottom.
Drunks go dry sometimes, junkies get clean sometimes, embezzlers go straight and recompense sometimes.
We're one messed up species.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Ya but even if the go clean or sober whatever it may be they are still that same person at the base. If you throw a bottle of whiskey at a recovered alcoholic more chances than not he'll jumo right back into what he was before. Yes give there are a few exception but as a whole yes we are a screwed up species.
Depends... I know from cruising on Carnival, they can actually resist but it ain't easy.
Hell, some shop-a-holics can't go for a carton of milk without spending $100 in other crap.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I never meant to imply that I thought this could actually work.... My point more than anything is that almost all of us know why world peace can't exist, and what the problems are...... we basically know how to make it happen..... but we just can't gather the willpower to make it happen..... It's not that we don't know how.... it's that we just don't want to.
And i guess I was talking about anarchy in a sense..... anarchy can be a good thing in the right group of people...
Really.... there is one thing standing in the way....and that one thing is what I've always thought the meaning of live to be...... True unconditional love..... if the human race ever learns to do or feel that.... unconditionally for one another.... maybe the world will start to change for the better.... but sadly.... I don't believe it will ever happen...
Instead... we feel hatred for eachother... even though we are givin no real reason to..... we always choose hatred over love....it's just natural for us.... it's amazing what misplaced fears can do.