since the war forum is littered with anti-republican, left-wing liberalism and mccain hate, i thought i would ask for an opposing view point.
ok, obama is going to win the election. whatever. the question i have, however, is simply......why?
for those of you who plan on voting
for him, please let me know why you are doing so. and try not to be vague and say something generic like "i agree with the issues" or whatever else.
i would love to have tangible reasons why people would vote for someone who has been on the national political scene for only two years before running for the office. people rag on palin for a thin resume, but blatantly glaze over obama's. whats the difference?
and before anyone tries to rail on me for being a mccain supporter, no i am not. my man for the past 18+ months has been ron paul. he was by far the best choice for our salvation in this election. but when left up to the liberal-ass MSM and ignorant people, he was unfortunately marginalized and made to look like a fringe loony.
so, goodwrench and the rest of you libbies......what is so great about obama?
I dont think that its Obamas so great of a choice its McCain is even worse of a choice. He agrees with bush so much and not alot of people like bush.
Also all of his adds saying obamas a terrorist and that he hangs out with terrorist. Really? so this guys gonna sucide bomb the white house?
(tabs) wrote: ron paul. he was by far the best choice for our salvation in this election. but when left up to the liberal-ass MSM and ignorant people, he was unfortunately marginalized and made to look like a fringe loony.
X2 In all honesty I never heard about him until it was too late.....wish I had know sooner.
The why is an easy answer. He talks a good game that is very apealing especially to the poor. It is all hype. We all want change from the corrupt politicians and he claims to be that change. Very few people look into his his background, his voting record, ect. If they did there is no way they would vote for him. They would see right through the hype and realize they had been scammed. Most people are nowhere near as far left as he is. The sad part is they do not even know how far left he is.
Then their is the extreme media bias. You saw first hand it with Ron Paul.
You know as well as do the rest of us that race is an issue in this race. There are many african americans voting for him just because he is black and for no other reason. Many whites voting for him as a way to say "look at me I am not racist" or because it is time that a black man became president nothing to do specifically with him just that it is time and then they feel alright about it because he talks a good game and they don't look any further into it.
To these guys the diffewrence between Obama and Palin was that they had already chose to be on Obama's team so anyone that was a threat to Obama was bashed. And again we saw the media bias hardcore. If they had given Obama the same scrutiny he would not have a chance. You have to go to talk radio to find out the stuff the media covers up about Obama.
I'm a recently naturalized citizen, 23 years old, born in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
I'm going to cast my first vote ever for Obama/Biden for various reasons. Mainly I'm sick of all of the right-wing war mongering and overall world ignorance that the Mccain campaign is focusing on. I also agree that the U.S. needs to engage in a huge alternative energy development project long and short term (I know that Mccain is pushing for this as well). In addition I like the Obama/Biden view on healthcare and education and I don't believe that Mccain's healthcare plan would be practical to everyone in the U.S.
I like the fact that Barack Obama is a very intelligent and well spoken person with a good overall knowledge on the issues surrounding this country. I don't buy into the fear card that the Mccain camp is playing, and I hate the fact that Mccain picked Palin as VP candidate further pushing away the independent voters while polarizing the republican base.
I'm a little winded and motivated from seeing Henry Rollins speak last night, forgive me if i sound too liberal to some of your conservatives, I just cannot wait until this thing ends so we can get on with our lives.
Get out and vote on Tuesday.
Stephen wrote:I dont think that its Obamas so great of a choice its McCain is even worse of a choice. He agrees with bush so much and not alot of people like bush.
Also all of his adds saying obamas a terrorist and that he hangs out with terrorist. Really? so this guys gonna sucide bomb the white house?
You are falling for the trap man. They are trying to paint McCain to be like bush just because Bush is not well liked. If Bush were well liked it would be a different story. McCain has been very outspoken about his disagreements with Bush. He has stood up and taken on his own party on more than one occsion.
He is not trying to make the case that Obama is a terrorist just that he has radical left friends. Ayers did bomb the pentagon the capitol and NY city police headquarters. He would be in jail now for terrorism if it were not for an illegal wire tap loophole. Ayers is no different than Timothy Mcvey. Sure Obama was 8 or whatever when this happend but that is not the point the point is Ayers is not sorry he did it. Infact he said he wished he had done more. Ayers is photograped stomping on the american flag. Obama lied saying he had no idea Ayers was like that. Just like he lied about his pastor Reverand Wright who yells such crap from the pullpit as "No No No not god bless america! God Damn america" He had gone to the church for 20 years and claimed he had not heard him say things like that. That is just 2 of his 7 radical friends right there.
The choice is crystal clear a guy who served his country honorably or a guy who's friends do nothing but tear our country down verbally and physically.
I don't think their is anyway a guy like that should even be consiered as presidential material. What bothers me more about his radical friends is that he LIES about knowing who they really are. I would rather he greww a pair of balls and said yes those are my friends deal with it.
There is no way that I think anyone could vote for Obama if they knew as much about him as I do!
Im voting for Obama just to cancel out Wade's vote
Wade Jarvis wrote:The why is an easy answer. He talks a good game that is very apealing especially to the poor. It is all hype. We all want change from the corrupt politicians and he claims to be that change.
sndsgood wrote:hes a great speaker and gets people to stand up and take notice kinda like another democrat from the past who love his cigars.
he's one of those people that could give a speach about nothing and allot of people would go yeah i agree 100%.
My grandfather stated "he could sell a blind man a newspaper". That's what our country wants right now, it's clearly working in his advantage, I see that. For many people not knowing what to vote, he's an easy choice. I think he is one-hell-of-a speaker and his character when doing such draws you in.
I'll be that uneducated voting blind man buying the newspaper on Tuesday.
Totally agree with what Wade said.
At this point the major reason for voting is fear. Either fear of this vague "change" Obama's babbling about or Fear of "Bush III: Neocons Strike Back" with McCain. So people are either voting for McCain because they're scared of Obama or voting for Obama because they're scared of McCain.
Everyone seems to think that both choices are seriously flawed but you Merkins are such pussies sometimes when it comes to politics (As beautifully fearless as you are in other things, you are terrified of dishonoring the flag if you oppose the will of your government too much. The achilles heel of a people who could be great "if only...") that no one is pointing out the obvious flaw here. If these guys can't even pick candidates that most Americans like, how are they supposed to represent you?
Forget party loyalty. Forget this left/right BS. Forget Conservatism VS Liberalism. Forget the issues. This is the future of your country!!! This isn't "American Idol". You're not supposed to vote for the person you least hate. I realize that it's been like that for a few decades, but now they're really pushing it!
Personally, the best "ticket" for America would have been a McCain/Biden run. They complete each other.
Well i did not get to register in time so what i say does not matter.
Well i was going to post a few obama and mccain article titles to help prove the points that were pointed out, but it seems like my comp would rather freeze up than open a obama article. Good computer.......
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, November 01, 2008 9:48 PM
sndsgood wrote:hes a great speaker and gets people to stand up and take notice kinda like another democrat from the past who love his cigars.
he's one of those people that could give a speach about nothing and allot of people would go yeah i agree 100%.
Vague reminder of Hitler. Not saying Obama is but you pretty much just described him.
Knoxfire wrote:
Forget party loyalty. Forget this left/right BS. Forget Conservatism VS Liberalism. Forget the issues. This is the future of your country!!! This isn't "American Idol". You're not supposed to vote for the person you least hate. I realize that it's been like that for a few decades, but now they're really pushing it!
Personally, the best "ticket" for America would have been a McCain/Biden run. They complete each other.
unfortunately it seems that for the past few decades each party has chosen a candidate that is so deeply rooted in the left or right that the majority of the voters who are middle-of-the-road on the issues and dont vote solely on party lines are made to play the "lesser of two evils" game.
i understand that youre outside of the country's confines, and as such probably received next to no mention of Dr. Ron Paul (much like too many americans). if you would like to be an informed canadian, check him out. also check out
freedom under siege for a more undiluted idea of what the man was about. hands down, he was the only good choice for america this year.
beyond that....obama can suck my nuts. to let you guys know why i cant stand him: its because as wade pointed out above (and as ive said many times before) hes gotten as far as he has
because he's black. its like a collective, unconscious, social affirmative action going on. an equally inexperienced white man who also associated with terrorists, went to a muslim school, attended an extremist church, and had the name of obama/hussein would have been ousted from the primaries before anyone would have even heard his stance on abortion. but because hes a minority...? well, now we have to treat him differently.
add to that the fact that the media bends over backwards to portray him as the god-child sent to earth to wash away the sins of the bush administration. like thats going to be possible, much less from this guy.
add to that the fact that his wife is a wholly un-american bitch.
add to that the fact that he has all but been handed this election. the best competition the dems could muster was....hillary??? please! and going against the most hated republican regime in history already gave any democratic candidate a ton of free votes.
add it all up and obama is nothing but an empty suit who has lived a life of luxury his whole life and is coasting to the presidency on the backs of the media and the uninformed. i find that whole scenario to be such an unmanageable amount of bull@!#$ that i feel my head may explode at any time.
(tabs) wrote:since the war forum is littered with anti-republican, left-wing liberalism and mccain hate, i thought i would ask for an opposing view point.
ok, obama is going to win the election. whatever. the question i have, however, is simply......why?
for those of you who plan on voting for him, please let me know why you are doing so. and try not to be vague and say something generic like "i agree with the issues" or whatever else.
i would love to have tangible reasons why people would vote for someone who has been on the national political scene for only two years before running for the office. people rag on palin for a thin resume, but blatantly glaze over obama's. whats the difference?
and before anyone tries to rail on me for being a mccain supporter, no i am not. my man for the past 18+ months has been ron paul. he was by far the best choice for our salvation in this election. but when left up to the liberal-ass MSM and ignorant people, he was unfortunately marginalized and made to look like a fringe loony.
so, goodwrench and the rest of you libbies......what is so great about obama?
The same reason you're not voting for him... He is Black.
Also before you start labeling "liberalism" like ignorant media and many politians do, I would suggest to read books on the father of liberalism: John Locke. You would be hard pressed to find out that you would fall under the category: Liberal.
Mainly I'm sick of all of the right-wing war mongering and overall world ignorance
Then for you Son, its a good thing that the big BAD USA came to your ad in 1917\1941...But then i guess you do bring out the analigley of him being like hitler even more so...
The same reason you're not voting for him... He is Black.
BS, but i know that answer helps you sleep at night, its cool.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
ill tell you why some dont, mainly my family...
if/when he is elected. anyone making more than $250,000 gets their taxes increased. my mom owns a ups store and the income is well over $250,000. good news right? WRONG. it cost about $300,000 to $400,000 to run the store and she has to take some money from my dads income to run the store. so once obama gets it we go bankrupt. and there goes his helping the middle class BS. you either love him or hate him and i for one cant stand him. he is a rookie senator who hasnt strayed 2 ft off his party lines. i dont want mccain either, or palin. biden has the best chance but i dont want any of them, i already voted and i sat there for almost 10 minutes trying to figure out who was going to @!#$ up the country the least.
You guys are full of @!#$ thinking that he's black is why he is this far.
If that were the case we'd have already had Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as Presidents.
Why I'm voting for Obama -
I know that every right wing person is just sure beyond sure that the world will implode if Obama is elected - but guess what?
It is not going to get any worse than it has been for the last 8 years. Solely because of that I am willing to go with the candidate running on the grounds of change. John McCain needed to do more to distance himself from Bush because if you look at his voting record, and where he stands and has flip/flopped on issues recently he might as we'll be John H.W. Bush-McCain. Plus probably even more important to me than the war is renewable energy. McCain has a strong history of voting against funding for it, and voting for funding for drill - baby - drill. It wasn't until just recently that he decided hey, @!#$! I'm gonna lose my ass totally if I don't change my ways.
And lastly, finally, why I'd vote for Obama if all I had watched was campaign stuff from the last year or so-
Plain and simply McCain has run the most negative campaign ever in the history of modren American Presidential races. He isn't running on the issues, he has never really - tried to. Every new week is some new attack on Obama's character. It is like whatever piece of @!#$ manages to find its way to the media - McCain bites onto it and takes off running with it - like he really has something.
Plus Palin... she'll never be my President. Not from McCain dying, and not in 2012 when she rears her ugly head again.
So there you have it Benny, I don't feel like hashing issues right now because I just woke up and smoked a fat bowl of chronic. But you asked for opinion. I also will be utilizing my vote to cancel out Wade's. I'm from Iowa so it'll work out perfectly.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:
The same reason you're not voting for him... He is Black.
i'm sorry.....did you just say that you were voting for him because he is black? and that i am
not voting for him because he is black? that is just such a simplistically ignorant statement that i'm not sure where to begin with it......seriously, just wow.
do you honestly think that i am disqualifying obama because of his skin color? like taetsch said....if that lets you sleep at night, then you can go on thinking that. that seems to be the thing that most obama supporters like to parade around. anybody who doesnt like obama is a racist, right? suuuuure. i mean i didnt lay out actual reasons that i didnt approve of him, such as his
complete lack of experience. oh a big, bad, bullying white man who is trying to keep a minority figure down. i also helped the cia introduce crack in the mid 80s for the same purpose.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Also before you start labeling "liberalism" like ignorant media and many politians do, I would suggest to read books on the father of liberalism: John Locke. You would be hard pressed to find out that you would fall under the category: Liberal. ![](/global/images/emoticons/ay.gif)
i know who john locke is, so dont talk down to me like i am an unschooled child. i am a self proclaimed libertarian. we support individual freedoms and constitutional rights. the term "liberalism" or "liberals" in reference to our current political system denotes a more socialistic approach where the government supports its people through a welfare system.
edit: since i just saw kflo's reply.
You guys are full of @!#$ thinking that he's black is why he is this far.
If that were the case we'd have already had Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as Presidents.
jesse jackson and al sharpton are hypocritical jokes, even among parts of the black communities they supposedly lobby for.
i cant even begin to fathom how someone can deny the effect that race is having on obama's campaign. yes, there are racist whites who wont vote for him
because hes black. and there are many, many blacks who will vote him simply
because hes black. but then there are also so many other whites that like to think of themselves as "unbiased" and "forward thinking" and will vote for him because of that.
again, if obama had been white then he wouldnt have even made a dent in the primaries.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, November 02, 2008 9:28 AM
Did I say 100% negative? No, I just said the most negative ever.
Watch TV, look on the internet, read a newspaper or magazine. His advertisements are always attacks, not issue builders.
I didn't buy the space, create the ads, put them there, and then approve them. I just have to put up with seeing them all of the time.
It'll all be over Tuesday night though. I'm going to change my sig pic to plate of dead crow and leave here waiting, for you to eat.
there is no crow for us to eat, as we have not been proclaiming obama's downfall. quite the opposite, in fact. so do what you feel you must