A lot of people have been throwing around the concept of morality here, and I thought there were a few things you should know when it comes to morals:
Firstly, morality is not set in stone. It's not an absolute. It doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. Morality simply means "To do what is right as you see it." I know I mention Asian culture a lot in this respect, but I believe their morality is utterly alien to Western moralists. Back in the 1940's, the Japanese believed it immoral to surrender. Both for themselves and the enemy. So when the Chinese surrendered at Nanking, the Japanese felt that the Chinese had given up their essential humanity and didn't deserve to be treated as humans. So they raped children and killed men for fun. They kept mementos like ears and skulls and took smiling pictures of themselves next to their victims.
Secondly, morality is not about doing good. It's about following your own inner code because you can't allow yourself to do otherwise. The end. Euthanasia and Abortion are immoral? Fair enough. But is it moral to let some poor old guy slowly and painfully die of a wasting disease until there's nothing left except horrible and humiliating suffering that will only end by death? Or is it moral to let a child be born if it's not going to be loved or cared for? If all it's going to know is being yelled at punctuated by a beating? Yes, I realize that this isn't the case all the time with these things, but what if it happened once out of every 100000 times? Then would it be okay in those cases? I would think that the people who oppose it, would oppose it across the board. Regardless of the consequences of their actions.
Thirdly, and this goes back to my first point, but morality isn't shared by everyone on your "side" of the fence either. I know plenty of Conservatives that think nudity isn't wrong at all, that sex is awesome, that guns should be regulated a bit more, that religious people should keep their mouths shut sometimes, that Euthanasia isn't wrong and host of other "liberal" ideas. Trust me though, they ain't liberals.
Lastly, I want to make it clear that I'm not saying there's anything wrong with morality. I think it's good to follow a code of behavior. All I'm saying is that it's not as simple as you may think.
Nothing ever is.
BUT, that's morality according to YOU
J03Y wrote:BUT, that's morality according to YOU
Exactly, everyone sees morality in their own way. Thus, it's not set in stone,
lol, i know...I just wanted to be the ass of obviousness
I live by one morality code: Karma.
ThatGuy85 wrote:I live by one morality code: Karma.
That is kind of how I live my life and sums up my morals...do unto others as you would have them do to you.
That's Christianity there...
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
Christianity? There is a large difference between karma and Christianity.
Haven't you ever seem My Name is Earl? Thats karma LOL
I think people over complicate morality.... Like how you brought up gun control.... that has nothing to do with morality...... now when its OK to shoot someone or not is a different story.
What ever happened to the golden rule..... that pretty much sums it up for me.
I dont mess with you....... and you dont mess with me.
IF you mess with me unprovoked..... it's OK for me to hurt you.
If I mess with you unprovoked.... than I'll have to accept the consequences.
If you treat me good..... than I consider you a good person and do the same for you.
Wade Jarvis wrote:ThatGuy85 wrote:I live by one morality code: Karma.
That is kind of how I live my life and sums up my morals...do unto others as you would have them do to you.
thats the Golden Rule
ThatGuy85 wrote:Christianity? There is a large difference between karma and Christianity.
wade quoted the Golden Rule, but called it karma. taetsch pointed out what it was...
they are similar principles, but opposite ends. the Golden Rule is more proactive, in that it says to do what you would want done to you. karma says that what you do will come back to you.
Then the 9-11 hijackers were just following thier code of morality and we can't be mad at what they did. (just one example that most everyone can reIate to btw) . I don't buy it . If there is no absolute morality then there is no such thing as good guys and bad guys just people following thier own codes whatever they determinde them to be. Some people may get nearer to the truth than others which is why they can look at other and tell them they are wrong. Doesn't mean they should be condeming and judgemental towards that person, rather they should be merciful and help them to a higher morality.
What about men who rape children? They get physical pleasure from it, a sense of power, and some sense of intimacy which are in and of themselves (pleasure, power, and intimacy that is) not bad things. However convicted he is that what he does is ok I think it is safe to say that anyone here would deem what he does is wrong and evil, although he sees it as a good thing. Thus it doesnt matter what he believes, we know that we are nearer ther truth (whatever that may actually be) than he is.
Here is the truth as I see it. Basically, there are several(10) acts that are globally accepted as being wrong. Murder, stealing, blah, blah, blah. After that, the human species does a wonderful job of rationalizing and rule-bending to get what they want.
I just try to practice something along the lines of live and let live. I do what I want within reason as do you and Im fine. I dont see a problem with incorporating Christian and other religious morals into your life even if youre not particularlly religious.