I wonder if Senator Orin Hatch has ever sneaked a little peak? Maybe just for research purposes?
CNBC Feature - Click Here
hahahahaha!! #10, baby!
although, in our defense, this may be a somewhat disingenuous figure. 2.94 subscriptions per 1000 broadband users, out of 336,283 total broadband users, only equals 998.67 users out of a population of approximately 1,812,035 people, equaling 1 subscriber for every 1,814.44 people in the state.
#3 but i guess they dont count for all the free stuff out there too
Ha ha... not even on the list LOL
It doesnt surprise me that Alaska is #2 though.
So the farther you are out in the middle of no where, the more likely you are to watch pron? I guess the local hillbilly girls must not be doing it for them.............
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I think it has something to do with not having much to do..... so you sit at home on the internet.
Obviously the site is off, PA not even on the list even with Matt.
Quite a few of those are southern states.... Hrmm...
And Utah should be lower on that list.. I mean, they're not THAT far from Vegas.
Louisiana and Florida? i would have never in my life thought they would have made the list, with all the tail you have floating around those states Mardi Gras. Florida gets an international vibe too, what?
"I've got veins, that carry blood all over my bady"
The Mormon state is #1? Wow.
Didnt you know? Mormons are freaks... LOL
Weebel wrote:Didnt you know? Mormons are freaks... LOL
Sexual repression does that.
You a learn a new respect for life and what you have when you get a mormon friend. Even better when they stop being mormon
I accidentally the SHIFT LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig