I rarely post in here, but I work for the Department of Public Welfare for the State of PA. None of the state workers are getting paid. Well I shouldn't say none, Lottery and Liquor and OVR are getting paid because most of their funds are from federal and some other bull@!#$ accounts. So starting July 1st, we don't get paid. Great? Great! Spendell tells us to get loans. Most of the people don't qualify! Then this!
http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/20170395/detail.html Legislators get a 158 dollar a day stipend ON TOP of their salary. AND THEY ARE GETTING PAID!!! /rant
Well then... isnt that the same thing as firing you?
If I worked for the state.... and they quit paying me..... I'de quit working.... and find something else...
And how the hell are you going to take out a loan let alone pay one back without an income?
wow that bs.
the bitter irony of the situation is that they probably have no delays in sending out welfare checks.
i say you should get fired so you can go on welfare......thatll teach em!
Weebel wrote:Well then... isnt that the same thing as firing you?
If I worked for the state.... and they quit paying me..... I'de quit working.... and find something else...
And how the hell are you going to take out a loan let alone pay one back without an income?
Instead of doing furloughs like other states do, they just make us work. Eventually we'll get paid, but I have a feeling it'l be a lump and we'll get screwed on taxes.
The places that are doing the loans are deferring the payments until we start to get an income, however, not everyone is being accepted. I lucked out, my credit union is doing interest free loans, but who's to say they're not going to run out of money soon?
This is your elected government. Why are people bitching here, do something about this. All over this nation the government lives by different standards than they enforce. Why do you accept this. What would the founding fathers say about this? Deficit spending and creating a welfare state. This is just one more sign that the progressive movement is alive ad destroying the DNA of our country for the worse.
Well these politicians are banking on the laziness of America. Everybody is to worried about making it by,than standing up against it.I'LL take a hit on myself I'm one of those ppl,but hopefully not for long.The ppl really need to unite and start speaking against whats going on,whether it happens or not is up to the American ppl.
So they are going to back pay you in a lump sun down the road?
That doesnt make sense to me...
if they cant afford to pay the salaries now.... what makes them think they will be able to afford paying everyone a lump sum down the road? and in the meantime... you have no income....
I think for me... unless it only lasted a week or soo.... I'de quit...
You know they won't go bankrupt. They will just print more money.
I accidentally the SHIFT LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig
^ Who is they? Not quite sure you understand how that works.
Anyway, I see it basically as your walking papers. The day someone tells me I'm not getting paid for what I'm doing is the day I'm not coming to work.
We had a similar deal here in GA where a company announced that they would not be paying workers for certain days. If they wanted to come to work that day for free, then that was fine. But those who did not show would not be penalized. They didn't expect people to come anyway, but they wanted to avoid the F word.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Still nothing, he wants to pass a "stopgap" budget so we can get some money. I'll be eligible for food stamps come Monday.
well thats swell. Let me know how someone can write a check to themselves from their own account and the world is willing to cash that check.
I am glad you will get some assistance, its wrong you have to go through it, but seriously when is this all going to come tumbling down?
Shortly. There's a ton of pissed off state employees. They make big money, most can afford to go for a bit. Not me.
Spendell finally passed something yesterday so we can get paid. When we'll get paid is another story.