hahahahaha. I love honesty tempered with sarcastic humor. Your handlers are doing very well with you, sir! [/sarcasm]
But seriously, folks: I too am appalled at the abuses of ACORN and the Dems' tongue-in-cheek approach about it. All involved have dirty hands, and to me, this remains an issue very worth watching.
Upon futher reading, it seems that the money will only be going to a certain part of acorn and not their general fund. I say BS. If there is no way to monitor it, then that is exactly what will happen. There are too many politicians who benefit too much from acorn's chicanery, to do more than briefly feign outrage
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Crazy. I thought ACORN was dead insofar as taxpayer contribution. I'm not amused.
They got a president and several members of congress elected and the favors have to be repaid, regardless of how much corruption surfaces.
Won't make the news though
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
J03Y wrote:They got a president and several members of congress elected and the favors have to be repaid, regardless of how much corruption surfaces.
110% QFT!!!!!!
is there ANY other genuine reason a company that is so clearly, blatantly and outright corrupt get away with everything with a slap on the wrist? They are not even scared to be corrupt, because they have the government in their pocket and if they DO go down...they WILL take people down with them. To a politician that's worse than getting aids.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
ScottaWhite wrote:Won't make the news though
What?! So you're saying that Fox News DOESN'T cover all the news!?
(or as so they claim)
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I said "the news". You mentioned foxnews. "the news" is a generic term. Like... I'm gonna have a soda
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
What?! So you're saying that Pepsi DOESN'T make all the soda?!
Bill Hahn Jr. wrote:What?! So you're saying that Pepsi DOESN'T make all the soda?!
Truth, it WILL be on Fox. But to say that just feeds into the mouth breathers that claim Fox is the problem...instead of it being the solution. Tell me this. If Fox is so bad why can't any of these people go on there and prove them wrong. Why do they have to go on CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC and bash Fox from a safe distance. Why are they so scared? I seem to ask this a lot lately...it would seem if they didn't have anything to hide about ACORN or any of the other things Fox has no problem reporting about, the Dems would have no hesitation to appear on Fox and debunk all the the B.S.. Yet they refuse to...kinda make you wonder why?
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Can anybody honestly say they are surprised by this?
I thought they'd at least have to reorganize under a different name or something first.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
ScottaWhite wrote:I said "the news". You mentioned foxnews. "the news" is a generic term. Like... I'm gonna have a soda
I didn't say you mentioned foxnews. Foxnews is a news organization right? Part of "the news"? So their claim that they "cover all the news" means...?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
^grasping for any nearby noodle with which to bash foxnews
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
I sometimes think they are called
FOX news for their women. This fortysomething just drools over those FOXy ladies.
Well, except for Greta, lol
Kellys Court. Mmmm
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart