When he got hold of the terrorist's little kids....yeah, he started talking, he would've spilled it all had they let the man do what was neccessary.
Palestinian suicide bomber blows up a cafe in Israel? Don't airstrike a hamaas, no, no, You find the man's family and go to hellish lengths to make sure that future bombers understand that while they may wind up in allah's embrace with virgins and nubile young boys....their little sister will never marry, nor ever be able to step foot in public without causing small children to cry and making grown men vomit.
Am I a maniac? Probably.
Will this post get deleted? Most certainly. These animals know no limits and its time to meet them on their own field of play.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Kevin Trudeau wrote:Am I a maniac? Probably.
I think everybody has figured that out already

. I'm all for extracting info out of terrorist at any means necessary but going after their family
especially innnocent children is not the way to go and is a bit overboard. If you think it's the right thing to do then do it yourself if you have the stomach to!
There's the thread that we've been waiting for.
Kevin Trudeau wrote:
When he got hold of the terrorist's little kids....yeah, he started talking, he would've spilled it all had they let the man do what was neccessary.
Palestinian suicide bomber blows up a cafe in Israel? Don't airstrike a hamaas, no, no, You find the man's family and go to hellish lengths to make sure that future bombers understand that while they may wind up in allah's embrace with virgins and nubile young boys....their little sister will never marry, nor ever be able to step foot in public without causing small children to cry and making grown men vomit.
And at your age, you can't differentiate reality from a movie?
What makes you think that he'll remotely tell the truth? Torture is just that torture. It is more of a "eye for an eye" and "makes me feel better" than a resolution. Did you ever stop and think(I know it is difficult to on the latter) that the guy would just tell you $hit to just be left alone?
You don't want the Palestine "soldier," "terrorist" blowing up the Israeli Cafe, then Israel should not continue to develop and expand as if Palestine does not exist. Prior to the British not wanting the Jews over in Europe, and to then send them to the territory now known as Israel, both sides co-existed and a lot more peaceful then what we have been seeing in the past 20-30 years. If Canada starts encroaching to where you live and sets up a Canadian flag and laws/taxes... how lightly will you take it? What would be your choice of weapon if you decide to retaliate: a water-balloon or a feather?
Am I a maniac? Probably.
More like bigot, idiot. That in fact is not any better then the group you bitch about.
Will this post get deleted? Most certainly. These animals know no limits and its time to meet them on their own field of play.
This place is not a big media corporation in which you'll get fired for speaking your mind.

Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:There's the thread that we've been waiting for.
You definitely called it, GW. Not to give you too much credit, though...we all knew it was just a matter of time.
Reducing oneself to the very depths one alleges to abhor, in alleged "retaliation" and "vindication", is just Neanderthalic nonsense. "Two wrongs don't make a right" comes to mind, but even that is far too simplistic to define this on its own. It is the depth of hypocrisy to decry another group's violence in one breath, and then to advocate the same violence in the next. As a nation, we're better than that. Well, most of us are, anyway.
Sorry, Scotta. The more you say, the more we realize you really AREN'T any better, more caring, or more advanced than those whom you vainly try to portray as fiends. Frankly, in the grand scheme of things, the fact that you live in an advanced nation but still lower yourself to this hatred makes you , in many ways, even more reprehensible than those who are imbued with this hatred in less advanced backward nations from birth. At least they have a better excuse. Way to not rise above the fray, hater.
hell anyway they can throw in a bullet to the head afterwords too
Sorry my son was on here last night not my thought. We ,meaning everyone who is not a expert at this need to let the professional do what they need to do. War is not something take lightly. The terrorist dont care who they hurt and will not stop their acts of violence. War is ugly and if it take something that would shock anyone to save one life or many it's worth it!