Philly D wrote:DSMskyline wrote:Anyone still interested in the ss lines for these let me know and I will see what I can work out.
I am interested....Is there any pics of what it looks like installed?
LOL. Look on page 11. He posted them in response to the last time you asked.
aaron garcia wrote:Mr. Quick money has been sent your way. Let me know if there are any issues. The shipping address should have been sent with the payment as well if not just pm me and i will get it sent to you. Thanks.
Got it! They're shipping out this afternoon!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, October 09, 2013 6:08 AM
1. Mike Lomond - - 1fine89 - Qty 1 - no Bracket - Paypal--
2. Tyler Tipple - - Tipple561 - Qty 1 - Bracket - Paypal--
3. Nick Allred - - Qty 1 - Bracket=No - Paypal--
4. James Walters - Qty 1 - Bracket - Paypal--
1. Tony Campbell - - Qty 1 - Bracket=Yes - Paypal--
2. Micah Hill - - Qty 1 - Bracket=Yes - Paypal--
3. Andrew Samson - - Ecoswapped - Qty 1 - Bracket = Yes - Paypal
4. Ryan Reis - - qty 1 - bracket=no - Paypal--
5. Aaron Garcia - - qty 1 - bracket=yes - Paypal--
One set of 3/8" adapters left, guys!
Got mine today! Big thumbs up on the quality of these. Made it worth the wait. Thanks again!
DSMskyline wrote:Anyone still interested in the ss lines for these let me know and I will see what I can work out.
Guys, I highly recommend this setup. Much cleaner than connecting the Saturn lines to the J-body lines. And it's a good deal for some custom made SS lines!
ok i got my brackets.. now what years saturn brakes am i looking into buying and.... same years e brake cable???
Pretty much any late 90's S series Saturn. I got the calipers from a 95 SC2 if I remember correctly, but they used the same calipers for everything in those years.
The e-brake cable is your factory e-brake cable. You only have to change it if you have an 03-05 J-body, and you just change it to a 95-02 J-body cable.
There is a thread in the Suspenion and Brake forum about the install. There is also a thread for the original Saturn swap (using the re-drilled Saturn rotors) that talks about the brake lines, which you can either piece together using the J-body lines and the Saturn lines, or you can get the stainless steel ones DSMskyline offers, which I would highly recommend.
im sorry but what rotors can we use srt4 or just regular neon rotors?
Is there anymore of these brackets left or will more be made? Im interested in a set
2002.5 Cavalier Sedan with Ecotec
james wrote:im sorry but what rotors can we use srt4 or just regular neon rotors?
Either will work. The regular rotors are 9mm thick, which is what I used when I designed them, but at least one person has used the SRT4 rotors with them, which are 12mm thick.
Zackary Wilson wrote:Is there anymore of these brackets left or will more be made? Im interested in a set
There is one set of 3/8" left. I have had a few inquiries, but at this point, it's first come, first serve. They're ready to go. If there is a bunch of interest, I may be able to do another run right after the first of the year.
Do you still have that 3/8 set? If so I'll take them. I'll also take the ebrake mount if you have. Let me know and I'll send money.
Last set has been taken
If you guys want to start another list, I'll plan another run.
Glad i jumped in and got my set when i did , im going to be using cross drilled srt4 rotors
2002.5 Cavalier Sedan with Ecotec
Got my set today , couldnt be happier , got nailed with a customs fee 30.10$ candian , so when ordering to canada remember customs will get you with a fee , But it is well worth it in my opinion , I live in Ontario just for reference
2002.5 Cavalier Sedan with Ecotec
Ouch! I've heard of a few guys getting hit with fees, but I didn't know they were that high. Definitely something to be aware of. Thanks for posting that!
Hey mr quick put me on the list for the next run !
James Barclay wrote:Hey mr quick put me on the list for the next run !
You need to note what thickness, and if you need the e-brake brackets or not.
Look at the way the last list was done. Just put that info in a post.
Mr. Quick wrote:Ouch! I've heard of a few guys getting hit with fees, but I didn't know they were that high. Definitely something to be aware of. Thanks for posting that!
Not to sure if every one from Canada will get hit with boarder fee's, I got my brackets in the spring from Mr Quick and knock on wood I never got a bill with boarder fee's.
I think some has to do with the shipping company and how the paper work for customs is filled out.
Ive sent a few things to canada usps and never had anyone have to pay customs fees.
"Oil Leak ? What oil Leak ? Oh, Thats Just The Sweat From All The HorsePower!!"
Yeah ive had stuff shipped before and never got hit by customs , i think it might have been the weight , or the fact it was a long weekend, eitherway it is worth the money in my opinion , and just wanted to give people a heads up
2002.5 Cavalier Sedan with Ecotec
Please add Me your list.
Shayne Godding - yes for the bracket . 5/8 in size.
Mr. Qiucks
I currently have 3/4 inch hub spacers on my car and want to know if you can machine your bracket to 3/4 inch to match my current setup.
I can't use the size you have cause it will totally change up my suspension. Is this at all possible. Also I have linked this group buy to a Facebook community called jbody international. Anyways what can you do for me?
OEM CAMBER/CASTER KIT 10 People for $210 <P>
Just Dave (2 UNIQ) English! wrote:Mr. Qiucks
I currently have 3/4 inch hub spacers on my car and want to know if you can machine your bracket to 3/4 inch to match my current setup.
I can't use the size you have cause it will totally change up my suspension. Is this at all possible. Also I have linked this group buy to a Facebook community called jbody international. Anyways what can you do for me?
I can make a thicker set for you. I'll talk to the shop about it. That will actually be pretty simple. I'll let you know when they can be done.
edit: I talked to the shop, and I can have them in just a few weeks. To make them thicker, you're looking at $20 more, mostly for the extra stock. If you want to do it, let me know.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, October 23, 2013 7:46 AM