If anyone in the Greater Toronto Area, Waterloo, London etc, has a RED 95-02 Sunfire hood for sale cheap, or a Ram Air or Carbon Fiber hood they want to sell let me know asap. I need a hood right now.
How much are you looking to pay? I've got mine which I kept around in case I ever want to sell the ram air hood.
I'll let it go for $200 though. It's red.
There is one at the wrecker here in guelph that is red $200....so i would either be looking at paying less then that for the OEM one (unless yours is chip free, i haven't seen this one from the wrecker yet) OR i will be happy to pay more for a ram air or CF one if someone doens't want theirs anymore...
What condition is your OE one in??
There's a few chips on it (maybe 3 or 4) but overall it's in great condition. You can come by and have a look at it.
It was only on the car for a year.
I'd almost guarantee it's in better shape than anything sitting at a wrecker.
I will let you know...yours is probobly better then the one here at the wrecker...
I am in the middle of looking for an apartment so as soon as i paid first and last i will get a hood...for now i just bent mine down and from 30 feet back...it almost looks normal....
You thinking of selling your ram air one any time soon?? if i spend money i like to spend a bit more and get something better then stock
Hey im selling my Spydar ram air hood with eyelids, Ive already got someone coming to look at it , but if u want im looking for $400 , if he falls through u have it oh and its painted red
Not looking to sell my ram air hood.
Yeah if it falls through i will take it if its in good shape.
ill keep u posted , its in mint shape and its got the eye lids on it
I sometimes hang out at CoffeeTime on Kortright with the guelphracing.com guys, and there are the meets at A&W up on Woodlawn beside the Gallexy theater on Sunday nights.
The guy that owns that black one is also named Paul...here's his profile.
He is a good guy, he doesn't hang out with the guelphracing crew though, not sure where he hangs, i see him at the Tim Hortons at Kortright and Gordon sometimes.