I have a turbo for a 2.4 L comes with manifold .fuel management system ,and turbo capable of 15lbs
the story goes as follows i got the turbo off a mr2 bought a manifold for $400 and ran it for a month made back my money and sold the vehicle i dyno at about 300hp wheels ..didnt run inter-cooled just straight intake ..i only ran if and got my fun out of it then i bought a truck and lost interest now the turbo has been sitting in my room without a home ...the fuel system retailed for about 200$ ,the manifold like i said $400.if i cna get $400 obo for the turbo ,manifold +FMS ill sell it all turbo is in perfect condition (PICS COMMING SOON JUST NEED TO CHARGE CAMERA BATTERYS )
1) Turbo (garret) MR2 6-15lbs ...i ran at 8 un cooled
2) Manifold ....for a 2.4 turbo $400 retail
3) FMS (fuel management system) control the amount of fuel allowed in the engine adjust for amount of PSI
So let me get this straight. You expect us to believe that you dyno'd "somewhere" around the 300hp mark at 8 psi un-intercooled? I call BS BIGTIME! If you actually DID dyno it, you would know the EXACT number you dyno'd at. Dyno sheet please? picture of setup on car please?
What kind of fuel management system. Just an FMU? Size of injectors? External pump yes/no?
8 psi non-intercooled on an LD9 requires you to make about 170 whp over stock on a 5spd car.... 170 whp / 8 psi = 21.25 whp / psi.... which is hard for a properly INTERCOOLED car to hit.
In fact Skilz barely hit that on 8 psi, intercooled, with a GT35r, HO cams, ported head, built motor.... you do the math.
Sounds pretty made up. sorry.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
with chris and darren on this one.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
look this was last summer cars gone pics are gone i dought i had the sheets but for heavens sack its a good turbo i only used it for a month my buddy did all the work i did @!#$ all he a diesel tech he knows his @!#$ he told me around 300hp when he did it and drove it
and about the fuel system look all i did was get the turbo gave the guy the car do it all he never told me what he did, i didnt care
i might be wrong on the ho he said it felt close to this i trust this guy he built a 1800hp mustang from nothing i dought he d lie
all i can say the manifold is fro the car and the turbo fits well fuel system .......sorry for any mix ups
mike paterson wrote:look this was last summer cars gone pics are gone i dought i had the sheets but for heavens sack its a good turbo i only used it for a month my buddy did all the work i did @!#$ all he a diesel tech he knows his @!#$ he told me around 300hp when he did it and drove it
and about the fuel system look all i did was get the turbo gave the guy the car do it all he never told me what he did, i didnt care
i might be wrong on the ho he said it felt close to this i trust this guy he built a 1800hp mustang from nothing i dought he d lie
all i can say the manifold is fro the car and the turbo fits well fuel system .......sorry for any mix ups
Is english your 3rd language?
So you didn't dyno it your "friend" just told you it was 300hp? That's quite misleading. No one is going to want to buy from you if you post like a three year old and make up lies.
Btw Boost is measured in PSI or BAR's, never pounds. You're not running a press...
mike paterson wrote: i dyno at about 300hp wheels
But now you are telling us that it never got dyno'd?
This just proves that you are a Liar.
I HIGHLY suggest that people NOT buy from this person.
Kevin? Where are you? Lets get this thread deleted and this person warned please.
I'm right here.
Of course, I could use a turbo manifold...
Just don't know what to think of anything this guy says now. Hell, I'm running around 8 psi with my blower and only figure I make around 220 hp or so at the crank!
So Mike... where's the pics? What type of manifold is it? Where'd you get it?
email for pics please dont bad mouth me i dont need this thank just want to seel this stuff fast i need cash
class_crunk101@hotmail.com please no threadcrap
Huge price drop on all parts take all for $200 email me for pics class_crunk101@hotmail.com
How long does it take you to charge a camera? I don't see pictures of these so called parts.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
You never did answer my question in your other thread about your $1600 suspension.
I'm still interested in your turbo kit, but would like you to post up pics here. Why does everything have to be hush-hush in email? Can you tell me where the manifold comes from or what kind it is?
VIPERREDZED wrote:Twin charge the weasel 
Now that the car's not a daily driver anymore... I can't really think of a good reason not to.
This stuff looks pretty weathered though. Think I'll hold off on this one.
Thats a cute paperweight. Erm, I mean turbo.
jesus christ.... That is smaller then the stock turbo on my Diesel golf !
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
You ran that at 8 psi un-intercooled? Wow. And untuned? 28 degrees timing advance + retarded heat in the cylinders + 8 psi above atmospheric pressure = some pretty beat up pistons I bet.... I don't care how rich you fueled. it.
That turbo is weathered to crap... the wastegate actuator is rusted to crap. The compressor side looks new but overall that turbo is quite quite small... T25-ish.
The fmu from what I can tell looks to be adjustable, but looking a it... I cannot figure out what brand it is. It's not a begi (top of the line) nor does it look like a vortech or obx knock off... no clue.
Don't even get me started on that manifold. Wow. Did you have it wrapped? It looks to be heat fatigued which is a by product of too much timing and not enough fuel... I bet that thing glowed pink every time you turned the car on.
Overall it looks like most of what you're selling would need to be replaced anyhow, except for maybe the FMU but I wouldn't personally run anything under a BEGI (which I am)....
Good luck selling it. I think $50 is a more appropriate price.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...