are the stock tires directional at all? i cant seem to find a direction arrow on them anywhere. the idea is to bring two with me to the bash for teh drag strip, and drop em to about 16 or 18lbs. but i dont wanna get both the driver side wheels if i need a drivers and a passengers side wheel.
Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
That pressure seems way too low to me. Be careful!
And no, Goodyear RSA's are not directional.
they are not directional but there is a certain side that needs to be facing outwards...
well i think ill be leaving them at home. i really dont think that they will be of any use at the track. my 17" wheels and tires weigh roughly the same as the 16", even though the weight is another inch farther out. no big deal. maybe another bash if i get some good sticky tires on em
Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04