I don't understand how people can not support our troops over seas. Yes the war could have been avoided but it does not matter now. WE ARE AT WAR we have to support our troops that are giving their lifes for our freedom. If you don't like the U.S govt frfreakingove to IrIraqnd then u can talk about how the U.S is over powering and how we do ststupidtuff. These people that stand on the corners and say F Bush and all this crap about oil thats the only reason we are over there F U!! There are troops that are fighting and dieing every single day for you people to be able to do that and i bet most of those protesters don't have the balls to sign up for a military branch and go over seas and kill so they bitch about something. All I am saying is that support the people that are fighting for the freedom of the United States. I know people are going to say a lot of smart ass stuff but thats kool. Its AAmericaand someone died for you to say this. And yes just so you know and don't ask I am going right in to the Navy right after high school and cant wait to defend our country.
2nd place is the 1st loser
1. this belongs in the war forum
2. some people equate supporting troops with supporting the war...simple as that...ignorance runs rampant in this country
well...for the most part I think most American's are behind the troops. I have not really seen anyone bashing the troops. Many disagree with the operation and voice their opinions in that aspect...but no one is bashing soldiers. I admit I don't agree with most of the decisions our president makes...sure he's a douche bag, but we are in it, and I just want to see our guys get home safely and as soon as possible. I think you can say that for most of the country. Most people have a friend, or know someone who has a loved one overseas, lets just hope we get em home soon.
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and unhappy...no wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
since im canadian i dont know everything thats going on but i thinks its more like people arent supporting the war in general, not the troops.
puts on flame suit**
this should be in the war forum btw
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
I agree 100%! My best friend from high school just got back last November, and his bro, whom I dated a long while back, just got back last month. I have one more good friend left over there, and my two cousins are just two who help to run the entire "enduring freedom" mission, as a whole. It is heart breaking to see the ppl turn their heads...but I agree with snoe...ppl don't see the troops as anything but another part of the war = no support from those of the ignorant status they create....
i support everything that the soliders are doing over there and i thank them for it but i dont agree with what bush is doing. i dont like bush and i wish he wasnt in office right now, but to everyone fighting other there, im behind them 100% because it takes a lot of balls to do what they are doing
I voted for kerry. Its not like i dont support the troops, i for one do. Its the reasons that they're there for. And yes I did try to join the Air Force, but i was not able to join cuz i dont have great eye sight. And past americans have died for our freedoms one being the freedom of choice, not every one is going to think like you do or support the same orgainzations you do.
Ascii Art
snoeterp82 wrote:1. this belongs in the war forum
2. some people equate supporting troops with supporting the war...simple as that...ignorance runs rampant in this country
3. Most people who don't support the war do support the troops.
For me....
"Troops dying in Bush's war" <> "Supporting our troops."
"Troops at home with wife and kids = "Supporting our troops"
snoeterp82 wrote:1. this belongs in the war forum
2. some people equate supporting troops with supporting the war...simple as that...ignorance runs rampant in this country
Isn't this the "war forum"?
Trevor D. wrote:I don't understand how people can not support our troops over seas. Yes the war could have been avoided but it does not matter now. ". If you don't like the U.S govt frfreakingove to IrIraqnd then u can talk about how the U.S is over powering and how we do ststupidtuff. These people that stand on the corners and say F Bush and all this crap about oil thats the only reason we are over there F U!! There are troops that are fighting and dieing every single day for you people to be able to do that and i bet most of those protesters don't have the balls to sign up for a military branch and go over seas and kill so they bitch about something. All I am saying is that support the people that are fighting for the freedom of the United States. I know people are going to say a lot of smart ass stuff but thats kool. Its AAmericaand someone died for you to say this. And yes just so you know and don't ask I am going right in to the Navy right after high school and cant wait to defend our country.
Why is it that YOU PEOPLE can't see that not supporting the war does not mean people such as myself don't support the troops. I have family who just came home from the war. I have friends over there now. I have friends who have died there, and family. And I want every American soldier home, that's how I support them.
"There are troops that are fighting and dieing every single day for you people to be able to do that and i bet most of those protesters don't have the balls to sign up for a military branch and go over seas and kill so they bitch about something. "
SO signing up for the military requires balls and the urge to kill? And all this time I thought it meant wanting to better oneself while serving the country which has given so much? War is simply politics by another means. As I don't agree with the politics, I certainly will not agree with the war. I can't validate the deaths of roughly one hundred thousand innocent men, women, and children for our political agenda. Be careful when you accuse people of not having balls and being cowardly. One day you'll say it to the right person, face to face, and then you learn about what having balls means.
"These people that stand on the corners and say F Bush and all this crap about oil thats the only reason we are over there F U!! "
The presence of WMD was a lie. AL Queda connections was a lie. The administration can rant all day about freedom and democracy, but if freedom is so important, why do we chose to bring it only to nations which have oil or other economic benefit for the US?
Burma is ruled by a general with an iron fist, who refused to relenquish power after DEMOCRATIC elections awrded the presidency to someone else in a landslide. We do nothing. A single battalion could unseat this guy, yet we do nothing. An airstrike could kill this guy and shift power, but we do nothing. But we do call Burma an outpost of tyrrany and slap them on the wrist with sanctions. SO now the population is so poor and sick, they can't begin to rebel or fight for themselves....good job. How about Venezuela? We shuttled money into an attempted coup against the DEMOCRATICALLY elected Chavez, because he won't play ball with us on oil.....Let freedom ring right? Take Haiti. We flew in with diplomats and Marines and kidnapped the DEMOCRATICALLY elected president to Africa and left him there. Now the new "gov't" is composed of criminals, rapists, and murderers. WOrld organizations are shocked by the human rights violations, oh and the current administration supports them. Way to go. How about Sudan? Militias are roaming the country slaughtering innocents, and we do nothing. Starting to get the picture? When we have somehting to gain economically or in terms of geopolitical power, we get involved. Otherwise, we stand by.
"And yes just so you know and don't ask I am going right in to the Navy right after high school and cant wait to defend our country"
While I appreciate your youthful zeal, since you seem to have such "balls" and the urge to "kill" why join the navy when in the Arny or arines you could really show us what a man you are and do dome hands on killing?
"WE ARE AT WAR we have to support our troops that are giving their lifes for our freedom"
My taxes are paying their salaries. I do support them. But they are not protecting my freedom. The Constitution does that. DId Iraq attack our shores? Did Saadam send suicide bombers to our schools?
Pakistan and North Korea have been sellign nuclear technology on the black market for a few years now. Their are stockpiles of nuclear weapons in Russia which are unsecured. Those are real threats to the lives of Americans. Not a country so ravaged by the first Gulf War and over a decade of sanctions which drove the population into total poverty.
I am glad to see you have passion and an interest in our nations political structure. But examine the world more closely and study up on history before letting loose with a irrational rant.
What's cooler..than being cool?
And you know for a FACT it was a lie???
oh i guess you're in the CIA right 97icecold??? You can't say WMD's were a lie just as much as I can't say WMD were deffinately there...you don't know S#*T Shut Up
Alexander Andrade wrote:snoeterp82 wrote:1. this belongs in the war forum
2. some people equate supporting troops with supporting the war...simple as that...ignorance runs rampant in this country
Isn't this the "war forum"?
It was in Off Topic when it was posted last night
mikey likey wrote:And you know for a FACT it was a lie???
oh i guess you're in the CIA right 97icecold??? You can't say WMD's were a lie just as much as I can't say WMD were deffinately there...you don't know S#*T Shut Up
Well they weren't there. So...............oh yeah, they loaded up a chemical program onto trucks and moved it to Iran, a program SOOOOO big, that we went to war over it. SOOOOOO big, it could be seen with satelites from a hundred miles up. If it can be seen from that far out, then we probaly would have noticed a HUNDREDS of tanker trucks and missle carriers heading across the desert.....
Oh and by the way, I love the intelligent repoirte.
What's cooler..than being cool?
its funny seeing all the canadian hippys againts the war
a question for all those FOR the war...
Why aren't you over there?
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
what he said
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
97icecold wrote:
SO signing up for the military requires balls and the urge to kill? And all this time I thought it meant wanting to better oneself while serving the country which has given so much? War is simply politics by another means. As I don't agree with the politics, I certainly will not agree with the war. I can't validate the deaths of roughly one hundred thousand innocent men, women, and children for our political agenda. Be careful when you accuse people of not having balls and being cowardly. One day you'll say it to the right person, face to face, and then you learn about what having balls means.
So you are saying that if you go over seas and u have people trying to kill you and couldn't care less about u that you are not going to kill? If thats what you are saying what a dumb ass. Hey people die in war like it or not. I just cant believe that when you go back in your mind and think about what happened on 9/11 that just does not make you so pissed off? That makes me furious to know that they sent murders over here and killed thousands of people that were innocent i mean innocent people are dieing over there yes but we lost lots too. Tough @!#$. and let me guess u are going to be the guy that shoes me what having balls mean since you know everything. Take a chill pill.
2nd place is the 1st loser
Iraq didn't send them, Al Quaeda(sp?) did.
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]a question for all those FOR the war...
Why aren't you over there?
exactly, and whats funny is most of us who came back from there, don't support the war, most of us see it as stuipid and pointless, but we can only do what were told, if were told to go and fight, we go and fight
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Man.. I can't leave you kids be for a minute can I?
1: Don't equate support of troops wth support or War. That kind of horseshjt went away with Vietnam. The USA is embroilled in the war over in Iraq because of an overbearing and inept leadership (no, I'm not talking military... The ones making the decisions have never been in combat ie: Dubya, Cheney, and Rice) that took bad intel as gospel in the face of better founded facts. The troops are over there enforcing inept foreign policy because it's their duty, not because they agree.
2: There categorically, are ZERO WMD's in Iraq that were not already known about. What little there was was left intact because Iran and Israel had enough of an axe to grind with Iraq (more correctly Saddam Hussein et al.) and kept for Self Defense. the UN cannot force repudiation and sanction on a country and leave its people vulnerable to attack by other countries that would conquer the country. There was a Nuclear programme that was about 25 years away from creating a fissionable device. Read the Senate report (the one dubya says reads like a mystery novel.. oh the irony) on nuclear weapons and WMD in Iraq, and you'll find that what was there, was already known about. Also, if you think you can pack up a nuclear facility in a weekend, or a month, or even 2 years, I suggest visiting a local nuclear power facility, oh, one that enriches it's own fuel, and has a disposal area on site. Lets just put it this way, 10 heavy demolition teams couldn't destroy and dispose of the rubble in a year.. at least, not without scrutiny (think overhead satellites).
3. Not all Canadians are Hippies, we get a bit more than the shjt shovelled us by mainstream media (ie. CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS...) Hell, I was watching the BBC when Hussein was captured.. and it took CNN over an hour to start covering it. Most Canadians hold independant thought as an important value, and tend to exercise it... at least a goodly bit more (on the whole) than the same cross section of our neighbours to the south.
4. Defending your country is one thing. Just remember, Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11/01. The REAL ENEMY is still in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir... Remember Usama Bin Laden? Yeah.. that guy. Playing in Iraq has pretty much nothing to do with looking for Bin Laden... so, how is invading an unrelated country defending your country? Hell, if you really want to make a difference to your country, sit down, learn about the history of oppression in the West, and why the economic elite are finding more and more means of hoarding more money and paying less Tax (per capita, and per dollar earned) than ANY OTHER GROUP. Help a kid learn to read, mentor a kid, do something like volunteer your time at a Vet's hospital if your so hell-bent on serving your country. (Before any of you flip out, Yes, I do volunteer at a Veteran's hospital, yes I am involved in Big Brothers.. I don't preach what I don't practise)
Grab a clue. I'm handing them out right now.. Supporting the troops does not go hand in hand with supporting Bush. Troops are there because they're following orders. Bush sets out those orders. Hoping family and friends come back alive is supporting the troops, hoping your commander in chief has the wisdom to say he was wrong has nothing to do with that. Supporting the troops doesn't mean you must support ineptitude at the upper levels of government.
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/creports/iraq.html <-- Read that in it's entirity and tell me that there are no problems with it.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.