Something that's been getting to me for awhile now is this whole Liberal vs. Conservative thing. Not just on this site, but just about everywhere. Most of you know my stance on it--basically if you enslave yourself to either ideal you're an idiot because the problems of any system cannot be solved with either mindset.
But the whole "political identification tests" made me think a bit--why are there people here that, even though there's extremely few (if any) 100% pure "Liberals" or "Conservatives" that people identify themselves as such? Granted, there are some that are hugely liberal or conservative, but it's going to ridiculous lengths. People worried about being "Liberal" or "Conservative" when they feel they should belong to the other camp.
It makes me reaffirm my belief that we, as a nation, people, and specie are @!#$. Really, does it matter how "liberal" or "conservative" you are? Why do you care--either about you or someone else. Your beliefs are your own and your experience that brings you to those beliefs cannot be shared--so why put on the dog and pony act to politically identify yourself? Why care?
Now, I'm definitely an elitist (you can tell), and i would say beyond a shadow of a doubt that anyone who feels that they need to "be" a certain political camp rather than taking everything individually, no matter what political camp they tend to subscribe to more than the other is a complete idiot. Now, i know there will be people from both ends of the spectrum that will say "but my beliefs just happen to fall 100% with xxx party". You sure about that? Or are you just under the impression that to be respected and taken seriously by whomever you have to be whatever political dogma? I'm seriously thinking the latter because no matter WHAT blanket designation you give yourself in any category of genre, you're not perfect. You have quirks--because if you didn't you'd be a robot. And if being a robot is what you find you need to do with your life, then fine, I wish you luck in your life. But, no matter HOW I got it, i have free will--like most other living entities, and I choose to exercise it on more dimensions than the 1-dimensional liberal/conservative axis.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I think the main reason is that Republican and Democrat core ideals have been blurred over the past 30 years. Conservative and Liberal tends to divide the teams a little more clear.
There are 2 occassions when I care; 1. is my bad habit of reading through all the opinions in the war forum, and 2. When I am sitting in class subjected to all the professors younger than me who preach politics as if their beliefs are the only correct ones.

Then I think you gotta go Green party
The thing I think most people get to the fact that they don't think they can think oustide party lines...and as for associating yourself with a party...I'm Republican, but I am a more moderate republican...meaning that I'm pretty liberal too
As for the only 2 party system, thank your congressmen and senators...they are the ones who make that possible

True (ADAM) at 18 I registered as an Independent, but after 5 years in Rent-to-own I went Republican ever since. You can't vote in Primaries, and the party system is set up to exclude other parties from getting on the ballot, raising any campaign finance, etc.

Because, In America, there are only 2 choices, anything more than that, and people get confused and then you have anuersyms (See Lewis Black Stand Up)
The Party system was opposed from the beginning, and I can't see it working because only 2 points of view (ie. black/white) are espoused. There's more grey in the world than anything.
I look at the 2 party system as being 2 sides of the same coin.
We haven't got a 2 party system here in Canada (There's a minority Liberal Gov't, and evne though there are problems, things are getting done) but still, I think aligning yourself with one particular set of ideals that aren't exclusively your own, you're selling out for a larger banner overhead.
Ideally, each representative is elected in their precinct (or riding), and brings the people's ideas to the table, including their own (but not to the exclusion of others).
That just can't happen with a party system, the individual ideal is lost to the party's ideals.
It would involve a lot more communication, but it would produce a more informed community I think.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I agree with you Keeper. I myelf tend to argue more conservatively because of what I believe and how it should be done, but there are instances quite often in fact when I take a liberal stand on a certain matter. I dont believ that conservative is 100% the way to go nor do I believe that liberal is either. I argue both sides and tend to associate with neither.
The 2 party system is a hack and should be dropped entirely.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
I'd never go green, because i'd be selling out to a party system. You'll have a better chance of me watching the Brady bunch.
Really, it still puts me in awe that people think that they NEED to be such and such. You don't need to be a straight-ticket person to be liberal or conservative--if you choose to do so. Just like you can be a christian without going to church.
First off, I work with people with college degrees, and they don't mean @!#$. A college degree doesn't say how smart you are, it says how well you can spew back to the professor what they want to hear. Professors are scholars, and scholars are not So, why care, really?
Further, in Washington, we can vote in the primaries if we're independent. We voted the 2-party primary out last year by over 75% of the vote.
Maybe we need a few peopleto have aneurisms--of both parties. It surely couldn't hurt culling the herd a bit of people who cannot hold 2 opposing ideas in their head and still function.
GAM: you hit the nail on the head...America is a representative republic--supposed to be representative of the people, not the political parties. It's why i think they should be outlawed.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I think that there are positives to a 2 party system.
Mostly it becuase of the extremes of a muti-party system, the one good thing about a 2 party system is even though you do have extreme's on either side...but they don't usually break off and start spewing their own propaganda, and even if they do most extremists are usually drown out by the moderates in both parties.
And you don't have to try to appease like 20 different least with this you can be a member of one that is pretty close to your ideals...and not one that only fits with one ideal...becuase I think that if we had a multi-party system, every Tom, Dick, and Harry would have his own political party.
Just my 2 cents

And how's that a bad thing?
The way i see it, there should be no political parties and the issues and candidates are taken at face-value, not the "ideals" their party stands for.
Now, i'm the last one to say that voting for anyone based off a less-than-palatteable is wrong, but still, consider the erroneusness of these actions for a second.
When you vote for someone, or an issue, most likely one party is backing it, or the paerty's candidate is backed by the party. Okay. How well do the follow the ideals of that party? Moreso, how well do you agree with those ideals, and on the stuff you and they dissent about, will that make or break your support for said candidate?
Really, I find if having less to do with appeasing political parties--they can violate their oral orifii on a whale's phallus for all i care. I disseminate things down to the people and their stances and the issues at hand. That's the base reality of it, because really, no one falls perfectly under the 2-party system, and no matter what tyou choose, you're going to be taking a bite of a bull@!#$ sandwich, because there are some issues in which you may actually side with the other party.
Now picture, if you will, the amount of checks and balances gained within that system. No political party means that there's less political identity for you, or the candidate to follow. That means that rather than, "Well, Kerry's democrat and Kush is republican, i'm democrat, so i'm going to vote for Kerry", you'll *actually* have to listen to the stance of the politicians, and what their take is on things--which would tip the balance of power. Further, you wouldn't have the B.S. of anyone whi is running for president *not* being invited to the debates--and then the debates would mean more because you don't have to worry about stepping out of your political identity--you're voting for the person that will do the best job, not the party in which they belong to and hope they adhere to the party's ideals. Further, it would be a bit rarer that anyone wins by a simple majority--with 3+ people running, it means that once you're in, you have to do a good job, rather than being a lame duck and screwing the pooch, because then you'll have about 66+% of the voting populace bearing down on YOU to get you out of there.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Yes, put a little chlorine in the politcal pool that is congress.
<raises his Kiltlifter Scotch Ale>
Here Here!
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
<raises Rolling Rock, because he doesn't know better yet>
A Toast to Sanity.
/me lifts a pint of Guinness and StrongBow
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
George Washington feared two threats to America above all others. First, the corrupting influence of political parties with their spirit of faction and selfishness; and second, the weakening of the influence of religious morality on public life. On both counts he was right - the Democrats and Republicans have betrayed us, and squandered the Founders'' legacy of liberty and justice. Countless government officials in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government take their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution with no understanding of the responsibilities that oath entails.
If it were my decision to make, political parties would be done away with and all candidates for a national ticket would have to submit a one page paper on their core beliefs and their platform. This would be assembled and mailed to every landowner in the country. Landowners were the only people eligable to vote when the country was founded and given the state we are in, I can see why. It would be in English, our nations language. There would be no TV or radio ads to influence anyone. All candidates would have an equal chance.
Just my opinion.
Chris Crossont
A.H.M. Performance
Baltimore, MD