This is enough to make anyone think twice about having kids:
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Wahahahaha. My birth control is going out into public and seeing how annoying other peoples kids are. Nothing worse that a damn crying kid.
Yeah beats me. One of my employees sent that to me. His daughter got it from one of the girls in her office but whether they took the picture or not I don't know. Could have been on the internet, but I saw it and about fell out of my chair so I thought I'd just share this with all you guys.
i am not having babies until ive compleltley exhausted the places i visted and "other" things I want to do with my TBD future wife. which means... never am i having kids.
I wrote this post a long time ago, a real long time ago, back in 94.
Emor8t wrote:i am not having babies until ive compleltley exhausted the places i visted and "other" things I want to do with my TBD future wife. which means... never am i having kids.
That's what you say now!
Funny pic though, I like how that kid in front of the TV is smiling.
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
RaiLS wrote:Emor8t wrote:i am not having babies until ive compleltley exhausted the places i visted and "other" things I want to do with my TBD future wife. which means... never am i having kids.
That's what you say now!
Funny pic though, I like how that kid in front of the TV is smiling.
That would be the guilty one.
All over the leather too!!!
OMG... I love kids, but they have to be cooked for at least 4-5 hours on a spit, and served with some good HP sauce.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Nah, you slow-roast them on a spit a little higher over the flame for about 6 hours and they become al dente--no need for the HP sauce.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I'll have to try that... sometime.
For all you that think Keeper and I are crazy for eating babies: I know you're all like,

they're talking about eating dead babies... well the comedy comes in when you realise that you get gems like
THIS ONE when the aftermath comes.
Note: dead babies on their own are sad and tragic, but the eating of once devillish and impetuous children is cheeky and irreverant
As if knowing your kids could grow up to be like this:

Ain't bad enough, knowing they could be eaten by a Fat Bastard such as I, would be birth control enough.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:39 PM
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
We were all kids once.
Hahahaha wrote:We were all kids once.
Yea, we were all kids once. Fortunately juvy records get sealed.
I've got 3 kids which proves...
1. I found someone willing to say "I do".
2. I eventually learn from my mistakes, which is why I don't have 4 kids.
3. Someday I'll be a grampa to little creatons like these
My kids are older than these two little mimes, but they got into there share of mischief.
You just KNOW the older one is this pic will set the garage on fire before his 12th birthday.
Ahhhh, the good ol days!
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
I'd honestly have a hard time scolding them and not laughing. Holy crap they made a mess.. I bet they did it in about 10 minutes. Dad was home alone with them, went to the crapper, got reading a car mag or "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader", came out and blamo!
Oh man, how to explain this to the wife?!?!?
Hahahaha wrote:Oh man, how to explain this to the wife?!?!?
"Honey, you know how you wanted new carpet? We're getting it now."
"Honey, check out the new sunscreen I put on the kids. It's SPF 2,000,000".
"Honey, how would you like to go furniture shopping?"
Hurry and clean up the kids. Then, roll on the floor in the paint. Break the step ladder and start swearing. When she gets in the room, lay on the floor and pretend to be mad as a hornet.
Yea, been there done that. Successfully BS'ing the wife for 17 happy years. Funny thing is that she's been doing that to me too for just as long, and I don't mind a bit.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
wow, and I thought it was bad when my sod got his hands on a marker.
sometimes it just happens with kids, you turn your head for like 2 seconds and all hell breaks loose. one thing is for dam sure though, I see my son do something like the pic above and can garuntee there will be a little boy gettin his but wupped
when you beat someone in a civic people wine and make excuses
when you beat someone in a cavalier they pull over and check under thier hoods
kids are much better boiled and then deep fried and placed gently on top of a spicy thai basil dish with a side of spicy rice noodle and peanut sauce.
thought everyoen knew about that one.
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
I still like them barbequed.
When the hell did the kid cooking tips come from a vegan?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
dead kid walking.... dead kid walking.
I wrote this post a long time ago, a real long time ago, back in 94.