Should the Driver's License test be overhauled? Should people be retested every 5 or so years?
I say Yes and Yes. Drving is still a privelige in this country however more and more people are treating it as if it has been as a right in the Bill of Rights. When I got my license over 10 years you only needed to take 10+hrs of in class instruction and 10hrs of driving instruction. In Ohio you never need to take another drivers test unless you royally screw up. I believe 20-30+hrs of driving instruction should be mandatory for new drivers and that drivers be retested every 5+ years to make sure they're still able to drive safely.
Keep the discussion clean.
i've been sayin this forever!! and i also believe that 16 is too young to drive. The kids are far too immature to be on the road, especially if their friends are in the car. I think instead or just renewing your license every 4 or 5 years you should take another test. Not necessarily a written one, but definitely a driving and parking test. People in general are stupid and cant drive. If everyone had to re-test every couple years, the older people woulndt feel as tho they are being singled out. Cuz, sorry, but there is a point in your life where you should no longer be allowed to drive! Also, cell phones and cars.........Some people can do, I do it more often than i would like, but i still pay attention to the road. Other people tho.........OMFG, i see people talkin on the cell phone nad putting on make-up, i even once saw a lady READING A BOOK while she was driving. Seriously, how stupid can you get. WE need to put peoples focus back on the road, not on all the gadgets and stuff inside the vehicle.
Well, i gotta o to work, but i' sure i'll add to the discussion through out the day
Yeah, 16 is to young. I think almost everyone that has reached 18 now realizes how young you were at 16.
well where i live the driving age is 18. Well you get your permit at 18. Many people drive like they own the road and do not use their turn signals at all. Just today someone just stopped on a small road and did not even put on a signal to let other know so i sat there for a while trying to figure out if there are stopping, going or moving on.
Also where i us to live as well if you took your drivers licence in an Auto your licence specified you are only permitted to drive and automatic. Those in manuals thier test was harder. They would take you to a hill and if you could not move off without rolling back you failed the test. Where I now i live so many people in a manual on a hill roll back a couple feet abd almost hitting me. This should be a requirement.
2004 Grand Prix GTP (Competition Group)
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"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people'
all the time
i know in pa you can get your permit at 16 and then you have to have atleast 50+ hours of driving before you can take your test. When i turned 16 thats when they passed that law. however they dont even check how many hours you had practice. I went to driving school and practiced for 6 hours then took my test and past perfectly. I think there is alot of dumb ignorant kids on the roads that have no sense of what they are doing and that what they are driving can kill people.
make our tests like the german ones.
problem solved.
Also, aside from adding things like to the test like "making it across town during rush hour", i think like many euro countries that you need to be able to prove you can do basic car maintenance.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaği, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
German Tests also require that you take a driving course from the TUV.
They also do not allow 90% of the modifications to cars that you see on US/Japanese cars, mainly because those mods have to be inspected by the TUV and approved of.
It's also the reason you don't see bajillions of tuning companies pop up in Germany, there's about 15 - 20... they're almost always affiliated with the factory for the reason that they can release their mods as factory packages and not have to dump their own money into Certification.
Also, Germans know how to drive. Right lane: Merge, Middle Lane: Drive, Left Lane: Pass. You can get fined heavily for driving too long in the left or right lanes... and rust on your car? Perforating rust requires repair, and a fine.
Re-certifying drivers happens every few years (it's 5 as I remember), and if you fail, you re-take the driving course, retest and fail: tough luck, try next year. Mandatory re-certifying every 2 years for drivers over 65, and if you have too many demerit points, you're banned from being in control of a car for 5 years, DUI/DWI 1 year ban, 4 years of interlock device, and 0 alcohol level for the 5 after that.
It's strict, and that's not a bad thing. Try this in the US, and you'd see traffic fatalities plummet.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
nah.....try that in the U.S. and you'll see a lot of people driving on revoked me i know a lot of people with suspended/revoked licences who still drive
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
mikec2003 wrote:nah.....try that in the U.S. and you'll see a lot of people driving on revoked me i know a lot of people with suspended/revoked licences who still drive
Thank god this is the war forum.
Its ignorant thinking like this that allows the problems such as those with traffic to continue. Can't fix it so why try. I met a woman once who had to have facial reconstructive surger, months of pain and hospital bills because someone on a suspended license ran a redlight. If your license is suspended and your still driving I'll be the first to call the cops on you.
We need much stricter traffic rules. 5 year certification would be great, but I think it should go even further to a more granular certifcation, requirements for certain weight classes of vehicles. I can't count how many times per day i almost get run off the road because some idiot can't control their 3+ton SUV.
Driving is a privilege not a right, americans don't seem to understand this. Even this week someone hit the front of my car because they couldn't parallel park without nailing their trailer hitch into the front of my car, of course they didn't leave a note.
If I ever become well off enough that I can afford to live off the wages of a driving instructor I will do it, I had already decided this many years ago. There are too many people that are instructed improperly to just "get bye" in the drivers test. My own driving instruction was a @!#$ joke. I take a lot of pride in my own driving, and i'm a firm believer of if your not passing your in the right lane, no ifs ands or buts.
Things people need to learn and follow to prevent accidents and traffic jams:
1.) Proper Following distances (allows room for proper merging without slowing down.
2.) How to merge. Its called an acceleration lane because your foot should be on the GO pedal.
3.) Stay off the cellphone(if you don't have handsfree), and put down the soda, stop doing things other than driving in your car.
4.) the left lane is for passing ONLY
This is a major issue that makes me furious, its my firm belief that 90% of people on the road driving don't know how to actually drive, I do occasionally see some people that know what there doing and actually actively making effective decisions to help and properly drive in traffic. The rest are too aggressive or to passive and don't understand proper regulation.
Did i @!#$ say don't try......dont @!#$ put words in my mouth. all i meant was that suspending licenses doesn't work, people still drive with no licence.......what you should do is toughen laws to include jail time for DUI and driving with suspended licences so yeah, you fail a licence retest, you go back to a permit to relearn the forgotten skills, you get busted on that permit.......90 days in jail, bet you won't break the rules again, because next time is 180 days, then 360, then 2 get the picture
the main point i was trying to make is that simple licence suspension won't do a damned thing because a cop has no reason to suspect you don't have a licence unless you give him reason to
and you'd call the cops on your own friend just for driving on a suspended license......jeez man, would you call the cops on someone on probation for going across state lines to go to a store too? or if your friend had a headlight out, call the cops on em for that? good friend there. all my friends with suspended licences drive perfectly now......they have to stay invisible to the police
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Mike, chill.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Well, I'll be honest, I wouldn't like having to go for recertification every five years, but, then again, I can't stand how people drive, if it made my morning commute faster and safer, I'm all for it.
I hate the fact that people don't know what their cars can do. I start driving a new car, and I take it to an empty parking lot, late at night, and I find out how it handles.
The problem isn't aggressive drivers. At least aggressive drivers are paying attention
(And before somebody jumps down my ass as it always happens on the .org, I'm kidding.)
Whty i want to save up the wampum and take a driving course over there. I figure I can get Callistoto perfome the moves of James Bond's Aston-Martin after that.
But yeah, i like their laws on that, and i do like the part about having to prove that you can do basic car maintenance.
And before someone argues, yes, i think you do need to know basic troubleshooting to operate a computer.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaği, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I think more testing would be good too but almost everyone can pass a test if they know its coming. Some people may be horribly crazy drivers normally but if you told them they had a test in a week, they could most likey read up and get some good driving habits for the test.
I also like the idea about having people have to know basic car maintenance. It's pathetic when you see people that can't change a tire or change a fuse or know what to do when their car overheats or anything like that.
I had my permit when i was 15 and my drivers license when I was 15 1/2.
But then again, I live in Montana and we dont have nearly as many people as most of you guys.
Now do I think that was old enough... no. I know that I did stuff then that I would NEVER even think about doing now.
But I do think that what degenerated said is a big part. People need to know what their car can do. How fast it stops, how it handles, how it accelerates, how to operate it.
People that are in touch with their car just have a smoother way of driving and then you get people that don't know what they're doing and they're the ones that screw stuff up.
I think one big thing that needs to be enforced is using blinkers. They help so much with telling other people what you are trying to do. Even as a defensive driver, people can only see so much from like body language.
the things that pisses me off the most is when i'm gettin on the highway, i see a merge hole coming so i speed up to match traffic and then i see some dee de dee sitting at the end of the ramp and i have to slam on my brakes and sometimes swerve to avoid them all because they have no clue how to drive properly!
i kno in my driving test (for my license), we made 1 left turn and 3 rights, then parallel parked that car, that was it. this is not enough. they should have you merge onto a highway and other things. a 5-10 min test can never show how a person really drives. its ridiculous, but i doubt it will ever change. there are too many people to go thru for that to happen. and the worst part of it is, most of those people are older and dont give a rats behind because they think everything is fine.
and as far a SUV's......If it aint goin off-road, which most would fall apart or get stuck anyway, you DONT NEED IT!!!!!!!
quit wasting gas and space! if you need to haul people get a mini-van. Need to haul big things? get a truck. SUV's are pointless, most sedans have the same passanger and cargo room now and are much safer and better on gas than these monstrosities.
i gotta work now, so thats the end of my rant...........for now
I think one big thing that needs to be enforced is using blinkers.
Meh, sometimes you need the element of surprise! Especially when somebody is being a dick and not letting you in.
I'm bad for road rage though. If I could kill people and not get caught, I'd definately do it.
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]GAM:
Whty i want to save up the wampum and take a driving course over there. I figure I can get Callistoto perfome the moves of James Bond's Aston-Martin after that.
But yeah, i like their laws on that, and i do like the part about having to prove that you can do basic car maintenance.
And before someone argues, yes, i think you do need to know basic troubleshooting to operate a computer.
The basic maintenance is pretty putrid:
- Change oil and filter,
- Check spark plugs for fouling
- Rotate tires/replace a flat... inflate the tires.
- Check and replace all exterior bulbs.
Not rocket surgery...
Most people would be utterly shocked if they knew how BAD a driver they are. We have a program here called
Canada's Worst Driver. it's funny and thought provoking... Anyhow...
BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes, Skip Barber... etc. They have training courses that are awesome, even Young Drivers of America is a great program to brush up.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:[quote=Keeper of the Light�]GAM:
The basic maintenance is pretty putrid:
- Change oil and filter,
- Check spark plugs for fouling
- Rotate tires/replace a flat... inflate the tires.
- Check and replace all exterior bulbs.
Not rocket surgery...
I think it's a great idea right there. I personally know tons of people who couldn't find their spark plugs much less pull them/ change them, and would rather PAY to have them replaced than learn. Im also pretty sure I know some people who wouldnt be able to use a jack and change a tire in the event of a flat. Something like this should definitely be part of our licensing procedure
IamRascal wrote:mikec2003 wrote:nah.....try that in the U.S. and you'll see a lot of people driving on revoked me i know a lot of people with suspended/revoked licences who still drive
Thank god this is the war forum.
Its ignorant thinking like this that allows the problems such as those with traffic to continue. Can't fix it so why try. I met a woman once who had to have facial reconstructive surger, months of pain and hospital bills because someone on a suspended license ran a redlight. If your license is suspended and your still driving I'll be the first to call the cops on you.
The lesson here - only run read lights with a valid license so that nobody gets hurt. I seriously hope you realize my sarcasm there.
An idiot driver with a vaid license is just as dangerous as an idiot driver with a revoked license. I've have a suspended license for too many vehicle code violations(too many of any tickets within a given period) - all because one ass-hole cop wanted to write me an exhaust noise ticket(I was basically idling so how loud could it be?), a ticket for a misc. light being out, and a liscense bulb being out - all at the same time, basically he was just an ass. He even accused me of being drunk and high
- I was stone cold sober and I haven't smoked pot since I was 18-19 years old - but he didn't pursue that because he knew he has nothing there.
And yes I am very polite to officers so I did not have this comming Stupid @!#$ like that and I get a 6 month suspension. All he had to do was give me a written warning and I would have fixed everything(although the exhaust really wasn't that loud). DOES THAT MAKE ME A MORE DANGEROUS DRIVER? I think not. In fact I'd bet on my driving over that of most the people here.
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
The thing is, everyone thinks they're a better driver than anybody else.
I do, you do, she does, and so does he.
I think I'm better than most people, because I do believe I demonstrate awareness and courtesy on the road. I know EXACTLY what's going on around me, and 9 out of 10 times, I do my best to get the @!#$ away from other drivers, because I don't want them getting their stupidity all over me.
But, I also know that I'm a much too aggressive driver. However, I'm only aggressive when everyone else around me is doing stupid @!#$. Seriously, how hard is it to use the passing lane for passing?
I'm guilty of sitting in the passing lane, too, but that's because I'm going FASTER than everybody else. If I'm not, I move the @!#$ over.
People seem to have lost sight of the fact that a car (or other motorized transportation) is made to get you from point A to point B as quickly as possible.
The only reason I can't drive faster on the roads, is because people are afraid of their cars. Unless the weather conditions are bad, you have no reason to drive under the speed limit. It shouldn't be a limit, it should be a speed constant. Go this speed, or walk.
There's nothing that bugs me more than some douchebag driving along on a two lane, undivided highway, doing 90 in a 100 zone. You're a prick if you're the one who does that. If I could put the cold steel of a gun barrel against the base of your skull, I would blow your goddamned brains out for being such a retard. Not only do you not know how to drive, but you're discourteous. That's the worst part.
I'm in Ohio too, but the driving age is 15 and a half, daytime privliges only.
And yes, the driving test needs to be tougher and retesting needs to happen.
With all the seatbelt laws, why isn't it a federal "No cellphone while driving" law yet? Some cities (like Parma) will pull you over and ticket you for talking on the phone while driving.
The real underlying problem is most people don't care or don't realize the seriousness of what an impact at 60 mph can do. I've seen people reading BOOKS on their steering wheels while driving on the freeway. Unfortunately I can't call 1-800-grab-dui and report them, my cell phone isn't "hands free".
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
i think these stupid a s s h o l e s on the road that don't let people pass them that are going faster than them ARE WORSE THAN STUPID THEIR LIKE BLIND PEOPLE WITHOUT A KNOCK STICK
like someone said in another post PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF THEIR CARS, and my God lets not even talk about when it rains here in jacksonville people act like they saw a ghost!!! they get scared to death. i can't even tell you how many times an ambulance sirens goes off after it rains its rediculas.
and it kills me when people get on your ass, but i get over and let them pass like your supposed to do then i get back into the far left lane.
Left lane is for cruising at faster speeds, middle lane for passing and right lane for exiting the highway
IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!
COME ON WAKE UP AMERICA AND LEARN HOW TO DRIVE A DAMN CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You take a women and X her by PSI devide the legs and you can then juice the car......LOL
ALcOhOLjC wrote:like someone said in another post PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF THEIR CARS, and my God lets not even talk about when it rains here in jacksonville people act like they saw a ghost!!! they get scared to death. i can't even tell you how many times an ambulance sirens goes off after it rains its rediculas.
I drive slower in the rain too. It's to avoid hydroplaning. Maybe that's why there's accidents every time it rains, people are hydroplaining.
ALcOhOLjC wrote:and it kills me when people get on your ass, but i get over and let them pass like your supposed to do then i get back into the far left lane.
Left lane is for cruising at faster speeds, middle lane for passing and right lane for exiting the highway
Funny, every state I've ever driven the signs say "slower traffic keep right". Maybe traffic laws are different there.
ALcOhOLjC wrote:BUT NOONE DRIVES LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!
COME ON WAKE UP AMERICA AND LEARN HOW TO DRIVE A DAMN CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're getting flipped off a lot maybe the problem doesn't rest with them. Maybe you need a refresher course or drivers school.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
"Funny, every state I've ever driven the signs say "slower traffic keep right". Maybe traffic laws are different there."
thats exactly what i said dumbass
ALcOhOLjC wrote:
and it kills me when people get on your ass, but i get over and let them pass like your supposed to do then i get back into the far left lane.
Left lane is for cruising at faster speeds, middle lane for passing and right lane for exiting the highway
You take a women and X her by PSI devide the legs and you can then juice the car......LOL