Hey everyone,
Alot of you may not know me because I havent posted in a while and those who do, this is probally a big surprise. Its been over 5 years since I've become a member and yesterday I said goodbye to the cav. I have had it since 96 and I didnt realize how hard it would be to part with it. I just wanted to say I'll probally be around but if you see someone posting with pics of my car its legit, the cavs gone.
Its been a good time .. the memories will always be there but it was time. It will be replaced with something else, just not sure what yet. I wish everyone luck.
Ed Kline
<img src= "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/z24it25/personal_pic.jpg">
My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
Sorry to see you go man, especially since you been around since the beginning
Good Luck with your new ride Ed!!!
99 Z24
#25 to register on the Org !!
Racers Edge
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance
Seriously. Hate to see the veterans move on... though I suppose it's inevitable.
Good luck with your next projects!! I certainly love how this one worked out!
really sorry to hear this man. you were one of my first inspirations to mod my car. the red/white combo you had going on was just killer. gonna miss it. good luck with whatever you do now
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown2.JPG">
FOR SALE email tabasco_ant@hotmail.com
Ed Kline... wow. Glad to know you are still doing well. As for the Cav, it was always such a clean representation of what could be done to a J. To this day still the top link at my "old school" links page at IFZ24.com. You were such a great guy to chill with at the Bash and always fun to chat with online. Best of luck in the future with everything, and be sure to say hello, cause I think some of us *cough* Dave *cough* Me *cough* may never be leaving.
Again, best of luck Ed. You're one of those guys on the JBO that everyone should have gotten to know well.
That's a dope cav. Well good luck with your new adventure
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Good Luck Ed, You were my one of my favorite cavy's when i had my red sunfire. I love the white on red and was going to do it untill i lost the red fire. It is sad to see us veterans go but i guess we have to eventually, with the exception of Teske, Weasel and Dave
I remember studying that Cav back in the day... it was one of my inspirations to do something about my stock Cavi.
Sold 2/2/05
Wow, I'm definitely surprised. I still remember when you first posted pics of your red/white interior!! Always a clean Cavalier. Good luck with your next car. See you around.
Good Luck man.
Saw it posted on Ebay last week so I'm sure there is one happy high bidder out there.
Yeah, saw it in the classifieds in here. Sad to see like many others. Best of luck!
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
i was just saying to myself not too long ago when veiwing one of the 1000's of "look at the JBO in the begining" type posts what ever happened to Ed Kline. you've been off of here for so long. your Cav was the #1 inspirations for my own red Z.
glad to see your still alive....LOL. good luck on whatever is next. So i gues the next question is......who's next Kevin Hopp (wild weasel) or Ian Lacey. stating bets are being taken.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
You built a great car, good luck on new things!!
FU Tuning
I've always loved this car and still now. Good luck with a new project!
- Darren
<a><a href="http://phewes.snowpants.org" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="http://phewes.snowpants.org/future.jpg" alt="get off my sig!"></a>
Damn, ive never even seen that cav, I LOVE IT! Too bad to see you go man!
WOW~! Ed, holy crapzors never thought i would see this post from you, damn your like a veteran of the veterans of j-body and one of the sexiest NJ j-bodies... what are you getting now that youve gotten rid of the cav? good luck with everything
damn looks alot like mine in the front
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
You can still post and BS with us .. we want kick you to the curb just for salling your cavy
ED those ar MY wheels
justt bigger
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
wait a sec....any chance you were at the OC car show a few years ago??
i think i remeber seeing your car, and it was def a reason why i bought a cavalier
Good luck ED, dont be a stranger
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap