I'm going to court in a month or so for 20 over which is $100- and 3 points. I don't care about the money, it's the points for insurance. What's the best defence?
screw court and pay it
maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
fight it ..... the worst that is gona happen to u is that ur gona have to pay it ....this way u have a chance to save ur points!!
all i got to say is no matter how small the ticket is ...fight it ....unless its a parkin ticket or somthin stupid like that =P
Insurance doesn't care about points when it's a minor speeding ticket like that. If it's on the record as a conviction, that's all they need to charge you more. Doesn't matter if it's 5 over or 29 over. I'm not sure what constitutes a major ticket though.
Points have nothing to do with insurance. Points only have to do with whether or not your license gets suspended. Don't let them fool you by offering to lower it a little so you don't get points.
And definitely fight it. At the very least, you'll get it reduced a bit and pay less for the ticket.