Let me know what you think, I will be posting Night Pictures later as well
kit looks nice but fog lights look out of place
thought i might try to help ya out
a lil bigger view
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
Those corner lights look retarded... other than that it's nice. Good job.
put before it and after it, it should work
g', 575, 461);[/IMG]
[IMG]'http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/show_image.pl?fg=000000&bg=FFFFFF&migration=1&image=http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/9/web/2061000-2061999/2061482_6_full.jpg', 575, 461);[/IMG]
How can i get sum of those angle eyes for my cavy???
Car looks so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!
good job!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Hmm. I like the headlights, but the corners have to go. Also, the front
bumper just doesn't really seem to flow well with the side skirts. Maybe
it's just me because I'm used to seeing the whole Drift kit in most cases.
Props for the hard work you have done though.
<img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/newjbosign1210.gif>
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"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
Good looking car. There's a couple of things I'd change, but I think the biggie would be the color of the calipers and drums.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/steve75/personal_pic.jpg">
i love your car man. the only thing i would change are the mirrors they look so out of place on cavys but to each his own. good job man.
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
Im not for sure but it looks like the headlights are painted the same color as the car....................looks very nice.