nice pix, we pulled into a rest spot and saw u guys drive past on 94..
loving the cars guys! red with the gold rims is my fav and the gold one with the slant plate looks awesome, maybe diff wheels tho imo.
Awsome pics... To bad i had to leave the BBQ early. Otherwise i would have rolled with you guys
2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
pure sex dude......pure sex
I want pancakes, and lots of sausage!
looks like your ride home was dryer than ours, we got a little bit of nasty rain and wet roads on the way home. The wet roads are waht gets me more than the raind it self, now my wheels look greyish in color.
My Myspace Page
Carbon Cavi wrote:loving the cars guys! red with the gold rims is my fav and the gold one with the slant plate looks awesome, maybe diff wheels tho imo.
the pewter one is mine thanks for the comments, ive been in search for wheels for a while now. had a great time, was nice to drive the car again after almost a year.
ruen thanks for rollin back with me, i got to stare at your car more!! hope lansing was fun.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:21 PM
nice pics guys yeah i had to pee real bad so we pulled into th rest stop on ($ and when we were going back to our cars we seen you guys roll past.. thought about trying to catch you guys but you were gone by the time we were out there!!! yeah the ride was good for us till we hit Ft. Wayne then it just poured rain the whole way to INDY but oh wel the bugs are gone off of the car
RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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Damm, RUENs car is soo cherry. I just love it. I wouldve came but no one wanted to ship my car there.
i want Ruens car so badly, and i hate red.
But his car is amazing. Damn it ... im jealous.
Thankyou Gentlemen!
Corbin, I was actually peekin at your ride in ur profile, and admiring the import fighter sides, with the type w front lip....makes me wonder, and gives me an idea....
Portage, MI
An idea!? what idea? I was looking at your IF front because i wanted a diffrent front for the HIN show but im sticking with the w-type. other than that, your car is dope.
nice pics guys.....this has got to be one of the most pics taking of one meet i think i have ever seen
sweet cars all around
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...