The New J TO ENVY - Photos & Media Forum

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Sunday, September 09, 2007 10:58 AM
I have only had this car for about two months now and it�s already starting to come together nicely. Obviously as far as the exterior goes, I have swapped the front bumper and everything that goes with it over from my GT. I also removed the moldings and badges and added an 8� antenna. Just today I got the suspension, wheels and brakes installed so I just couldn�t resist taking a few pictures even though the entire car is really dirty. Next weekend it will be fully detailed inside and out so I will post more and better pictures then, but for now I�d say these turned out pretty well .

Next up are a few small things including spraying the window moldings with bumper coating, installing rear wheel well liners, wiring up the fog lights, disabling the DRLs and swapping the B&M Shift Plus over from the GT. Next weekend I should have the interior pretty much complete assuming I can find some seats from a Sunfire GT and a graphite headliner. After that the windows will be tinted; 35% in the front and 15% in the rear.

More pictures and modification lists can be found on my Car Domain site.

Let me know what you think .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:03 AM
Missed the story along the way....why the sedan now?

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:08 AM
lookin good. keep us updated on this sedan .
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:17 AM
jnickel wrote:Missed the story along the way....why the sedan now?


In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:18 AM
Looks good so far, nice start.

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:20 AM
jnickel wrote: Missed the story along the way....why the sedan now?
I SATCHMOE YOU!!! wrote:werd

1. I have always preferred Sedans to Coupes. Unfortunately, at the time I bought the GT there were no Sedans on the lot and I absolutely fell in love with the styling of the GT, so the GT is what I wound up with. Once I realized 99% of the GT stuff could be swapped to a Sedan and after seeing ramairsedan's car, I decided I would just get a Sedan and add all the stuff I loved about my GT.

2. In my opinion the Sedan is more "grown up". In the GT I always had people trying to race me and brake check me and $hit like that and I finally got sick of it when some f*cker literally came way too close to running me off the road one night for no reason. This is also the reason why I chose to get regular license plates instead of the "J TO ENVY" vanity plates I had on the GT. I am also hoping to keep a lower profile with the Sedan in order to avoid trouble with the cops.

2.2&2.4 (azncav) wrote: lookin good. keep us updated on this sedan .

Don�t worry� you can always count on me to post plenty of updates .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:21 AM
Lookin good carrie. I cant get my eyes off the trunklid for some reason. I like the 2dr version of it a little better. Maybe its because it seems faded or something.

Id suggest 02 toyo tails and a cav trunklid. Maybe.

Either way, It looks good so far. I always loved your other car.
And the exhaust is too stock for you. You set a high standard with the other car

Looking good. I always wanted a GT bumper for my 'fire. Alas its going to hte boneyard soon. Any parts you need from her are up for grabs.

Keep it comming!
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:21 AM
Looks good. I can dig it! Thanks again for the side markers Carrie!

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:28 AM
Matt Linke wrote:Lookin good carrie. I cant get my eyes off the trunklid for some reason. I like the 2dr version of it a little better. Maybe its because it seems faded or something.

Id suggest 02 toyo tails and a cav trunklid. Maybe.

Either way, It looks good so far. I always loved your other car.
And the exhaust is too stock for you. You set a high standard with the other car

Looking good. I always wanted a GT bumper for my 'fire. Alas its going to hte boneyard soon. Any parts you need from her are up for grabs.

Keep it comming!

Thanks Matt! Right now my plan is to get everything that's black on the trunk panel and outer taillights painted to match the color of the car. I'm going to see how it looks and if I end up not liking it I'll just replace it with stock '00-'02 Cavalier taillights. Everyone who has a Sunfire Sedan ends up using Cavalier taillights which is why I want to try something different first.

The other car is now a GT/SE hybrid. It looks really goofy . I did set a high standard with the GT which is why I plan to get the Sedan to the level the GT was at before I go ahead with any other mods.

The '00-'02 GT front bumper is definitely my favorite by far. Nothing I can think of now, but I will definitely let you know if I think of anything .

Shadowfire wrote:Looks good. I can dig it! Thanks again for the side markers Carrie!

Thanks Micah and you're welcome ! How are they working out for you?

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:32 AM
The Silencer wrote:Looks good so far, nice start.

Thanks and sorry. I completely missed your post when I made my last one. Your Sedan was another one that inspired me when I saw it on Car Domain a year or more ago. Nice and clean just the way it should be .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:39 AM
Looking good, I like where you going with the sedan

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:46 AM
If you can pull of the painted trunk, I think itll look HOT.

Might be tough to pull off, as ive seen some shotty examples. I think youve got it in you to do it well.

Make sure to post/email pics
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:53 AM
Gregoiro (Greg C) wrote:Looking good, I like where you going with the sedan

Thanks Greg !

Matt Linke wrote:If you can pull of the painted trunk, I think itll look HOT.

Might be tough to pull off, as ive seen some shotty examples. I think youve got it in you to do it well.

Make sure to post/email pics

With the black painted it will basically look like a Cavalier rear end so I think it'll look alright. We'll see come spring time I guess .

I will definitely post more pictures as updates arise. You can count on that .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 1:42 PM
i like it

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 1:47 PM
I don't know if it's the pics but the rear looks like it's screaming to be lowered, still a + o r- 3 inch gap...

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:09 PM
t2 wrote:i like it

Thanks ! Sedans FTW!

FactoryPhreak wrote:I don't know if it's the pics but the rear looks like it's screaming to be lowered, still a + o r- 3 inch gap...

It only looks like the rear is a lot higher because the ground the car is sitting on is eneven .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:00 PM
I was never a fan of the sunfire sedans until now, wow! I think I might have to buy yet another J-body sedan.
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:05 PM
Glad I could help you out with that decision .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:24 PM
yay for silver sedans

now ya just need some silver mirrors

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:42 PM
Thanks Eric !

Silver mirrors are the devil, but Toyota Cavalier trunk lid liners are nice ! *hint* *hint*

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Monday, September 10, 2007 8:40 AM
should look as good as the old one did hon. just think you need to move. i never get anyone to do that kinda stuff around here.!/Square1Photography

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Monday, September 10, 2007 1:11 PM
sndsgood wrote:should look as good as the old one did hon. just think you need to move. i never get anyone to do that kinda stuff around here.


Who's doing what where ?

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Monday, September 10, 2007 1:59 PM
was talking about you saying you had all these people trying to rev on you and race you and such, i dont ever get that when im out so get your mind out of the gutter lol!/Square1Photography
Re: The New J TO ENVY
Monday, September 10, 2007 4:24 PM
People revving on me is another reason why I chose to get a 2200 Sedan. Now I can't get myself in trouble .

My mind is always in the gutter thank you very much .

Re: The New J TO ENVY
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:33 AM
very nice, GT bumpers are sedans are how they should have came ...i still miss mine sometimes

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