well, ive started working on the car alot lately because im just plain sick and tired of it being 3 different colors and its a good opprotunity to fix what needs to be fixed, anyways, on with the pics
started off with dumping it in the rear
next came one of my 1/2" hub spacers
decided to keep my 3/8" wheel spacer on too, along with painting, it and the drum black
heres how much it came out, this is with it still sitting on the ramp, will probably sit different on the ground
gold painted rims? yessir

only got 1 rim and 4 center caps done with 1 can of paint, picked up 2 more cans this morning, hope thats enough for the other 3 rims
will have more pics very soon
So is it gOnna b blu or silver, if it's gonna b blu then yay for gold rims if not then icky
all that spacing and the wheels are still tucked? whats the stock offset of those rims?
id say get the cancer fixed under the gas door before its too late.
blu, its going blue, Hi Lite blue pearl to be exact
azncav, honestly i have no clue, i bought the rims so long ago i cant remember
builtnboosted, itll be fixed, car isnt leaving the garage till its painted
I'm liking this.
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
better picture. looks better now.
should have the other back rim painted and the hub spacer/brakes all done tonight
Ive been trying to find some gold paint that would work good for wheels, what did you use? Looks good
the cans are in the pics lol
I know but dont know what the hell they are or where to get them lol, never seen that paint before
icemike89 wrote:Ive been trying to find some gold paint that would work good for wheels, what did you use? Looks good
i got it custom mixed, its as close to the subaru gold as they could get
another peekture, this is the second rim done
The size and offset should be on the inside of the rim somewhere. Did you paint your trunk filler panel black?
So... how exactly did you dump it in the rear?

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
Micah (Shadowfire) wrote:The size and offset should be on the inside of the rim somewhere. Did you paint your trunk filler panel black?
kinda, its a really dark metallic grey, i have another filer panel im working on atm
Transporter7220 wrote:So... how exactly did you dump it in the rear?
im on coilovers
looks great IMO I need to get a hub adapter for my rear wheel, I HATE it not being even with the front.
heres a little teaser, car isnt painted yet, but its a good sign of the close future
why didn't you mask off the inner fenderwell and suspension when you sprayed the drums? overspray does not look classy man =\
good job on the rims tho, they look good.
The frame had a little rust that I took car of and I shot some black paint in there afterwards, and thanks