ok during the movie
*spoilers maybe*
on the scene where there going onto the ferry there is a red 95-99 sunfire gt on the boat...only thing diffrent about this sunfire was its translucent/ black looking roof.. very similar looking to the roof of a dodge stealth or mitsu 3000gt anyone else notice this if sooo how? why? where? did that sunfire come from
BTW, Have you ever seen Dave's sunfire? KInda has the same effect, it's basically just extra glossy black paint that makes it look like the windshield extends over the roof to the rear window. Just like the cars you mentioned.
<img src=http://ourworld.cs.com/jwithspray/Nitrosig13303.JPG>
no i havent do u have a pic you can post i think that looks sooo good even thogh it wouldnt do much for my black fire
It was stock on some Sunfire GTs in the 95-98 Sunfires... I want to do it on my Cavalier.
i still love that ^^^ pic
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there a few stock 95(?) sunfires that came with black roofs.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Theres a Green 97 Sunfire GT with a black roof at the local yard.
I didnt see the red one, but in that same scene when the cars are falling off the ferry, a white Sunfire goes right across the screen underwater...
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
My 96 Sunfire GT had it, but I had it re-painted to match the body color...
<img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/96sunfiregtsmall.jpg>
<img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/newjbosign1210.gif>
________<a href="http://www.krimotorsports.com?source=JBOsig"><img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/krimotorsportsbluemini2.jpg>________
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ive seen a blue/aqua color GT with a black roof , looked kinda cool
considering i hated the Z28's because of the black roof , when the base camaors got the painted roof's
cool guys thanx for the nfo