If I were to have a simple Text only Jbody.org sticker made, would that be frowned upon? I would buy the one available but it's just too big for my taste. I can't get into any legal trouble can I? JBO, I ask your permission.
jbody.org is copyrighted...
DrPaul84 wrote:jbody.org is copyrighted...
yeah but who would really know?are the cops going to pull him over "son, you know you have a copyrighted jbody.org sticker on your car?"
Legally you shouldnt. but its not gonna kill him to do it.
I don't think Dave would care if you had one made for your car. I think he'd only take issue if you tried to sell them or something.
Really just have to ask the man himself though.
Yeah, I believe he's stated that before if memory serves me right. You can get one made for your own vehicle, but if you get copies made to try an make a profit then there will be issues
free advertisment... dont see the problem unless your making a profit off it
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=160213&cat=25&val=1" target="new"><img src="http://j-body.org/registry/forestada/new%20sig.jpg" border="0"></img></a>
I did this awhile ago and dave told me as long as it was for my own personal use it was ok.
yea what theyre saying...not for your own financial benefits
i'll give you ten bucks for it if you get it made.
^ lol trying to get him sent to jail
if you do make one you should make a bunch and sell them for the exact price you paid plus 37 cents for S&H and support the org. i thought about doing it
^^^ OR, you can send in your five bucks and order one from Dave & support the org. It'd be interesting to find out how many people find out about JBO from the stickers, and how many find it by web surfing. You can put me in the Google search catagory.
Just thought of something... A while back I seem to remember someone posting JBO postcards that people could print out, cut in quarters, and leave on other Js that you see around town. I think it was in the image manipulation forum. I think thats a much better way to support the org than taking a potential revenue stream away from the site.
That's a hell of an idea^^^
^^ I like that idea. We should do it. What does Dave.org think?
As for the origional question, I dont think Dave.org would mind if its jsut for your car.
And as for it being copyrighted... I can write "j-body.org" on a peice of paper and not get sued, I dont see how writing it on your car would be any different, regardless of how its "written"
-- The The One One --
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/personal_pic.gif">
I have a jbody sticker on my car, I guess I should remake it with a .org at the end
Make the sticker, sell it on ebay. Perhaps you can ship them out faster than Dave can, thus taking his buisness away. One can only dream.
I would rather support a ratzero.com sicker.
MIKE, get these made RIGHT NOW!!

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
ive left pieces of notebook paper that say www.jbody.org with a brief description on J's before
i wasnt saying to take business away i was just saying why not support it and make a new style sticker at the same time.
i would deff print some postcard style flyers
if some one wants to post a link that would be cool
The Other Matt wrote:ive left pieces of notebook paper that say www.jbody.org with a brief description on J's before
me too lol
and ive tailed about 2 really nicely modded J's ive seen to talk to them and see if they want to start a J-body club
as far as making a sticker for your own car....as long as you dont sell it to make profit your fine
I posted a message a while ago asking anyone if they wanted me to make them J-body.org stickers for there cars, I was warned by Dave that It was copyrighted and therefore illegal, he did however tell me at that time that I was allowed to make my own stickers for my car but selling them is illegal. It's like making a Chevrolet logo and selling it, Chevrolet can sue you for it.