Lenko had fireworks....... i know i was frightened too at fires ANYWAYS
Lenko Hypsy and I found some culverts and stuff and well as two cops.......good wholesome fun
heres more or less the convo
cop: raise yer hand if yer intoxicated (no body really moves)
cop: okay raise yer hand if youve been drinking (the majority raises their hands)
cop: okay how many havent been drinking (like 4 people slowly raise their hands)
cop: (insert some bs about public intoxication and a warning)
cop gets info from each person
cop: where is your license sir
lenko: in my car
cop: state yer name and where yer from
lenko: John Lenko...l-e-n-k-o british columbia
cop: so you flew down here?
lenko: nope i drove....46 hours
cop: you DROVE 46 hours to be here? are you out of your F***ing mind?
me(mumbling): every year
Lenko: yes sir
cop: well this is reported as juvenile so i can expect you guys are done for the night?
group: yeeeeesssssss
cop: okay good now return to your hotel rooms and behave
Hypsy: Officer can we light off one more?
sndsgood wrote:weasel was parked like 4 cars down from me and i never saw him all weekend long lol
Pork Chop Sandwiches!!! wrote:sndsgood wrote:weasel was parked like 4 cars down from me and i never saw him all weekend long lol
You probably saw him but didn't recognize him because he got rid of the Canadian Mullet...
Wild Weasel wrote:Pork Chop Sandwiches!!! wrote:sndsgood wrote:weasel was parked like 4 cars down from me and i never saw him all weekend long lol
You probably saw him but didn't recognize him because he got rid of the Canadian Mullet...
heheh. Yeah, I'm not too sure how many people actually knew who I was there. I had an absolutely blast though. Huge props to all the people we hung out with! That was a great crew!
I'd go through and name everyone I met but those who met me know how bad I am with names. heh.
Actually... I just started... and realized I already can't match up all the faces I'm seeing in my head with the right names.
I can't wait to see all of ya again next year though!!!
Brew beat me to the post there. heh. I was just about to post who "and friend" was as many if not most of you surely know him here. For those who don't... well he's been here longer than most of you.
Moderator powers... heh... I swear the place totally warmed up after that.It was a bloody freezer when we walked in!!
And speaking of the Indiana State Police... we got stopped on our way home yesterday. I got a green warning ticket. The cop said we were doing 80 in a 70 and would appreciate it if we slowed down some.
First off, I was stoked that I didn't actually get a ticket. Here in Ontario, if I get pulled over, I am getting a ticket. I've NEVER been warned about anything! Secondly though... do you guys seriously get pulled over for doing 10 miles over the limit in a 70 zone????
hypsy wrote:i loved the fireworks. most bad ass thing this year. that mortar sucked hardcore...it just popped out the tube and everyone took off running...LOL.
QuasiZ (Raiseup) wrote:LMAO, I believe Arlo (Nstig8r) got that fireworks/cop experience on video. I'll have him post it up when I see him. Definately something I'll remember from the bash.