Yes, you didn't read wrong, I am leaving the org.
Why am I leaving? Well, unlike most people who leave cause they are probably pissed off at moderators or newbies, I am leaving because I am tired of the VETERANS attitudes.
Lately I've been seeing alot of attitudes come out, alot of people who have this huge chip on their shoulders and think they are so much better than other people because they've been modifying longer than someone else or because they've been a member year(s) longer so that gives them the right to treat other people like crap. Honestly, it's sickening. This is an online forum...yes, we all have different personalities and different tastes but being outright rude to people isn't neccesary.
I'm sick of seeing people get attacked because they have different tastes (example: Orlandomon having a pink ZOMG!), don't know as much as others (the newbies) and just for having a different opinion.
Ultimately, it's the negativity that just makes me not want to stay here and it's a shame. There is so much knowledge here, so many good people, so much positiveness that COULD come out of here and it gets tossed into the garbage because people having this huge egotistical and elitist attitude. I try to pride myself on being positive in just about every situation I'm in...if I see someone wants to drop their car by cutting their springs, I explain why they shouldn't...I don't sit there and call them an idiot and become a "firestarter". What is the point of making fun of people or putting others down? There is's only done for one feed the egos of the ones responding making them seem so much better than others.
I've felt this way for a while but tried to ignore it and do my thing but yeah, it's gotten to me. I know I know, it's only the internet but it reflects reality. If I was surrounded by nothing but jerkoffs, I'd leave them in an I'm doing the same online.
I would like to say something on a positive note...
I'll miss all the people who stay having positive attitudes and helping others, all my AG friends, the moderators, Dave, the newbies and all my JBO buddies (you guys know who you are). This place has tought me alot and brought me so many good things throughout the couple years I've been here and I appreciate it.
As far as my future:
I'll still be communicating with members (mainly my friends), I'll still leave my membership here and profile up, I'm currently on a new forum (read signature) and helping building it up and I'll be on other J-body and Cobalt forums helping others whenever I can.
Now even though this is my "farewell post", I'll be posting in the thread for the CT meet and possibly give a last update on how my car is doing one day in the near future...but as far as being the post whore that I was...won't be that way any longer. I'll also be responding to replies on this thread.
Hope everyone understands my reasons of leaving and I will truely miss some of you guys. I might even see you guys at this years GMSC Bash. If you guys ever want to contact me, check my registry.
Peace out org.
*waves goodbye* / 732-742-8837
im better then you cause ive been here for 7 more months.
You couldn't have said it better, hun. Good luck with the car. You'll be missed. Don't be a stranger on AIM, though
Rest In Peace, Saint. Oo Rah
I commend you for this. There are plenty of people on here who make this place suck, I've contemplated leaving before.
There are so many people with horrible attitudes that it's not fun here. I'll remain in contact.
sorry to see you go. Best wishes. And um well I'll probably see you in a couple days so
yeah man that raelly sucks to hear and all tho, loved seeing your posts on your car and that turbo build. But i have to agree, i've seen alot of atitudes on here to but like you tried, i ignore them but ever post you read there is one so it's hard not to forget it. Sorry to see you go man!
Hey bro, I respect your decision and I understand where you're coming from. I haven't been on here as long as you have but its already starting to get to me. You've helped alot of people here and have given alot of guidance to many unwanted newbs. I know we're still going to talk, especially when summer starts up and I don't have classes and exams to preoccupy me, but good luck with your car, your new Moderator position at Ecotecforum, and all other future plans you laid out for yourself. Even if some don't admit it, you'll be missed here on the Org. If you weren't giving assistance and suggestions then you were cracking a joke and making people laugh.
Again, good luck and take it easy, bro.
Adam, Thank you for saying a majority of what I have said in the past and still believe til this day! It's sad that a place that has so much potential can have so much hatred. Good luck with your endeavors and don't forget to keep in touch with those who actually meant something...........or took you to Denny's while you stayed at Josh's! lol Love you!
The org definately isint the sharing of ideas it once was. when a newbie posts a question, if you have the time to tell them to search you got the time to answer the question. and have any of you used the search feature here? ITS GARBAGE. i dont blame em for not using it...
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
What are you raising the flag for - you're a traitor too!!
Adam, like I just told ya on AIM, there's a reason my reponse doesn't say Premo anymore
No more JBO post whoring from me either
Good luck with everything, you may start seeing me around at some point
F/S: 2005 KAWASAKI ZX-6R 636, 1105 MILES, $7500 OBO
Sorry to see such a helpful person leave, but the reason is completely understandable. Keep in touch on aim, and I wish you the best with your car and everything.
Sorry to see you go man. Good luck with the new forums!
sorry to see you go.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
MS Walk April 21 - I HIT MY GOAL!!! thanks to those of you who have supported me!
its hard to be a VET
to many people now a days cant read , and comprehend
there was a post in boost , guy asked some thing that was answered 2 posts above his post , and no he miss the post that had answers for his , since the answers were posted the night before
ive noticed alot of the eco people , are alot more impatient than the 2.4 guys , and alot more must be illiterate , cause they cant read , and gotta make a new post about the eco s/c or the reflash for it
when posts are there with all the info that is out at this time
and for some reason , not 1 of them has caught on that the eco TMAP is more than 2bar , how much im not sure , but i know it reads to atleast 18-20 psi , because it reads that high in the redline/cobalts
but just like saying you want to leave , for the harsh attitudes , the same can be said for the ignorant out there
you know me adam , i help when and where i can
but i can only handle so much also (not refering to your questions) in genral
you gotta do what you gotta do man
NJHK (The Turbo Negro) wrote:Yes, you didn't read wrong, I am leaving the org.
Why am I leaving? Well, unlike most people who leave cause they are probably pissed off at moderators or newbies, I am leaving because I am tired of the VETERANS attitudes.
Lately I've been seeing alot of attitudes come out, alot of people who have this huge chip on their shoulders and think they are so much better than other people because they've been modifying longer than someone else or because they've been a member year(s) longer so that gives them the right to treat other people like crap. Honestly, it's sickening. This is an online forum...yes, we all have different personalities and different tastes but being outright rude to people isn't neccesary.
Its the internet, take it as seriously as you want. I used to get all pissy and irritated when certain people would talk crap to me but then I realized my time and energy is worth more than fact, I let my premium run out and could care less anymore to be honest. In conclusion, do as you may but remember, there are bigger and better things to worry about then someone showing their ass over the internet thinking they are superior.
Their attitudes affect you as much as you allow it. Are you really going to lose sleep because of it? If so, then start spending more time away from the computer.
"Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a senseless cult of normality, a mindless desire for standardization, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication. Thus, I shall go with NJHK, for he is wise and truly a leader." Peace Out You PuNk Mutha Phuckas!!!
screw u adam.. leave..
lol j/k arnjolt explained it best..
Arnjolt wrote:I commend you for this. There are plenty of people on here who make this place suck, I've contemplated leaving before.
There are so many people with horrible attitudes that it's not fun here. I'll remain in contact.
Sad to lose such a knowledgeable individual to something that could definately have been avoided. Best of luck, bro.
I root for the underdog...figured I might as well be one
You've always helped me out when I needed it, from goin to the exhaust shop to meeting up at the rest stop. Good luck in the future, you got my AIM.
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
Gearhead2200 wrote:Sad to lose such a knowledgeable individual to something that could definately have been avoided.
Yeah, its called not getting so butt-hurt over something that is posted on the internet. If people don't like something then click the little "x" in the top right hand corner. I still don't understand the mentality of people here. If you like something then good, if not then leave quietly because you know making posts like this aren't going to solve anything or make people "play nice" over the internet.
Gearhead2200 wrote:Sad to lose such a knowledgeable individual to something that could definately have been avoided. Best of luck, bro.
knowledgable? hell you could be just as smart as him if you'd spend time reading all over the internet... on the other hand most of us go otu and DO thing to learn...
adam - sucks to see you go, but you gotta be real here.. you shouldnt let others affect you're leaving.. hell I get pissed at ignorant morons and lose my cool... I wont say who thinks so highly of himself he thinks he is #1 here but hell not everyone can be as *cool* as him.. but anyway..m I am sure you'll stick around... ignore those who irritate you... see ya around
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
sad to see one of the few respectful people left on this site go.
see you on ecotecforum
All I know is I'm a god....... bow down
you'll be back adam..... they always come back.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap